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Cheon Seong Gyeong: Episode 431

Cheon Seong Gyeong Book 13: Peace Messages
Chapter 4: The Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind

Section 1: The Three Stages of Life, 11
Section 2: One Family under God, 05


(11) What about our birth into the second stage of life, which occurs on earth? What words are adequate to describe the struggle of a newborn baby as it faces a completely unfamiliar new world? A newborn's first lonely cry as it experiences the wide world upon exiting the womb also represents the promise of a one-hundred-year future, the blessing, and celebration of entering this new time and space. We all received this blessing of birth that enabled us to live in the second stage of life. Although the one hundred years is much longer than the time we spend in the womb, please do not forget that there remains ahead of us a course to a higher attainment. We all have forgotten the standard of consciousness that we possessed in our mother's womb, so we may think that we are now enjoying our lives fully in this big, wide world with the fullest awareness. But there is yet one final stage of life, which is the way to eternal life.

(12) This third stage occurs in the world of eternal life, the spirit world, which we enter upon ending our life on this earth. We originally were meant to enter the spirit world after having perfected our spirit during our life on earth. It is a world that people descended from the Fall cannot imagine. It is a world in which we transcend time and space. Just as the fetus in his or her mother's womb cannot imagine life on earth, we, as people living and breathing air in this earthly world, cannot easily understand the spirit world where we will be reborn in our spirit body, living and breathing true love. Ladies and gentlemen, as people face death, they may tremble in fear and terror if they do not understand the true meaning of passing on. Although human history has continued for more than six thousand years, no one, unfortunately, has been able to teach the clear truth regarding death. Now, in the Last Days of history, I, as the True Parents of humankind, am able to reveal this truth, this heavenly secret.

(13) True Parents have created the term Seonghwa to teach the true significance of death. The moment we enter the spirit world should be a time of joy and victory, as we enter with the fruits borne of our life on earth. It is a time for those remaining on earth to send off the departed with joy. It should be a time for great celebration. We should be shedding tears of joy, not of sadness. That is the way of the sacred and noble Seonghwa Ceremony, the first step that the spirit of the departed takes toward enjoying eternal life in attendance of God, within His embrace. At the moment of death, our spirits should feel more excited and thrilled than a newly-wed bride feels when she goes to her groom’s home for the first time. In order to open the door to this way of precious eternal life, last year, on March 18, 2010, I offered a Seonghwa Ceremony for world peace leaders at the UN headquarters in New York.

(14) No matter how altruistic and philanthropic people may be, entry into the world of eternal life is not guaranteed except through the marriage Blessing and the Seonghwa Blessing of the True Parents, Reverend and Mrs. Moon. This is because the Fall of the first ancestors severed the parent-child relationship between God and humankind. Please take this point seriously.

(15) Ladies and gentlemen, this era, in which God has introduced the heavenly calendar, is a serious one. It is now the time for all the world’s people to understand the teachings of the True Parents, who brought the heavenly seal and who are responsible for the eternal life of 6.5 billion people. Now is the time to share the good news of the coming of the True Parents throughout the entire world. The time has come to honor and inherit the tradition and spirit of the Korean people, from which the True Parents emerged, establish the heavenly tradition, and bring about world peace by uniting the 6.5 billion people of the world through the United Nations. As we launch the heavenly calendar, please do not forget that the Seonghwa Blessing ceremony is a sacred rite. Through it, you can inherit a holy citizen’s worldview of the kingdom of heaven and celebrate God’s liberation and all humanity's salvation.

(16) In this way, you can complete the ideal of a family based on true love. God and all people in the heavenly spirit world and the earthly physical world can unite completely to usher in a reign of peace across the world. Please take this time to express your gratitude to God and to True Parents, for they have given to all the world's nations the keys of the Blessing ceremony and Seonghwa ceremony, allowing the establishment of the traditions of God's kingdom, Cheon II Guk, through the True Parents. Please join me in applauding our Heavenly Father and True Parents for their love, through which we can receive this treasured grace of life without being asked for anything in return.

Section 2. One Family under God

(1) Ladies and gentlemen, what path should humanity take today? Even now, tens of millions of innocent lives are being lost each year as a result of war, disease, starvation, and natural disasters that arise in all parts of the world. In every field, from the individual to the collective level, in religion, politics, education, culture, or ideology, we observe people deeply mired in the swamp of self-centered egoism, erecting walls around themselves. We now live in a world brought to ruin, where genuine communication has broken down. Ultimately, the ideology of one family under God, a teaching based upon true love, which my wife and I, the True Parents, received from Heaven and have championed and taught throughout our lives, is the only way to solve the problems afflicting humanity. It is the only way for humankind to find the path toward peace and happiness.

(2) Ladies and gentlemen, we are living in a history-shaping time, a great cosmic transition. It is a time for a cosmic revolution to change history, to unite the spiritual and physical worlds, and to create the ideal kingdom of heaven for which God has longed since the beginning of time. We can no longer postpone the fulfillment of His wish. I have proclaimed that January 13, 2013, will be Foundation Day. That day will be the actual beginning of God’s kingdom of Cheon II Guk. That day will be the origin. Less than two years remain until then.

(3) Therefore, it is time for all people to be humbly obedient to Heaven’s decree. The time when we have to invest ourselves completely, with a life or death commitment, has inexorably come upon us. For these remaining two years, let us follow the guidance of the True Parents, who carry out the providence on earth as the substantial representatives of God, the King of kings. They have mobilized the good spirits in the spirit world, who are moving forward a step ahead of you.

The mission of the Korean people

(4) Ladies and gentlemen, do you have any idea of God's pain at the moment our first ancestors fell? He had invested into them His complete and unreserved devotion since time immemorial, and they disappeared into darkness, becoming part of Satan's lineage. Are you even remotely aware that our Heavenly Father endured tens of thousands of years of excruciating heartache so great that His bones wept and His flesh quivered? He had to crawl through an endless, shrouded tunnel indemnifying the Fall in order to save His lost children. How many of you have spent days and nights in tears, yearning to comfort our Father in Heaven?

(5) Ladies and gentlemen, God quietly raised the Korean people, preparing them over a period of thousands of years. You know the history very well. Two thousand years ago, God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to this earth and sought to save humanity through him. But the end result was tragic. Didn't the religious leaders and their countrymen, who should have received Jesus as the Messiah and walked the path of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience, send him to the cross instead? Jesus left this earth quietly with the words, "It is finished," referring to spiritual salvation. The Second Coming of Jesus, sadly, required two thousand years of preparation. His labor has finally borne fruit now on the far distant Korean peninsula.

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