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Cheon Seong Gyeong: Episode 262

Cheon Seong Gyeong Book 9: Home Church and the Tribal Messiah

Chapter 1: Home Church
Section 2: The Purpose of Home Church, 15
Section 3: 
The Completion of Home Church, 04


(15)  In the name of True Parents, I have been making indemnity conditions for all humankind to reach every level—the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, cosmos, and even God. I did all this representing you, and I gained victories. Based on my victories, you should be able to inherit my foundation one hundred percent, and achieve your own victory during a seven-year course. Can you achieve all that I have achieved throughout my life on the world stage? No. That is why you need your own foothold and foundation on a smaller, condensed stage of the world. That is your Home Church. Where can you meet God? I could meet God in the places where I established a victorious foothold in the battleground of each nation where I shed blood and sweat. I could meet Him based on my worldwide foundation of indemnity. Even though you do not go to the world stage, you need to make a condition of going to the world so you can inherit the entire victory in True Parents' name.

(16)  Home Church is designed for you to attend God in the family. In this worldwide transitional age, when your families attend God they will create an environment of freedom where indemnity is not needed. Then, as soon as I return to you, you will be able to immediately organize activities based on your families and expand them throughout the whole nation. Home Church exists for the sake of the nation and the world. You must not focus only on yourself and your family, pushing church work aside.

(17)  All blessed families should put up a Home Church sign at their home. Starting now, you need to teach constantly about this. You need to repeat this message in your churches. Should the pastor put up the Home Church sign himself? Or should the head of your country put it up for you? Speaking of the country, a country includes its particular traditional thought. Your family needs to base itself on that traditional thought, as it represents the individual, the family, and the nation. Then, your family will become an ideal family, standing in a position higher than families in Satan's world. I am talking about a family that will attend God in the kingdom of heaven. Here on the earth, each family must establish Home Church. It is the training ground to become the model for families that can attend God in the kingdom of heaven.

(18)  We are now in the era of witnessing to families. With my family, an official center has emerged. Since now is the time when this center will be connected to you, we are entering the era of family witnessing. The center of a family is a woman, the mother. The mother must move forward while embracing two children. If sons and daughters become united centered on their mother, everything will be fulfilled. Then, there will be no problem with the sons and daughters. Therefore, families in secular society who have problems will come to you seeking answers. If they ask, "How do you solve this difficult problem?" you can answer, "You just have to read this book," and give them a copy of the Divine Principle. Once they understand the contents, they will be able to solve their children's problems. If they borrow the book from you during a visit, and if they have any questions, they will ask you when they return. At that time you need to be prepared to teach them in detail.

(19)  How do we build the kingdom of heaven on earth? We have been endowed with the right of inheritance enabling us to harmonize with all types of love in the heavenly kingdom through Home Church. Because of Home Church, we can become couples who belong to God based on His love, and our children and possessions will belong to God as well. When the whole world turns to the side of the Unification Church and joins it, Home Church will disappear. If all 360 households in your Home Church become Unification Church members and Korea and the whole world become part of the Unification Church, then what would be the purpose of Home Church? The 360 households together will have fulfilled the indemnity conditions for Home Church, and they will enter the kingdom of heaven. In the future, if any problem arises within the self-governing realm of Home Church, it will be a serious matter. Home Church is a system of shared responsibility. A Home Church has its own system of self-correction, and this establishes a sphere of protection that makes it impossible for the shadow of Satan to be around even for a moment. A Home Church is created by binding every relationship with the central current of love. This creates an expanding base of common ownership. Thus, Home Church will expand to the people's church, the nation's church and then the world church. When all people of the nation become Unification Church believers, it becomes the national church. This is how the system will be structured.

Section 3.  The Completion of Home Church

(1)   Now is the time we must break down all the barriers in God's providence. What should you do from now on? I cannot bequeath to you everything I have accomplished without a condition. I cannot bequeath it to you for nothing. I tell you, you have to fulfill your five percent portion of responsibility. I have set conditions of indemnity in more than one hundred countries, and with the standard of heart I invested there, I have restored the connection between heaven and earth, which had been obstructed by a wall. Therefore, you also need to set indemnity conditions on a smaller scale that can represent the world. You yourself must establish here and now a foundation that can operate on its own, without the barriers that formerly obstructed heaven and earth. That foundation is Home Church.

(2)  What is it that you Unification Church members should do? Although you cannot become world messiahs, you should at least become tribal messiahs. If you cannot become tribal messiahs, you should at least become John the Baptists. This is why I am raising the matter of Home Church. For fallen people to go to the kingdom of heaven, should they all have to suffer to the point of death, as I did, to restore the individual, family, and tribe? Should they have to be persecuted all their lives and sacrifice themselves? Someone had to be the pioneer to pave that path, and it was I who did it. All you need to do is accomplish a course of indemnity by following the formula.

The foundation for the kingdom of heaven on earth

(3)  As God loves me, He also loves all people, seeing them as His true descendants. God loves each person and wants to save everyone from the fallen world. We are meant to love humanity as God loves us. If we are people like that, we can receive God’s greatest love. In the future, there will be no persecution. From the day Satan's persecution ceases, doing all this will be easy. How much has Satan obstructed me as an individual? He has been persecuting me to prevent me from making progress. Although he persecuted me, I drove him away and went forward. How much he persecuted me on the family level! He greatly opposed me on the tribal level as well, but I prevailed over him. You must have pride in inheriting all the victories I gained through these struggles. Your responsibility is to pursue the course of uniting the world by doing what I have done. I paid substantial indemnity, but all you need to do is pay conditional indemnity. The conditional indemnity you need to pay is Home Church activity.

(4)  How much do the spirits in the spirit world look forward to descending to the earth? Conscientious spirits—the spirits of people who were good during their earthly life—are longing to come down to the earth. In order to descend, they must do so through their descendants. This is how the Home Church system will develop. On the Home Church base, spirits from more than 120 nations whose background is, for instance, economics, will be freely able to work with an economist in a Home Church area, and the same will be true of spirits working in the Home Churches of scholars in other areas of expertise.  That is why we absolutely need Home Church.

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