Cheon Seong Gyeong: Episode 398
Cheon Seong Gyeong Book 12: Cheon Il Guk
Chapter 3: The Path of Cheon II Guk Citizens and the Family Pledge
Section 5. Living as an Owner of Cheon II Guk and the Family Pledge, 63-74
The fifth pledge of the Family Pledge
(63) The fifth pledge of the Family Pledge reads, “Our family, the owner of Cheon II Guk, pledges to strive every day to advance the unification of the spirit world and the physical world as subject and object partners, by centering on true love.” You need first to think about the spirit world, which is in the subject partner position. Think about the demographics of the human race: are there more people currently living in the physical world or in the spirit world? The number of people living in the spirit world far exceeds the Earth’s population. The spirit world stands in the position of the subject partner. Likewise, the mind stands in the position of the subject partner to the body, in the position of plus.
(64) The body represents the physical world, and the mind represents the spirit world. The mind is like a plus and the body a minus. Accordingly, if you live your life ignoring the mind, the subject partner, and the spirit world, the world of the mind, you will end up in hell. Now is the time to change your life. Instead of allowing your body to lead your mind, practice abstinence and have your mind subjugate your body. Live your daily life with the constant awareness that the spirit world stands in the position of subject partner. You will not be able to establish the foundation of perfection in the spirit world unless, in your daily life on earth, you are able to shape yourself as a perfect object partner to the heavenly realms of the spirit world as your subject partner. You need to work on bringing the two together every day, every year, and throughout your life. When you ascend to the spirit world, you will find it is your home and the final stage of life, where you can live freely.
(65) The spirit world stands in the position of subject partner. It includes countless tribes and peoples. The physical world should take the highest-level spirit world as its standard and move in unison with it. To achieve unity between the spirit world as the subject partner and the physical world as the object partner you must overcome any division between the two. In your daily life, you need to experience the profound love that comes from connecting with the heavenly realms. Then your daily life will be filled with profound experiences of God’s sorrow and joy.
(66) The spirit world and the physical world can unite centering on people. This is why you ought to strive every day to advance their unity. You cannot backslide. Every day you need to strive for incremental progress. While in this world, do not restrict your life to one particular region; try to build relationships in various places and engage in activities so that you can make an impact upon the whole world. Just as there are four seasons—spring, summer, autumn, and winter—and just as the earth provides us room to travel in four directions—north, south, east, and west—you should not live only in one country. Just as the world is uniting as one and national borders are dissolving, during your life, you need to travel freely around the world.
(67) Until now, you have not conducted your daily life with the knowledge that the spirit world stands in the position of subject partner. The notion did not occur to you even once a month, yet it is something you should be aware of every day. In your daily life on earth, you need to reach the level of a perfect counterpart to the spirit world in the position of subject partner; otherwise, you cannot establish your own foundation as a perfect existence in the spirit world. The relationship between the two should be direct, and you have to forge It every day, every year, for your entire life. Then, when you go to the other world, you will find a new dwelling place and a realm where you can act freely.
(68) What can link the spirit world and the physical world? It cannot be something temporary; it must be the same today as yesterday and still the same tomorrow, transcending time and space. It has to be something that no one will reject or deny, but that everyone will welcome in his or her daily life. It has to be something that we treasure night and day, and without which we would not be happy. That is love. Money cannot give us happiness. Knowledge cannot give us happiness. These are merely one-dimensional. The same is true of power. If we as individuals are to expand our influence to the national level, we need love to serve as a bridge.
(69) The spirit world and physical world will unite centered on God. However, this is possible only because True Parents planted the flag of unity here on earth. In the beginning, when God created, He acted with absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. Now He expects us to do the same, standing on the foundation of His immanence, transcendence, supreme authority, and omnipotence. Further, in order to return to the original state of creation and find a partner of love there, we should invest and forget all that we have given, with absolute faith and a heart of absolute love and absolute obedience. As God did when He created the world, we too should recover the entire creation on His behalf by practicing absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience toward this world.
(70) “To strive every day to advance” means we never stop moving forward. We must keep moving forward and developing ourselves. As we advance, we ought to develop in all directions—east, west, north, and south. I did not proclaim the Family Pledge for no reason. If you are not united in mind and body, or if your couple is fighting, you should not recite it. If no unity exists between you and your children, you should not recite it. You need to realize how precious your blessed family is. The fact that we have the Family Pledge causes the spirit world to watch us and make our ancestors who have gone to the spirit world envious.
(71) Strive every day to advance! You need to strive to advance every day. This is an important point. The earth is the object partner to heaven, which is the subject partner. Therefore, even though the scope of our living environment on earth is smaller than that in the spirit world, it is here that we have to establish a foundation that conforms to the standard of the heavenly realm. Then we can bring that foundation with us when we go to the other world. I am not speaking just casually; this is a requirement. This is the path we all must go, and it is the path of Heaven. It is the path that integrates everything in heaven and on earth. Therefore, I included it in the Family Pledge.
(72) We have to advance every day. To stop is to die. Hence we must not stop. Each day we have to advance, even if only a single step. Each of us needs to pledge to do this. Henceforth we must advance, without deviating in the slightest, so that we may achieve in the physical world everything required for our life in the spirit world.
The sixth pledge of the Family Pledge
(73) The sixth pledge of the Family Pledge reads, “Our family, the owner of Cheon II Guk, pledges to become a family that moves heavenly fortune by embodying the Heavenly Parent and True Parents, and to perfect a family that conveys Heaven’s blessing to our community, by centering on true love.” Since you each pledged to become a family that embodies the Heavenly Parent and True Parents, your families represent the family of the Heavenly Parent and True Parents. Families that embody the Heavenly Parent and True Parents are families that move heavenly fortune.
(74) We are to become families that embody God and True Parents. We have to become true families that move the cosmos. We cannot keep God’s blessings only to ourselves; we have to perfect families that extend blessings to the community. What I am saying is that we must move heaven and earth to share God’s blessings. If there are people in your community who do not know about the Divine Principle, you need to share it with them and gradually expand the sphere of Heaven's blessings. Do not live by yourselves and for yourselves.