God’s Will and the Ocean: Episode 37
God’s Will and the Ocean
True Father Speaks on: Ocean Church and America, page 112-114
August 28, 1982, Provincetown
Even the One Hope boat is not the final standard. I am now researching how to make it better. One problem is that the balance is too sensitive. This has to be corrected. We have to research and correct that problem. I want to make this boat useful for every kind of training. I am also looking at how it cuts through the wave. If the boat could go faster, the boat could cut three waves at once. Now, it can cut two and if you go slowly it has to cut each wave, one by one. I have already tested this out. If the boat goes 3,500 rpm it is more stable and cuts the wave cleanly.
Can you suggest anything that would improve the One Hope boat? Let's really study this boat and make the best modifications. It is already designed very well and whenever we have taken it to boat shows in this country, we receive very good comments. We make the One Hope boats twenty-eight feet for a specific purpose. We can store them easily because we can trailer them anywhere in the country. We can mobilize from one city to another city this way as well. It's more difficult with larger boats. The twenty-eight foot boat is stable in winds up to twenty-five knots. Winds higher than that are not the best for fishing anyway, so the twenty-eight foot boat is an excellent boat to train for all kinds of fishing.
What is unique about this boat is that it will never sink. There is no limit to our use of such a boat. This is great for Home Church. An entire family can use this boat; they can go almost anywhere. This is a very convenient and wonderful boat for any family. That is why I designed the boat this way. When we begin to mass produce other boats, you can sell them for your own personal business. Through Master Marine company you can order the boats for those in your local area who want to buy one for themselves.
Don't take this effort lightly. It's very difficult to come to an old establishment like this industry and set up a new tradition. We have to study it very carefully. Money is not the problem. The key point is, do we have the ability? One good example for us is the Washington Times. Our members did not have the same abilities as the people we employed, but they were able to administer and manage the direction of the paper. That's the key point for us. You should become that kind of person, who can administer and take care of many people. You have to be able to guide people in all areas of life.
The same principle applies to things as well. Make a basic formula for all the boats and follow that standard in taking care of them. Engine and boat repair are expensive to do; you have to do your best to prevent the need for repair. You must make periodic inspections of your engines and boats. Each region, West Coast, East Coast and Gulf Coast has to make a system to maintain the boats. How many of you can repair an engine? An itinerant Worker (IW) should be appointed for each coastal region. Each region has to have at least three spare engines so that if an engine breaks down, you can use that engine while you are fixing the broken one. You should be able to fix an engine in one night, even if you have to stay up the entire night.
If you need help, get the person in charge of the boats and spend the whole night with him. The IW can direct those responsible for the boats to stay and work with him, even if it takes all night. You should have that kind of experience. The IW has to teach all the others what to do. If those engines break down in the same way again, they have to go back and teach everyone again how to operate an engine and repair it. We have to learn these lessons very well.
The engine is most important. Without a good engine you cannot use the boat for anything. So, the regional service men have to go immediately wherever the boat has broken down. Who has the confidence to repair an engine in this room? You have to learn both, gasoline and diesel. You can't say, "I can fix gasoline, but not diesel." You have to fix both. Also, those who fix engines have to know the electrical system. You have to be able to repair anything wrong with that system as well. The One Hope boat is so small, there is hardly anything to learn about.
However, if you go through this course and get experience and skill, you can open a maintenance and repair business for larger boats. You can repair trawling boats and big ships. You can train yourself to repair anything. Engines have common points or parts that break down.
In each center, start with one boat. If that boat breaks down, then fix it. If you have two boats and one is older and it breaks down, don't just get on the new boat and go out. You have to fix the older boat and use that boat. That's the tradition. If you have an older boat and it breaks down, you have to come up with the money to fix that boat. This will teach you the tradition of responsibility.
Catalog everything: boat number, parts number, engine number. Then, you can order by number the parts you need for repairs. We should have that kind of inventory system and relationship with the factory. If we have spare engines in New York, and California needs a specific part, they can order from New York and it can be sent overnight. Then, we can repair our boats within two days of breaking down. We should develop that kind of system. After one year, we can see which parts break down more frequently and we can stock those parts. The same goes for the electrical system. Everything has to be listed by number, every part that goes onto and is used by the One Hope boat. This includes doors, anchors, fire equipment, everything. Then we can keep track of what we lose more often or what breaks down more often. The number system has to be unified and used by every center in the nation.
The responsibility here is great. Our future is great, but we have to be serious with what we do now. Someday you will be able to repair even the largest of boats. You will have to be able to repair Navy ships. That day is coming. I am thinking about going around in the New Hope to directly supervise the fishing activities of each center, but that might not be possible. However, we have Sea Hope I, II, and III. One of these boats should be sent as a flagship to each of these regions. Then, with the One Hope boat and the Sea Hope boat, you can spend the night out together fishing. You can teach from these boats all the activities of the One Hope boats in your region. Each center has to have at least a One Hope always ready to go, so that whenever I call, you will be immediately ready to go out. That is the standard for each center, to have one boat completely ready to go at any time. I would like to send my representative to you. The moment he arrives, you must take him out. Someone like Dr. Durst or Colonel Pak may come; you have to be absolutely ready. No excuses. So, please, study the fishing grounds in your area and know the right places to go.
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