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Pyeong Hwa Gyeong: Episode 19

Pyeong Hwa Gyeong: A Selection of True Parents’ Speeches
Book 1: The Principles of True Peace
Speech 4: The New Future of Humankind, Pg 73-76 

The Bible stresses living for the sake of others

Jesus’ words are very clear when we analyze them. We need to know that he was disclosing a great heavenly principle when he said he came “not to be served, but to serve.” (Matt. 20:28) In other words, he came to live for the sake of others, not to ask others to live for his sake. Since Jesus’ life was anchored in God’s ideal, the origin of all forms of existence, we need to realize that Jesus preached about this origin and followed a life course that was in complete accord with this origin.

Despite the great volume of the Bible’s sixty-six books in the Old and New Testaments, they can be summed up by the phrase, “Live for the sake of others.” We did not understand until now the paradoxical reasoning behind the idea that those who wish to go up will go down, and those who wish to go down will go up. This is certainly the truth in light of the principled origin of the creation.

I am aware that there are many people who do not know much about the spirit world. Thanks to God’s special grace, I have had opportunities to experience the spirit world thoroughly. What does the structure of that world look like? Who can go to the kingdom of heaven? Who is allowed to go near the throne of God? Those who have lived only for their own sake cannot go there. Since God, Himself, who is both the ideal Origin and central Being of creation, lives for the universe, and since He lives as the central Being of the principle of living for the sake of others, the structure of the kingdom of heaven is simple. Our obvious conclusion is that it is a place that can be entered only by those who live for the sake of others.

The place where God, the Lord of the universe, dwells is our original homeland, the original world. How can you learn to be in accord with the law of the original homeland? It is through religion. What, then, would be the mission of religion? God’s Will for religious believers is not to live only for the sake of their own religious denomination, as do sectarians. Even if it means transcending itself, a religious denomination needs to be able to live for the sake of God and for the sake of humanity. Instead of living for one’s own church and fighting for one’s own church, a religious denomination ought to fight against Satan and direct its course for the sake of humanity.

What makes a true religion?

For this reason, today’s religion is a training ground where you practice to live according to the law of the original homeland in order to equip yourself to return there. For this reason, since the onset of history, the many religions that followed God’s Will practiced self-denial. Until now, we did not understand why we were told to sacrifice ourselves and serve others. This is because the original world is the original homeland where one exists for the sake of others. Therefore, in order to go to that world, you need to train and prepare. In this regard, the higher the level of a religion, the more it emphasizes the need for sacrifice and service. This attests to the fact that God has continued to carry out His providence throughout the course of history.

Then what makes a true religion? The answer is simple. A true religion is one that follows God’s Will. What is God’s Will? It is to save the universe and to save the world. Christians need to know this. God’s Will is to save the world. This world needs to be saved, even if it means sacrificing Christianity. This is the Will of God. The original mission of Christianity is to fulfill God’s Will. In order to achieve His Will, Christianity needs to fulfill the responsibility of bringing salvation to humanity. Otherwise, it will be judged and will not be allowed to go the way it is destined to go. I have looked into this and found it to be true.

Where can we find the true religion? It is a religion that can sacrifice its own nation, its own denomination, or its own church for humanity. Such a religion will not perish. What do we need to determine? You need to know that we can differentiate what is true and what is false based on the principle of who lives more for the sake of the nation and humanity.

The reason for the principle of living for the sake of others

Why did God have no choice other than to establish the principle of living for the sake of others? I shall elaborate on this question. Let’s say you owed a favor to someone who was truly devoted to you. In that case, would you wish to pay back only fifty percent, or would you wish to pay back more than one hundred percent of what you owed? What would your original nature want to do in this case? Without a doubt, your original mind would desire to pay back more than one hundred percent. Because we have an original mind and can follow it, it is possible for us to be saved.

You need to know the reason why God, the King of wisdom, had no choice but to establish this principle of living for the sake of others. When you live for the sake of others, you live eternally, and you also prosper. And thereupon, you can develop and grow. When you owe a favor, you pay it back, and it is utterly impossible to pay back just exactly what you owe. Your original mind desires to pay back more and spurs you on to truly devote your life to do so. You need to know that it is because you have such a heart that you can go to the kingdom of heaven.

What is the second reason that God had no choice but to establish the principle of living for the sake of others? For example, let us say that there were eight family members in your family. If among those eight, the youngest child lived more for the sake of the family than anyone else, be it father or mother, or brothers or sisters, to what position would this youngest member advance? As time passed, everyone would think more and more highly of this child, and this son or daughter ultimately would emerge as the central figure.

The logic taught by today’s religions may seem paradoxical, yet if you were to follow this principle, you would see that as you lived more and more for the sake of others, you would become the central figure on a higher and higher level. How can you become the central figure? Since God exists for the sake of the entire universe, a person who lives for the sake of others comes to resemble God. Therefore, it is valid to say that He will install the one who resembles Him as the central figure in His stead. When you become an object partner who truly lives for the sake of a subject partner, who in turn truly lives for the sake of the object partner, you naturally become a central figure.

A significant problem in today’s politics and philosophy is the relationship between rulers and the ruled. Until now, the solution to this issue posed a dilemma. However, we can solve it easily. Human beings in the contemporary world think it is a disgrace to stand in the position of living more for the sake of others and of being ruled and dominated by a central figure. They say, “I would rather die than be under someone else’s dominion!” They don’t know what they are saying. We miss knowing how happy it is to be under the complete authority and rule of a person who truly lives for our sake.

Since God exists as the central figure of the universe when you go to the spirit world, the longer you are under His dominion, be it for thousands or more years, the more you will come to know happiness. It becomes greater and greater. Until now, we have been unaware of this, and also that if there is a person who truly can rule over us for our sake, we can bring about true peace. We need to understand that whoever lives for the sake of others becomes the central figure and that by becoming the central figure, they can build a completely united environment.

What is the third reason that God established the principle of living for the sake of others? Until now, when you thought of “love,” it was easy to think of it as “my love.” When you spoke of “love,” you thought of it as your own love. Where does love come from? Love does not come from me. Ideals also do not come from me. You need to know that love and ideals, which are more precious than life and more valuable than anything else, cannot come from me. They come from the object partner. This is true even for God.

We did not know that the object partner is so precious. Where do love and ideals that are more precious than life come from? They come from my object partner, not from me. We need to know that this is another reason that God established the principle of living for the sake of others. We must bow our heads in humility.

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