Cheon Seong Gyeong: Episode 462

Cheon Seong Gyeong Book 14: True Parents’ Prayers
Chapter 7: Earthly Life and the Spirit World
Prayer 5: Please bless the original homeland where families can settle
Prayer 6: Please bless us to be able to prepare a victorious foundation

Prayer 5: Please bless the original homeland where families can settle

Beloved Father, thank You for allowing us this hour when the members of the Unification Church, spread out all over Korea and around the world as well as in the spirit world, can unite as one and make a new resolution while facing this place. We sincerely hope, Father, that You bless the original homeland where all blessed families in heaven and earth, who are heading toward the fulfillment of Your Will, can unite as one in mind and body and settle down, centering on the Parents of Heaven and Earth.

As the spirit world and the physical world usher in the new millennium of a new dimension, we earnestly hope and pray that You build the nation and the world You desire and hope for, that You become the great King of love and that You lead the entire universe into the ideal world of peace.

Please allow all our family members in the spirit world, especially all those members of the Unification Church who have ascended, to stand in the position of leaders and become role models who inherit all the accomplishments of True Parents and fulfill their responsibility. Thereby, we hope and pray that You allow the spirit world to be newly reformed, so the kingdom of heaven on earth, the kingdom of heaven in heaven, and everything here can move forward as a world of love resulting from the ideal of creation willed by Heaven. Please allow the people on earth to unite and lead everything toward the liberation of Your sorrow, as our Heavenly Parent who has grieved throughout history. We sincerely hope and pray that You allow heaven and earth to unite and become a nation that serves and attends You as our Father.

Now that I have come to Korea and the tenth of this month is only days away, please grant that this be a day of global and historical blessing when Your Will can be completed as heaven and earth cooperate and work together and with the paths of all our members worldwide intersecting at this place. We earnestly ask and pray that You allow this day to be the historical origin through which families who have received the Blessing through true love can advance and leap forward toward the new realm of unity between the spirit world and the physical world.

We earnestly hope that the current leader of this nation and its people can become one and unite with True Parents so the standard of the unified realm of the physical world and the unifying standard of the heavenly world can become one, and thereby realize the world of the sovereignty of love where the victory of liberation can be praised.

We earnestly hope and pray that this nation of Korea, when the North and South achieve oneness, becomes humanity's homeland, territory, and nation that can receive the blessing of liberation by completely scrubbing off and washing away all unfilial processes in history.

We earnestly request that You allow this land to become the blessed homeland that can return everything to Your presence, Father, with blessings, love, victory, and praise. I pray all these words in the name of True Parents. Aju! (February 6, 2000)

Prayer 6: Please bless us to be able to prepare a victorious foundation

Beloved Father! Present here at this pledge ceremony are the children who have received the Blessing to become families of filial piety, families of loyalty, families of saints and families of sages, serving the great Will of the Cosmic Parent in the spirit world and the True Parents on earth, achieving the ideal of oneness and coming to a place of settlement in front of the blessed families on this earth.

According to the ideal of creation, every being in the cosmos originates from love, and all created things belong to and continue to exist for the realm of love of the Parents of Heaven and Earth. From that position, they seek to maintain their existence and offer themselves to Heaven as substantial forms of victory and glory. We, as blessed families, have completed and fulfilled this ideal in its entirety, and we offer it before Heaven.

As a result, You proclaimed the establishment of the liberated realm of earth, the liberated realm of heaven, and the liberated realm of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and we are grateful for the grace that has enabled the Unification Church to pioneer the one way of victory by walking the course of indemnity on the levels of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation and cosmos. We are truly grateful that this victory is the result of Heaven working, as our subject partner, to train and guide us by protecting and nurturing our right to relate to You at the center of the principle of re-creation.

Centering on the Cheonseong Wang-lim at Cheongpyeong, we thank You for letting us prepare the grounds on which all humanity across the world can form connections and on which each nation can learn the Will of the heavenly kingdom and can inherit and proclaim it. In particular, this is a very important moment in time when all families need to be registered, starting from the central, elder families among the blessed families of the Unification Church, and including all blessed families up to the 440 million couples who were recently blessed. Therefore, we thank You for letting the mothers take the lead in attending the registration workshop in the period of the great transition for the conclusion of the purpose desired by individual nations and individual families ever since the Fall.

These mothers are the pathfinders who are to find once again the lost heaven and earth. They are the representatives and the fruits of the Will who can take the place of the living sacrificial offering. As such, they can bring a complete end to the sad history of the course of indemnity, the course that aims to implant the love of the mother in her children, to connect the love between the mother and children in front of You, Father, to connect it to the love of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and to praise the grace and victory of liberation. We sincerely hope and pray that You will allow them to become the owners of re-creation who can lead their daily lives with the true authority of love.

We are also grateful for Your grace in allowing Daemonim, Choongmonim, and daehyeongnim, centering on Heung-jin in the spirit world, to unite with the four great saints there, thus establishing a unified church in the spirit world through these newly formed ties of brother and sister. And we thank You for expanding this blessing on earth to enable Your followers to be embraced in Your bosom, thus forming ties of the one, unified kinship through the will of True Parents.

Please educate the mothers so they can carry out everything with a grateful heart, with one body and one idea, in order to dedicate the glorious victory and harvest to Heaven. We sincerely hope and pray, Father, that You will bless and nurture these children so the mothers and the sons and daughters can unite in serving the Father and, following the True Parent of the spirit world, be registered in the heavenly nation, becoming liberated people.

Please receive this pledge ceremony that we gladly dedicate to You today, and, beloved Father, we sincerely hope and pray that You will remember the blessed families who are making a new start and facing new challenges. We pray that You will take dominion over their bodies and minds, allowing them to fulfill their responsibility to conclude world history, through which they can complete the preparations that can be dedicated to Heaven with one body and one idea of love.

By doing so, we earnestly hope and pray that You will allow rapid progress in our plans for the Blessing event, so it can be dedicated before our Father with three generations united as one. Please bless us to become representative children of filial piety and loyalty serving the Heavenly Parent, children who harbor this in their hearts and think of it and pray for it, yearning for heavenly nature in their hearts. We sincerely hope and pray that You will bless us so You can boast of Your glorious children before the entire cosmos and that we can prepare the eternal foundation of victory in which Heaven can participate.

Beloved Father, please accomplish everything in accordance with Your Will. Hoping that victory, glory, praise, and dignity will be forevermore with the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the blessed families for all eternity, we report and pray truthfully and sincerely in the name of True Parents. Aju! (September 3, 2000)


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