Until now for Unification Church members the time has come near; but it worries me greatly, and I cannot help but be skeptical about how many people know that the time is coming...
Since we know that living for ourselves, for myself is always being an enemy in relation to the course of the providence of salvation, and living for others is the course that levels that path of all the difficulties and struggles which are always in front of us, please let us go the path of living for others...
Father! We must become Your true seeds and grow into true trees and put forth flowers and bear fruit and appear as hundreds of fruits which can be embraced in Your bosom...
Father! If we are sons who know Your devotion, Father, even if we wake up in the middle of the night, we would not be able to help bowing down to You with embarrassed minds which are not able to cover up our shamefulness as sinners...
Father! Through looking at the course of History and through our own lives of faith, we have come to clearly understand that heaven is an eternal place...