Cheon Seong Gyeong: Episode 414

Cheon Seong Gyeong Book 13: Peace Messages
Chapter 2: True Owners of the Founding of Cheon II Guk
Section 1: The Spirit World and the Heavenly Kingdom, 05-15


(5)  The spirit world exists in actuality. It is not a world that has been fantasized or imagined into existence. We do not have the right of choice concerning its existence. It is not a world we can go to if we please or refuse to go to if we would rather not. Just as God is eternal and unchanging, the spirit world He created is also eternal and unchanging. We live in the physical world in our physical body and form all sorts of relationships within this world. Similarly, in the spirit world, we are destined to continue living in our spirit body, forming and maintaining relationships with all phenomena of the spirit world.

The relationship between the spirit body and physical body

(6)  In the relationship between the spirit and the body of a human being, the spirit is the more important of the two. The physical body lasts for about one hundred years before it ceases to function, but the spirit lasts eternally, transcending time and space. Isn’t even a person who does well in the physical world bound to die? Because this is so, before you pass on to the next world, you should achieve harmony between your physical body and spirit body by living your earthly life in such a way that you meet the standards of both the physical and spiritual worlds. In other words, you have been given the responsibility to perfect your spirit within your physical body on the basis of your finite life in the tangible, physical world. This does not mean that the perfection of your spirit self happens automatically. Only on the basis of complete unity between your mind and body during your earthly life, by expressing true love through action, can your spirit self fully mature.

(7)  In order for fruit to ripen and be ready for storage in autumn, it must first pass through a growing process in the spring and summer and be provided with the nutrients supplied by nature and the tender loving care of its owner. Fruit grown in an orchard by a lazy and ignorant farmer will be afflicted with disease and unprotected from foul weather. Eventually, it will fall from the tree before it is ripe or become worm-infested. Though it is still fruit, it will be different from other fruit since it will be unfit for sale in a market.

(8)  Fruit that has matured fully on the tree will automatically go into the owner’s storehouse. Similarly, only when the spirit of a person has reached perfection during life in the physical world, which can be likened to the tree, can it automatically enter the kingdom of heaven in the incorporeal spirit world. In other words, a person will enter the kingdom of God in heaven automatically only when he or she has qualified for and enjoyed the kingdom of heaven on earth by living as a fully mature person in the physical body.

(9)  During your life on earth, your spirit self records your every action and movement without exception, keeping the law of heaven in mind as a standard. Accordingly, you will enter the spirit world in the form of your spirit self, which has recorded your life on earth with total accuracy. Your spirit will show plainly whether you have led a wholesome life ripening in goodness or a wormy, rotten life of sinfulness. What this means is that God will not judge you; you will be your own judge. If you are aware of this astonishing rule of Heaven, will you spend your life on earth in selfishness and immorality, succumbing to the temptations of Satan in pursuit of nothing but pleasure? You will not; rather, you will abstain from injuring and scarring your spirit body, even at the risk of your earthly life. Please bear this truth in mind: your thoughts, words, and deeds in each moment determine whether you are bound for heaven or hell.

(10)  The spirit does not lead a separate life or express true love through actions of its own. Your spirit self can grow, mature, and be finally perfected only within your physical body through an earthly lifetime of true love that brings your mind and body into a smooth relationship. Nonetheless, it is undeniable that your outer self and inner self are in a relationship of constant conflict and struggle. How much longer will you allow this fighting to continue? Ten years? One hundred years? In contrast to this, it is also undeniable that all other forms of existence in the universe function in a proper order. This indicates that God did not create human beings in this state of antagonistic disorder. You need to know that as a human being, you have the duty and responsibility to dispel all temptations directed at your outer self—your physical body—and achieve victory in life by following the way of your inner self—your conscience—essentially, to perfect your life according to the standard of absolute sex. Heavenly fortune will be with those who lead their lives in such a way. They will attain the perfection of their spirit self.

What is the nature of heaven?

(11)  Ladies and gentlemen, what is the nature of heaven and hell? Who can enter heaven? If it really exists, where is it? Would it be outside the galaxy, on the other side of the universe? Or is it but a product of our imagination? At one time or another, everyone ponders this question.

(12)  What do you think is the nature of heaven? Heaven is a world overflowing with God’s true love, with true love as its axis. It is a world where true love is the external form as well as the internal content of the entire environment. It is a world where true love is present from the beginning to the end of our life. It is a world filled with people who were born through true love, who lived in the embrace of true love, and who, following the track of true love, finally passed on into that next world, the spirit world. Consequently, antagonism and envy are not to be found in that world, for it is a natural world where each person lives for the sake of others. It is not a world governed by money, honor, or power. It is a world wherein the success of each person represents the success of the whole, the desire of each person represents the desire of the whole, and the joy of each person represents the joy of the whole.

(13)  Heaven is a world filled with the air of true love, where all breathe true love. It is a world where life pulsates with love everywhere, all the time. It is a world where everyone is connected to the true God through blood ties. It is a place where the whole world and all people are linked together in an inseparable relationship, like the cells in your body. It is a world that is governed only by true love, the love that is God’s essence. God exists for true love.

The results of the Fall

(14)  Look at the world in which we are currently living. The people of the world are caught in the trap of extreme selfishness, clamoring for material gain. They have lost all sense of value, and the desire for self-gratification drags them into the depths of degradation. The world is filled with alcoholics. As if drug addiction and free sex were not enough, there are even those who commit incest, an act not even seen in the animal world, and still strut around with their heads held high. This world has become one wherein beasts with human faces roam freely, even after violating women—grandmothers, mothers, wives, and daughters. The swapping of spouses among couples is rampant. Such circumstances represent without a doubt the pinnacle of the destruction of morality and the Last of fallen acts. This world has become hell on earth, in which we cannot even dream of the perfected world embodying the ideal that God envisioned at the creation.

(15)  We have come to know that humanity’s problems are rooted in the Fall of Adam and Eve, our ancestors. Adam and Eve, who were at the perfection stage of the growth period, had a sexual relationship before their rightful time due to Satan’s temptation. The Fall was an illicit sexual union of a man and woman. This is why, for over thousands of years, people continue to commit these indecent acts, perfidious acts that drive a sharp spike into the heart of God. They have been unable to escape from the realm of the fallen lineage.

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