Cheon Seong Gyeong: Episode 206
Chapter 3: Earthly Life Prepares Us for Eternal Life
Section 3. Developing Our Spirituality, 08-17
(8) You need to think about who you are going to meet today along the way. Wondering what kind of person the first person you meet will be like, what the second and third people you meet will be like, you should pray, "Father, what kind of person will it be? I wish to meet a person who is like this, but what kind of person will it really be?" When the person you meet is exactly the person you imagined in your prayer, then you will feel pleased. Through such experiences, your spiritual senses will develop. As soon as you go out on the street, you will feel you are going to meet such and such a person today. The human spirit goes beyond all limits. If you think, "I will meet such and such a person today " and you actually meet such a person, you will be surprised and will exclaim, "Wow!" In this way, there are many instances in which your thoughts and intuitions from the spirit world actually come true in perfect accord with one another. You need to accumulate such experiences.
(9) The life element of the spirit world is love. It can be likened to the water that sustains the life of fish and the air that sustains our life in the human world. Love is like the air. When your physical body and all five senses are in harmony, you experience a corresponding relationship with the spirit world, through which your cells breathe love, move in rhythm with Heaven and breathe together with God. You need to have faith based on experience and actual feelings. As a husband loves and respects his wife every day through real-life experience, so divine love and human love should be harmonized through real-life experience.
(10) When the mind moves and the body reflects that motion, there is no consumption of energy. If our body were to block the waves of energy from the spirit world, it would not respond. However, if those waves could pass freely through, our bodies would respond with a kind of vibration and spiritual experiences would come to us automatically. If you have a spiritual experience too suddenly, you will suffer side effects. Therefore, you need to experience these things naturally. In the spring, flowers naturally bloom on trees, but in order for a tree to blossom, it needs to grow big enough. If a tree has only just sprouted, could it blossom? Would it work if you pulled on it to make it grow more quickly, wishing it to have flowers? If the tree were uprooted, that would be the end. Flowers must bloom naturally. Therefore, I am telling you that you should not rush on the path of faith. Since it is the path through which the history of a thousand years is created, you cannot tread upon it hastily.
(11) You need to cultivate the field of your mind in line with the gate of your mind. In order to cultivate this field of the mind and pioneer its direction, you must discover God, the subject. However, you may feel that God, the subject, is obscure. If you want to connect to God, you must focus your mind and set out from your mind, for there is no other way. If you illuminate your mind from within, you can come to know its direction clearly. Then you will follow it naturally. You may have been praying facing east, but once you enter a mystical state, the direction will have already changed. Based on this, there really is a gate of the mind.
(12) In order to have spiritual experiences, first, you need to pray. You need to focus your mind. If you can, you should descend to the zero point. What is the quickest way to achieve this? To go to the zero point, the quickest way is to humble yourself. That is why people who practice Zen meditation focus on the question, "What is the mind?" The answer is very simple. As God is the eternal, ideal subject of goodness, the mind can at any time achieve the position of an unchanging object partner in front of that subject being. This is referred to in the Unification Church as the spirit mind. If you go into a mystical state in prayer and engage in a reciprocal relationship with God, then transcendental power appears in you. It is when he reached nirvana that the Gautama Buddha remarked, "In heaven and earth, only I am the honored one."
Do not ignore your intuitions or revelations in dreams
(13) There are times when we find it easy to pray. There are also times when we find that we cannot pray, even after we have purified ourselves and offered devotions. It sometimes varies depending on the room. It also varies depending on the location of the room. That is inevitable. It varies depending on the location because north, south, east, and west exist on the basis of a central point. Further, it varies depending on the direction. Even in the mountains, there are places where you can pray well. Also, there are places where evil spirits gather. Those are the shady spots. Spiritually, there are shady spots and sunny spots. After several experiences, you will be able to know for yourself which are which. Intuitions, dreams, revelations, and visions are inevitable phenomena as we open up and develop a relationship with God. Therefore, we should not ignore them but should strive to apply them in our lives.
(14) What is important in your family life? If I appear in your wife's or child's dream and teach something, you should believe it. If your daughter receives my teaching, you should believe her words as if they were God's Word. You should treat that teaching as absolute, creating a family environment in which you can become one with it and follow it. If a husband fails to receive that teaching, then God will surely give the teaching to the wife instead. When that happens, you should know that God is close to your family and should regard your wife's words as God's words. In time you will come to know whether doing so was a good thing or a bad thing.
(15) In Korean, there is the word ahmshi, a kind of intuition about something. What do I mean by that? For instance, you may be casually walking down the street and you happen to see a bird that had been sitting on a fence fly away. The fact that the bird flew away makes you feel something intuitively. Such phenomena will start taking place in your daily life. And the number of these inklings will increase. Somebody may say something that seems random to you and yet it may cause you to have a realization about something else. The number of such experiences will gradually increase.
(16) When you pass the stage of receiving intimations, what kinds of phenomena will take place? You will start receiving revelations in your dreams. Such dreams are not the ones you have when you are sleeping deeply. Saint Paul experienced the third heaven while half awake. While you are half awake and half asleep, you will feel the sensations of such phenomena or voices coming through your five senses. You should not let such phenomena just pass by. Instead, you should compile them and analyze them scientifically in order to understand what kind of connection they are trying to establish with you. By doing so, you will certainly grasp their meaning. That is why your unforgettable revelations through dreams, or other such phenomena, will come true one hundred percent.
(17) Whatever people or things you are connected to when you are half asleep will connect to you substantially, in reality. You may be singing with someone in your dream and that song you are singing will not only be a song in the dream but will actually be sung by someone next to you. Such phenomena will take place. What does it mean? It means that you have entered a realm wherein your state of mind can resonate on the spiritual level. You should regard such things as very precious. Then what will happen next? If God exists, where will He appear? He will appear not in the air but through your mind. Why then are you unable to experience such things? It is because your mind has not yet firmly established its existence and you are people who are dragged around by your body. Once your mind has firmly established its existence and a position of a higher dimension of character has been formed, the situation will surely be different.