Pyeong Hwa Gyeong: Episode 383
Pyeong Hwa Gyeong: A Selection of True Parents’ Speeches
Book 9: The Role of Nations in Realizing World Peace
Speech 17: Let Us Perfect the Peace Kingdom through the Peace UN, pg 1429-1432
Refugees who lost their homeland
Ladies and gentlemen, humanity is in the position to recover its homeland.
Those who take a short trip can return to their homeland, but those who have lost their homeland cannot return so easily. At the moment history began, we lost our homeland. We were expelled and have lived as nomads. We have not been in a position to return, and we have not even known the way back. We have lived as wanderers without a homeland, roaming aimlessly for thousands of years. Those who come alone from North Korea as refugees and now live as displaced people understand this mortifying and weary life. All your friends, siblings, and even your parents are taken from you. You know your homeland exists, yet it is not a homeland that you can go to anytime you choose. You have lost the way there. You live in extraordinary circumstances of profound sadness, from which you have to start from nothing and build a new life for yourself from scratch. But even if you have the good fortune to become rich and socially prominent during your refugee life, nothing can take away the sad longing, deep in your heart, to return to your homeland.
In the same way, all people became lonely orphans as a result of the Fall committed by the first ancestors. We live in the pitiful position of people who have lost their homeland. God, the owner of our homeland, solemnly waits for our return, even though until now we have lived without even the desire to return. We have become such a shameful sight that we dare not even lift our heads before heaven or earth. During the course of the world’s population rising to more than six billion, people have experienced so much misery in life that they are unable to discern night from day. When God sees the distress of His children, His heart must be in so much pain that He can barely speak. When a child meets with tragedy, no one feels more sorrow and pain than its parents. God created us as His children.
What, then, is God’s heartfelt desire? It is to liberate His children by any means possible, so that we can find our way back to our homeland. Religion is God’s strategy to open this way. Through religious movements, He laid a foundation for people to get together and return to the homeland, to the place where we transcend our environments, languages, cultures, ethnic backgrounds, ideologies, systems and philosophies. He always sees the situations in which each of you lives. He waits anxiously for the day you can return to your homeland.
You must understand that God is the vertical True Parent who has conducted His providence in ways that accommodated the culture of each historical period. He never did this because He preferred any particular religious body or country. It was a manifestation of God’s true love for the sake of your liberation. Building a bridge that would allow you to return to your homeland in freedom has taken effort. So please remember that you each represent your family and also your country and all of humanity. You also represent all your ancestors in the spirit world and all the descendants who will be born in the future. We have to achieve this precious, liberated state and fulfill our responsibilities before Heaven and our human family.
We have deep longing for our homeland because that is the place where love is shared with others. The love of our mother and father, of our older brother and sister and our younger siblings, the love of our wife and children and of our relatives can be found in every corner of our homeland. Here, all these relationships and bonds are connected in altruistic love; we want to embrace them all at once. The traveler who yearns for his homeland longs to return home as a proud, liberated person, so that he can embrace the mountains, rivers, grass and trees, give love to his family and relatives, and sing joyous songs. Since being vanquished and expelled from our homeland, and having lost the connection of heart rooted there, we have been unable to return and have instead been doomed to wander a lonely path through eternity until finally arriving in hell. Now, however, we can be liberated. The path to the homeland, situated deep within our memory and appearing in our dreams, has been cleared. This is surely the day of greatest blessing for humanity. You are going to recover the homeland lost by Adam and Eve.
Families of four generations living in harmony
When you go to your homeland, you do so in the position of the perfected Adam, the perfected Jesus, and the representative of the returning Lord. God will reside in your family. The four generations of grandparents, parents, children and their children will live together in harmony. The grandparents must be attended as the ancestral root. They are the living root of history and the root of the heavenly kingdom that extends into the family. This is a family where the kingdom of God on earth has taken root.
The root of the kingship that will continue forever also will be firmly established in such a family. The grandparents, parents and children represent the roots of the past, present and future, respectively. The root of the past represents the spirit world. The root of the present is a palace representing the present world, and the root of the future is the children living as princes and princesses in a palace of peace representing the two worlds, the spirit world and physical world.
The mission of the tribal messiah is to establish the families of Cheon Il Guk, where four generations—grandparents, parents, children and the children’s children—live as one family attending the eternal God. This is also God’s heartfelt desire. The mission is to establish families that God, were He to go to another land, would long to return to. It is to raise families that God can feel comfortable visiting anytime, just as a parent would visit the home of a child. That is a life of service to God. In such a family, God becomes, vertically, the subject partner of the conscience. Your own mind will follow this vertical subject partner and bring your body to unite, as you yourself become a vertical subject partner. In this situation, parental love, conjugal love, children’s love and sibling love, that is, the four great realms of love, or four great realms of heart, will be completed. This is how a family must be in order to exist eternally through continuous spherical movement that connects up and down, front and back, and left and right as one.
Ladies and gentlemen, why is it necessary to marry? We marry to attain the position of an owner. A man or woman alone is only half a person. That is how it works in God’s creation. That is why God divided the ownership and placement of the reproductive organs, which are the love organs. The husband is the owner of the wife’s reproductive organ, and the wife is the owner of the husband’s reproductive organ. If they are to take the position of their partner’s owner, they have to practice love that is for the sake of their partner. It is to obtain this position of ownership that people marry.
For what purpose, then, do we want to obtain the position of owner? It is because from that position we can occupy God. God is our subject in three great partnerships. As the owner of the cosmos, He is the true love Teacher, true love Owner and true love Parent. These are the three great subject-object partnerships. All these teachings and truths will be realized in the life of true families. When these are expanded, societies, nations and even the world and cosmos can change into the peace kingdom.
The tribal messiah who returns to his or her homeland must have a determined and unwavering demeanor. There can be no complaining. It is our destiny to go this way, even if it brings us to weep bitterly. Those who understand the circumstances of the Heavenly Father, who has waited for His lost children throughout the millennia with a grief-filled heart, cannot travel this path without shedding tears. Fill your steps with hope, as you go out to plant the seeds of love. Once these seeds of true love are planted, no one will be able to steal them. They are the seeds of the heart of true love. The families and countries where these seeds sprout will remain forever in God’s possession. Those families will become distinguished families of Heaven producing God’s representatives, generation after generation. Those countries will become great nations under Heaven.