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Cheon Seong Gyeong: Episode 90

Cheon Seong Gyeong Book 4: True Person
Chapter 1: The True Human Beings that God Created
Section 3: The Purpose of Our Creation and the Three Great Blessings, 02-17

The creation of human beings as the object partners of God's joy

2 God's purpose of creation is joy. He created human beings and the world so He could feel joy. Yet joy is not something you can feel alone. To experience joy, you absolutely need an object partner; there must be a pair. When beings establish a reciprocal base and then begin giving and receiving as subject and object partners, they can feel joy. The greatest joy comes from a reciprocal relationship based on love. That is why God created human beings to become His object partners. He wanted to feel eternal joy by giving and receiving love endlessly with them as His object partners. That was His purpose of creation. In order to realize this purpose of creation, God created Adam and Eve. Suppose Adam and Eve had become God’s perfect object partners with whom He could rejoice in a reciprocal relationship of love, and then had multiplied children of goodness. They would have made a family of goodness and then expanded into a society of goodness. That society would have developed into a nation of goodness, and that nation would have developed into a world of goodness populated with Adam's family and relatives. It would have been the world of joy, where God's goodness and love were fulfilled.

3 God can work as Father and Mother after He enters into the dwelling place of Adam and Eve, which He can do because He does not have form. Thus, the reason why God created heaven and earth is to love, through human beings as His incarnations. God had three purposes for creating human beings. The first was to experience love. The second was to assume a body. The third was to become the Father of humankind.

4 God created all things of creation in the cosmos and put human beings in the position to have dominion over them. This gave Him great hope. He looked upon Adam and Eve as the personifications of that hope, based on His purpose for the creation. After Adam and Eve had grown to maturity, God intended to dwell within them. He wanted to enter their minds. Not only that, He wanted to establish residence in the deepest part of their hearts. His purpose in creating human beings was to plant His heart in the deepest part of their hearts.

5 Originally, the first human ancestors should have become completely one with God based on His heart and love. God created the cosmos to complete His purpose of heart. Hence, centering on love, He has to bequeath all the creation to the objects of His heart—His beloved son and daughter, Adam and Eve. God created all the things of creation not for Himself but for Adam and Eve. Thus, His joy arises not from Himself but through Adam and Eve. Parents in the world rejoice when they see that their children are happy. In the same way, God's joy would arise from the joy of His object partners.

6 God did not create Adam and Eve just to look at them. He wanted to experience joy. Experiencing joy comes from love. So the starting point of creation is love. The starting point of all existence is love. It is from God's love that human beings came into existence; not only human beings but also all animals came into existence from God's love. All living things were given life because of God's love. If human beings have nothing with which to reciprocate with God, if they do not enthusiastically chime in and jump on board, they cannot be true partners of love with the absolute God.

7 God is the First Cause of the universe and the Creator of everything under the sun. He is also the beloved Father of humankind. He made everything in the creation in order to fulfill his special Will and purpose, the realization of love. God is the origin of true love. Yet despite God's omnipotence, He cannot feel the joy of love by Himself. He needs an object partner to love and wants to receive love freely given in return. That would be from His partners, and for this, He created man and woman in the highest position. This is the reason our lives have purpose. That purpose requires us to attain maturity and establish a relationship of eternal true love with God. This is the fundamental Principle, through which we can find peace with God.

8 In whom is the purpose of creation fulfilled, and through whom does God's Will bear fruit? It is surely through perfected human beings—perfected Adam and Eve—and the mutual relationship they would have with God. Hence, the purpose of creation is realized when Adam and Eve reach perfection. When Adam and Eve reach perfection, the four-position foundation can be realized. That is the Principle. The purpose of creation is fulfilled when God, Adam and Eve complete the four-position foundation. Hence, God's Will is not only for God Himself; human beings absolutely need it as well. In the end, everything depends on Adam and Eve and whether they perfect themselves according to God's Will. The fulfillment of the Will starts there. Hence, the Will cannot be separated from human beings perfecting themselves as individuals.

9 The ideal world of creation is the ideal loving family. In that family, there is oneness between God and His son and daughter, Adam and Eve, and when Adam and Eve become parents there is oneness between them and their children—all centered on God's love. Therefore, in the ideal world of creation, first of all, there should be God. Then there should be true sons and daughters who are centered on God's love. Next, there should be true husbands and wives. Finally, there should emerge true parents who bear true sons and daughters. We need to recover all these different types of love relationships in order to enter the ideal world of creation. Otherwise, we cannot enter there. We ought to be born amid God's love, perfect ourselves amid God's love, and become husband and wife amid God's love. After that we ought to have sons and daughters amid God's love.

Loyalty and filial piety as duties to God

10  There is no one on earth, from the individual to all of humankind, who does not desire to be good. That is why people throughout history and to this day have been aspiring to goodness. Educators and people of faith have endeavored to establish the standard of goodness. Therefore, when we are born we should be born for goodness, when we live we should live for goodness, and when we die we should die for goodness. This is the purpose of our life. It is not only the purpose of our life; it is also the purpose of history, which is entwined with the life of every human being.

11 It may be important to live in affluence and to become somebody significant. However, more than anything else, we need to fulfill our duty of filial piety and loyalty to our vertical Heavenly Parent. We need to surpass the saints in our devotion to God. This is how human beings can begin to fulfill their original purpose. Further, God created us so that He could meet such people. We have such a purpose to fulfill. After fulfilling it, we should become filial children to our natural parents. We absolutely have to become one with them and live with them.

12 When people feel good, they want to share their joy with their parents, siblings and relatives. Feeling good is happiness. Happiness is eternal, and what makes it eternal is the heart of love. The center of the universe is the Parent-child relationship between God and me. God is my Father and I am His son. My ultimate purpose in life is feeling the infinite joy that comes from finding our Father and forming an inseparable relationship with Him.

13 What is the greatest hope of humankind? The biblical passage that states, "And now, faith, hope and love abide, but the greatest of these is love," is so true (1 Cor.  13:13). Yet people do not fully understand the content of this message. You need to understand clearly that the universe protects and nurtures what is good, and that freedom, liberation and peace abide there. That is because where there is devotion, it creates the power of attraction.

14 What should be our purpose as human beings? Rather than pursuing one's purpose as an individual, the purpose of one's family or social organization, the purpose of one's nation or of the world, or even that of heaven and earth, we should move forward toward God and the goal and purpose we share in common with Him. What is the purpose that will remain in the end? Purposes that are merely for the individual, family, society, nation, or world will surely pass away. At the very end, after everything else is gone, what will endure is the purpose pursued jointly by God and humankind. Only such a purpose can remain until the final chapter of history.

15 What is your heart's final destination, where it can settle? Even when you have found God and made Him yours, your heart would not want to rest there. Your heart's final destination is where you possess not only God but also His love. If you fail to possess His love, everything will be in vain. What is the final purpose of life? The issue is not whether we can meet God, the center of heaven; it is whether we can live together with Him. In what kind of place can we meet Him and live with Him? That core place is the place of His love. Therefore, the greatest aspiration of the human conscience is to follow heavenly fortune, become one with God, and possess His love.

16 Looking at yourselves, none of you want to live your life alone and die alone. Every person has a different appearance, but human beings have, deep in their hearts, the aspiration to become global citizens, people whom the world pays attention to. In fact, this is the course of life that all human beings should follow. It is quite normal to have such an aspiration and pursue it. This is because the ultimate human desire is to become an object partner of love to the greatest being. This greatest One is God, our Father.

The three blessings and the perfect beings of true love

17 When God created Adam and Eve, He gave them the three blessings: "Be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth, and have dominion over every living thing" (Gen.  1:28). The first blessing, "be fruitful," means that human beings should grow and perfect their characters, with God as their center. The second blessing is that a perfected man and woman should become a true husband and wife, have children, and realize an ideal family, thus fulfilling their duty as true parents. The third blessing is that human beings should create the kingdom of heaven on earth, where they would not experience any inconvenience or lack amid the environment that God bestowed upon them. God, who is the Original Being of true love, created human beings as His object partners of true love. He wanted them to become perfected beings of true love, realize the ideal of true love as husband and wife, and create the environment of the kingdom of heaven.


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