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Cham Bumo Gyeong: Episode 394

Cham Bumo Gyeong
Book 13: The Completion of Restoration and the Settlement of Cheon Il Guk
Chapter 4: The Faith and Environment of the Early Days
Section 1: The Founding of WFWP and the Proclamation of the Women's Era, Paragraph 26
Section 2: Blessed Families and the Education of Future Leaders, Paragraph 05

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26  In Hawaii you can find banyan trees. They are huge and leafy, so they provide shade in the strong sun. People can rest under their branches. This tree does not grow toward the sky, but its branches extend down to the ground and it produces numerous roots, which expand more and more horizontally. I have self-realizations when I look at the natural world our Heavenly Parent created. Like that tree, True Father explored wild and remote areas around the world and he expanded his roots of love with numerous conditions of devotion. In the name of our Heavenly Parent he laid the foundation of many historic victories for the sake of all people.

Yet, when looking around the world as a whole, we see there is still so much more we must accomplish through our devotions and efforts. The world today is in a state of chaos and confusion, not knowing which direction to go. Mindful of every minute that passes, we need to find a way to save even one more life. God has made much preparation. He is waiting for us.

Throughout the world, many people are striving to live good lives. They do not know God's providence, but they are trying to be good. How grateful they will be when we convey Father's words to them!

As I was looking at the banyan tree, I thought, “Ah, this is a tree that is fulfilling its purpose as God intended!” Like this tree, you young people need to understand the precious Will of God and share His blessings with the world as blessed family members. You should not let the remaining years of your life flow by meaninglessly, leaving your name unknown to the world and your light not shining out to the world. All of us are the fulfillment of the dreams and hope of all humankind.

27  In the world today, things are happening at incredible speed. This moment as I am speaking to you, my words can be conveyed throughout the world in the blink of an eye. God allowed the development of civilization with such technology for the sake of all humanity. You need to utilize what is available in our present civilization to fulfill the mission of the tribal messiah. In so doing, you must lead the way in the restoration of your nation and the world. That is the purpose of your life. If you do so, your children, grandchildren —your descendants —will live in joy and happiness.

28  Thanks to the development of the Internet and mobile phones, the entire world can connect. If your senses are tuned to wherever True Parents are, you will be able to know everything about what they are doing. I have trained you, and I have established a system through which we can share all our materials and achievements with the entire world, so that you can fulfill your responsibility.

You became blessed families through the True Parents. And as blessed families you have a responsibility. No one will be able to say that they did not fulfill their responsibility because they were not informed or taught. As True Parents we have opened up every possible way for you to completely fulfill your responsibility. By the results you bring through your own effort you will be able to establish a tradition as a good and noble family.

29  National messiahs, regional presidents and special emissaries, you have to have a strong sense of mission and responsibility and focus on how to turn your region and nation around toward God. Is this possible? It is. We know this based on Christian history. When the head of the Roman Empire accepted Christianity, Christianity became the people's religion.

Currently the entire world is in chaos. It does not know which way to turn. We must step forward. Sparing not one minute, even one second, we must seek ways to save even one more human life. Without our awareness heaven has made many preparations for us. We have to grasp hold of the hands of God who has prepared all of this for us. Our great contribution to help God and humanity shall determine the destiny and future of the world. From this perspective, I am saying please do not squander your time.

30  Even at this moment, do you know how many people around the world are dying without receiving True Parents? We need to think of our fellow human beings living in misery, not knowing the providence and not having received the amazing Blessing of heaven, even though they live in the same age as the True Parents. We need to be aware that this Blessing has been bestowed for the first time after 6,000 years.

Firmly planting your feet on the ground, you must roll up your sleeves and boldly proclaim True Parents are here on earth, and you must testify that without them, this nation and world have no hope. I believe that it is time for all of you to thank God, who has guided you to be here at this moment, and fulfill your responsibility to return His love for you.

I have appointed special emissaries and reorganized the world into regions based on language. I would like to be able to reach all the people in the world within one second, giving everyone the chance to participate in God's providence. Those who stand on the front line should share and testify about True Parents.

31  I studied the world map, thinking about how, during the course of my lifetime, I might be able to offer our Heavenly Parent the one united world that He so longs to see. So I organized the world map based on language and cultural spheres. The world is not just an English-language sphere. In addition to English, there are other regional languages, such as Spanish, French and Arabic. Furthermore, two-thirds of the world's population lives in Asia. Dividing the world simply into regions of equal population does more harm than good. We must focus on Asia.

I ask that current regional presidents focus fully on developing the church by increasing membership. Special emissaries will strengthen relationships with social leaders based on the existing foundations of the Universal Peace Federation, the Women's Federation, and other organizations. They need to help heads of state understand God's Will as an essential step to restore nations. Given our present era, you should not say that you cannot accomplish this. Special emissaries need to unite with the regional presidents and walk hand in hand, inside and out.

32  I have moved the International Headquarters to the Cheon Jeong Gung Palace. Henceforth our Heavenly Parent will directly guide everything. Even offering your small strength or a small condition of devotion, you must not miss the chance to unite with True Parents moment by moment. I am saying that you must not let the remainder of your life pass by without leaving your mark, without shining like the sun. We alone represent the hopes and dreams of the people of the world. Wherever you go, you must create a joyful environment. Let True Parents be the center of that environment.


Section 2. Blessed Families and the Education of Future Leaders

Blessed families and the future of Cheon Il Guk

True Parents have bequeathed the realm of their cosmic victory freely to blessed families and emphasized that Korea should be returned to God as His homeland. Since the ascension of True Father, True Mother has emphasized that testifying to True Parents and spreading their teachings to all people on earth as soon as possible is central to our responsibility and to enabling us to settle the ultimate kingdom of heaven on earth. Blessed families should stand at the front line of God's providence. True Parents placed the blessed families in the position of tribal messiahs and urged them to take the lead in realizing the Cheon Il Guk ideal of one human family under God.

1 The deadline for the 2,000 years of providential history is getting very close, so everything must be revealed now. That is why for the past 12 years, starting from the year 2000, Father has led the providence and said, “Korea must become God's homeland.” Many of you think, “Since Father said that, it will happen”; but you should not just take it so lightly. Since Father said it, we here on earth absolutely must accomplish it. We must make it come true. We have this mission.

2  Our hope is a world of freedom, peace, unity and happiness. God also wants this. It has taken this long because throughout thousands of years of history the perfect True Parents, those who could complete the providence of restoration through indemnity, did not appear. Now, having attended True Parents, we have entered a new era, but is this enough to make us happy? Isn't our goal to open a happy kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven, and attend True Parents and our Heavenly Parent together with our neighbors, our nations and the world? To achieve this, you have to stand in the position of proud filial sons and daughters, loyal patriots and divine sons and daughters. Please pray that you will become blessed families that will accomplish your entire responsibility in this era by proudly informing the whole world about True Parents.

3  We have met the True Parents who can liberate us. We need to be reborn through True Parents. This comes through the marriage Blessing. True Parents have freely given this precious grace to many, and that is why all of you must make a solid resolution to live up to your faith. I want you to bear this in mind: it is time to attend True Parents in your family and act as blessed families and Cheon Il Guk citizens.

4  Because of True Parents, you are the first group of blessed families in history. Because of True Parents, you welcomed Foundation Day and registered as citizens of Cheon Il Guk. Even though there are seven billion people in the world, you are the only ones who know of this amazing universal and cosmic secret. You can stand joyfully in the position of an ancestor. You must share the things that you know with others. You should reveal the True Parents to them. If you do not take part in the providence I am conducting now, you will have nowhere to stand. You should not think, “I will go to the kingdom of heaven since I have received the Blessing.” The place we must go is the eternal world. If you are wise people, what kind of decision should you make and how should you act? As blessed families, you should be able to create results you are proud of while True Parents are alive on earth.

5  Why has human history unfolded through such difficulties? Throughout this long history, people have moved forward in the pursuit of goodness by acting according to their conscience. However, today's world is in a confusing situation rife with racial, religious, ideological and territorial problems. We cannot remain quiet. God has worked through providential history without rest. Human beings deviated, so the providence unfolded as a history of indemnity required to get us back on track.

The Messiah is the one who straightens out things that are wrong. The Messiah must come as the True Parents. This means that True Parents must give rebirth to humanity. Without this process, there is no way to resolve the confusing history of humankind. However, to our amazement and gratitude, True Parents have appeared on earth. You all must become true filial sons and daughters of True Parents.

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