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Cheon Seong Gyeong: Episode 310

Cheon Seong Gyeong Book 10: The Philosophy of Peace
Chapter 2: How Will Peace Be Realized?
Section 4: Peace in the World, 38
Chapter 3: The Means to Realize World Peace
Section 1: World Peace through Religion, 02


(38)  Parents are the root of humankind. Therefore, when you set the beginning point from which to consider all matters related to life and death, put God’s heart at the center of your feelings. This is necessary, an absolute prerequisite. A person whose life is lived thinking of the world, fulfilling this prerequisite, is part of the cosmic-level ideology. That person may live in the Republic of Korea, but he or she is part of the cosmic-level ideology. When the sovereignty of the cosmic-level ideology is established, and all people are part of that world, those people who were persecuted for the sake of that sovereignty will receive honor as they are welcomed by heaven and earth. They will live in the new kingdom of heaven on earth and then enter the eternal kingdom of heaven. Their lineage will consist of people of Heaven and will remain on earth eternally. It is only then that we will have reached our final destination. We have to seek that standard.

(39)  The Unification Church is not just trying to save the people on earth. It is also trying to liberate the spirits who spent their time on earth, were captured when they went to the spirit world, and are still tied up in the chains of hell. This is the teaching of the Unification Church. Thus, ours is a cosmic-level ideology. It does not work through legal conditions. It is possible only when a filial son emerges, a son who can bring God to tears and who can resolve all of God's historical anguish. But a filial son is not enough. A family needs to emerge that says, "God: Jesus forgave humanity, as Your individual son. Now we, as a husband and wife of Your family, Your son and daughter who have created a family, are in the position to make an offering of atonement. We plead with You to save even the people who have gone to the spirit world." Only such a family, which has come together like this, can liberate the entire human race, in the spirit world and the physical world.

(40)  The final age that humanity will reach is the age centered on an understanding of the heart. That understanding will connect us not to humanistic feelings but to heavenly emotions. We need to think about that age. Some people may claim that they can find solutions to historical problems, but they will not be truly resolved until that age comes. Such a global end time is coming. Among the global religious teachings, only Christianity explains this well. What is the Christian teaching about heart? It teaches that Jesus is a bridegroom seeking a bride, that God was the Father and Jesus the son, and that all people are brothers. Thus, it informs our horizontal relationships, our parent-child ties with God, and our sibling relationships with all people. These are not conceptual doctrines but doctrines of heart that go beyond the human conscience. Our age is that of the cosmic doctrine, which allows people to connect with heavenly heart and emotions.

(41)  Today, in this age, we need a cosmic-level ideology that reaches beyond globalism. Godism has to arise. In addition, we need a firm standard that will allow people to connect their bodies and minds with the heart of Heaven, by basing their lives on Godism during their time on earth. Without such a standard, we will not be able to live happily. So, within our environment, our minds and bodies can rest and rejoice based on that idea and, through that idea, feel the historical heart of God, the contemporary heart of God and the future heart of God. By this, we stand as cosmic history's final gift to the world. The ultimate purpose of this gift is not to rule the earth. We start with it as a foundation from which to embrace the infinite world and, later, God. This is the final purpose: to embrace God, to make God belong to each of us.

(42)  The conflict on the Korean Peninsula represents not only the conflict between developed and developing nations but also that between Eastern and Western cultures. The unification of the Korean peninsula is integrally related to world peace and is connected to the resolution of other world problems as well. The world is approaching a time when a massive spiritual awakening is needed. A new understanding of God's existence is not the only thing that individuals, nations, and the entire world need. We have to actually meet God and recover our natural relationship with Him, so that we can never separate from Him. To fulfill this purpose I am teaching Godism, centered on true love. Godism is neither left-wing nor right-wing thought; it is head-wing thought.

CHAPTER 3  The Means to Realize World Peace

Section 1.  World Peace through Religion

(1)  Religion exists for the sake of the world. The purpose of religion is to establish the framework of peace for humankind. That is why religions pursue world peace. Yet world peace is not only for human beings. God too must rejoice in it. This must be a world in which the peace that God desires is in accord with the peace that human beings desire. These two goals come into accord not centered on the people of the world alone and not centered on God alone. There is only one way that God and people both want to be governed; that is the way of love. God's bitter anguish up until now is that He could not be governed by true love. Since God is the true King, He wants to be governed by a person with true love, even if that person is of the lowest rank. There is nothing that true love cannot permeate. There is no gap in true love. The Fall gave rise to gaps between light and darkness, front and back, and left and right, but true love can traverse them all.

(2)  Philanthropy as we witness it today originated from a central trend of religious thought in history. Religion, in a broad sense, refers to the mainstream of life that centers on God's side. That is why it advocates love, benevolence, civic virtue, and goodness. Religion does not pursue its own ambitions. Rather, it radiates goodness by benefiting the public. Through this, it transforms the spirits of the evil world and restores the evil world to the side of Heaven. It does not directly fight evil, but promotes harmony and peace centered on goodness and so creates an atmosphere of reconciliation. In order to deal with this evil world, the religious world needs to make a new beginning. That is, in order to influence its environment, it has to invest something new. Harmony, unity, and peace can come only when religions continually work for each other's sake, rather than telling their believers to work for them. This is the mainstream thought that has guided good religions throughout history.

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