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Cheon Seong Gyeong: Episode 356

Cheon Seong Gyeong Book 11: Ceremonies and Holy Days
Chapter 4: The Daily Life of Blessed Families
Section 3: Blessed Family Practices, 21

Chapter 5: The Holy Days and Anniversaries
Section 1: Holy Days, 02


(21) The time is coming when we will be able to joyfully report everything to the Father as His partners. Therefore, while previously we concluded our prayers with “I pray all these things in the name of so-and-so, a blessed family who has inherited True Parents’ foundation of victory,” that time has now passed. We must now conclude with, “I report all these things in the name of so-and-so, a blessed central family.” We no longer will use the word “prayer.” From now on, we should report to Heaven. The time to report to Heaven has come. However, to offer a report we must have good results. How long are you going to say, “I pray for this and I pray for that,” like beggars? We must proudly report our accomplishments to Heaven. Hence, from now on, you will not be able to pray well unless you have accomplished something.

(22) We initially prayed in the name of True Parents instead of Jesus; then we began offering prayers “in the name of so-and-so, a blessed central family.” But now, we are offering a report in our prayer. In the era of the fourth Adam, unless our prayers are reports to Heaven, we will not be able to receive the right of ownership. In order to receive from Heaven the right to be owners, we must become families that represent Heaven’s nation.

(23) Blessed central families have nothing to do with the fallen world. They stand in the position of Adam and Eve before the Fall when both were connected to God’s realm of heart. This is what blessed central families are. They are families that have accomplished God’s ideal of creation and represent the family of unfallen Adam. In such a position we should not merely pray; instead, we should offer reports to Heaven. Had Adam’s family become perfected, they wouldn’t have prayed for this or that; rather, they would have offered reports to Heaven. The family of perfected Adam would have built the ideal world, reporting to Heaven daily. If on a certain day they had not accomplished anything, there would have been nothing to report. In such circumstances, there would have been no need for the Messiah or religion. Why? It’s because they would have known everything about their life and situation. Human knowledge would have extended from the individual to the family, tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos, all the way to the realm of God’s heart.

(24) From now on in the Unification Church, we need to say “aju” instead of the “amen” that conventional Christians say. “Aju” means “my abode.” The "ah" in “aju” can be written with the Chinese character (我) that means “me.” The syllable “Ah!” is also the sound we make when in awe. “Ah!” is a sound that contains and expresses surprise and admiration. Thus it will release all the bitter sorrow of human history. You often hear, “Ah, this is good!” But do you ever hear, “Ah, this is bad”? When we say, “Ah!” we usually are referring to what is best. Now the second syllable, ju, can be written with either the Chinese character for “lord” (主) or the character that means “reside” (住). Therefore “aju” refers to the final position one assumes after becoming an owner. “Aju” also means “moving in;” thus, it means, “Ah, I have now become an owner, and I need to move into my home!” “My home” means God’s master bedroom. When we are born, we are not immediately in God’s master bedroom. We first live in the womb of God’s wife. However, when we grow up, we come to say, “Aju, this is my home!” There is no greater aspiration than this. It means that my home has become a place founded on the realm of eternal oneness. It has become inseparable from the inner heart of God. Hence, “my home” has two meanings: It is my home, and it is the home of God’s innermost heart.

(25) “Amen” means “May what I prayed for be accomplished.” However, what exactly should be accomplished? It is “I” who should be accomplished. Therefore, each of us should stand in the position in which we can say, “Aju! I have become the owner of the ideal that everyone and everything is praying for.” We can’t say “aju!” when we have nothing to do with the content of our prayer.

(26) We say “aju” instead of “amen.” This is because “aju” means the number one owner. The Chinese character for ju (主) means “lord.” It means we can surpass the Lord. The Lord used “amen,” but he could not use “aju.” Doesn’t this mean we can be beyond the Lord? “Aju” in Korean means “very.” For instance, “This is very (aju) good!” Thus, after people came out from an audience with the queen or the king, they would say, “It was very (aju) good!” We use “aju” as an adverb when referring to something as the best, the highest, or the greatest. Furthermore, the Chinese character for ju is also the character for “king” or “lord.” Thus, when we say it, it means we have reached the highest point that encompasses the three ages.


CHAPTER 5 The Holy Days and Anniversaries

Section 1. Holy Days

(1) Knowing that you are heavenly princes and princesses and citizens of the heavenly kingdom, you need to acquire the proper set of rules for dealing with any situation in your life and fulfill the duties appropriate to your position. Yet, even blessed members do not know about this. What, from now on, must Unificationists do? You must establish the family tradition appropriate for and aligned with God’s Day. You must establish the family rules aligned with Parents’ Day. You must establish the standard by which you order your life in alignment with Children’s Day. In order to celebrate these days, you need to offer more devotion and welcome them with greater joy than you would any other holidays celebrated on earth. Parents’ Day, Children’s Day, Day of All Things, and God’s Day must become the basis of your family tradition. In your family, you have to establish the tradition of celebrating these holy days as the rule for Heaven’s family, a rule that is passed down to your descendants for thousands or even tens of thousands of generations. Based on this family norm, you must go straight from Parents’ Day to Children’s Day, from there to the Day of All Things, and finally to God’s Day.

True God’s Day

(2) We must create a circuit of giving and receiving based on God’s heart, a high standard that cannot be invaded by Satan’s world. Its first foundational foothold is the tradition of the holy days celebrated in the Unification Church. In order to welcome and commemorate these days, you must be able to align your entire life with them. Moreover, you must cleave to these days with all your loyalty and sincere devotion. Then, when you celebrate these days, you will become children who can uphold the purposes and norms that Heaven has established. Finally, after six thousand years, God’s Day has been created. It is the day when God can rejoice. All the fortune of heaven and earth was gathered together for this day. It is a day unprecedented in history. Therefore, we have to welcome and celebrate this day with our sincere offering and sincere devotion.


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