Mother of Peace: Episode 66
Mother of Peace: And God Shall Wipe Away All Tears from Their Eyes
A Memoir by Hak Ja Han Moon
Chapter 11: The Restoration Of Canaan In Heaven And On Earth, pg 321-325
Almost two years earlier, on January 18, 2018, I had proclaimed “Heavenly Africa” during my keynote address at the first continental-level Africa Summit, hosted in Dakar, Senegal. On the basis of this proclamation, beginning in June, the Universal Peace Federation and other organizations began working to secure the support and participation of African governments in the “Heavenly Africa Project,” a package of 10 projects aimed at promoting peace and development that includes the True Family Blessing Movement. At times, it took as many as 10 days for our delegates to meet with a head of state. As it wasn’t unusual for meetings to be rescheduled, our delegation would skip meals and be on standby for many hours to ensure the meetings would take place.
On the foundation of such sincere investments of time and energy, 10 nations signed memorandums of understanding and agreements to participate in our Heavenly Africa Project. Niger, of course, was one of them. The ideal of one human family is Heavenly Parent’s dream and humanity’s wish. The president of Niger is a wise leader, especially with regard to realizing this dream. Through his active support and dedication, the 2019 Africa Continental Summit and Family Renewal Festival took place. These events involved pioneering a path that we had not previously trodden. It was a great challenge and a truly holy undertaking, conducted with the extraordinary support of the government, the nation and the continent. During the Summit, in front of some of the key stakeholders that move this continent, I proclaimed the truth that our Heavenly Parent had been unable to share for 6,000 years. The proclamation that Heavenly Parent’s blessing comes when people are in unity with the only begotten Daughter resonated like rolling thunder not only across Niger but throughout Africa.
Following the Summit’s opening plenary, President Issoufou and I signed the Niamey Resolution in the presence of the 2,000 leaders who were gathered there. Official representatives from 54 nations and many current and former heads of state came onstage. President Issoufou emphasized the importance of the Summit in promoting development in Africa, his admiration for Korea’s growth after the Korean War, and his gratitude for co-hosting the Continental Summit and attending in person. I then offered the great victory of the Summit to Heaven.
* * *
I am fully aware of the dedication of the Prophet Muhammad in establishing the rich religious tradition of Islam and I regard many pre-eminent Muslim leaders I have met as my own sons. Through this event, heads of state and leaders from the Islamic realm came to know me on an entirely new level, as True Mother and the Mother of peace. The Summit was a miraculous event, unique in the history of the Unification movement.
The day after the Summit, the historic Family Renewal and Blessing Festival in Niger took place. Since this was the first Blessing Ceremony I had officiated in a Muslim nation, I prayed with a heart more serious than ever before.
On the morning of the Blessing, the president asked me if I had slept well in my new home of Niger. Happily, I responded that I had slept very well, thanks to the warm and comforting welcome I had received. After we had conversed briefly about the previous day’s Summit, the presidential escort guided me to the Blessing venue.
Diplomatic protocol is sometimes referred to as “a war without weapons.” That is why I call the protocol of Cheon Il Guk, “Heavenly Protocol.” Originally, the prime minister was scheduled to offer congratulatory remarks as the representative of the government during the Blessing. Hence, the protocol for that day was for me to enter the Blessing venue with the prime minister. However, the president of the National Assembly mentioned that, as representative of the people, he should enter the venue by my side together with the prime minister. Faced with this sudden request, the prime minister was taken aback. I decided to update the protocol by having both the prime minister, the representative of the government, and the president of the National Assembly, the representative of the people, stand on either side of me and enter the Blessing venue together. This was a special moment for me as I could feel how close in heart we had become.
The Blessing venue was filled with couples who had studied about the Blessing and were longing to receive it. The couples, beautifully dressed in white traditional garments, participated with dignity and grace. Dispelling earlier concerns, participating Muslim leaders solemnly accepted the holy Blessing Ceremony. Also in attendance were many current and former heads of state, parliamentary speakers, ministers, parliamentarians, religious leaders and other key leaders of civil society from throughout Africa.
The national Blessing began with the Holy Water Ceremony. To respect Muslim religious sensitivities, instead of sprinkling, I placed my two hands in a bowl of holy water and gently touched the backs of the crossed hands of each representative couple. The audience was moved and cheers and applause continued throughout the Holy Water Ceremony. The marriage Blessing is universal, transcending race, religion and nationality. Its bestowal in Niger, through heavenly actions that harmonized with their culture, brought closer the realization of one family of humankind under Heavenly Parent. I recalled that in 1991, when my husband was informed that Muslims are uncomfortable with the title “Reverend,” he immediately responded, “No problem; call me Father Moon.”
Eighty percent of Niger’s land is desert. Within such a harsh environment, Heaven prepared for this nation to be blessed by raising righteous leaders. One of the righteous people who worked hardest to make the Summit possible was Kassoum Maiga, a member of parliament of Niger. He is a filial son among filial sons, and he testified that when he saw me alight from the plane, he shed tears of joy, as his dearest wish had finally been realized. He was the first person to offer me flowers to celebrate the victory of this first national-level Blessing Ceremony in an African Muslim nation. As soon as the Blessing Ceremony concluded, messages of gratitude and congratulations poured in from throughout the world. “True Mother, the Mother of peace, has embraced Islam.”
* * *
The Family Renewal and Blessing Festival in Niger was an inspiring, even miraculous drama. As the event came to a close, Dr. Yun, Secretary-General of our Cheon Jeong Gung Headquarters, signed a memorandum of understanding as the Cheon Il Guk representative regarding the development of the Heavenly Africa Project with representatives of the African Union Commission, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the G5 Sahel.
Through these events, the African continent and the entire world were profoundly changed; this Summit will surely be remembered. Despite challenging circumstances, all those involved invested themselves with wholehearted unity. That is what set the condition; Heaven could not but support these events.
At the end of the day, I reflected that I am now nearly 80 years old, and there is a limit to how long one can live on earth. However, since I am the only begotten Daughter and the Mother of the universe, anywhere I am wanted, I plan to go. Heavenly Parent, once again I offer You my deepest thanks
Torrential rain, tears of joy
In Africa, rain is considered a blessing.
The rain during today’s Blessing Ceremony
was Heaven’s tears of joy.
Torrential rains are common in South Africa. However, no one expected the rains to coincide with my entire stay in Johannesburg in December 2019. It rained for hours and days on end. Prior to my arrival, the thought had already come to me that the African Continental Blessing Ceremony will be unusually challenging. That thought turned out to have been prescient.