Cham Bumo Gyeong: Episode 293

Cham Bumo Gyeong
Book 10: Preparing the Ideal Environment Centering on the Providence of the Ocean and Latin America
Chapter 3: Jardim Declarations for Creating an Ideal Community
Section 2: São Paulo and Jardim Declarations, Paragraph 04-11

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4   The concept of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience came from God. God Himself created everything with absolute faith. He completely invested Himself for the sake of substantiating this ideal. He invested again and again and forgot what He had given. God is the subject being that stands upon the concept of complete obedience. When you talk about absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, you think it refers to the Jardim Declaration, and you also think it means to absolutely believe in True Parents. However, this is not what it means. It means that you yourself must become the subject partner. You yourselves must substantiate absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Only then can you become God's object partner. That is the formula. Since God substantiates this, human beings who stand as His object partners must naturally do the same.

5   The 1st Jardim Declaration affirms absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. God created everything on this three-fold foundation. Unification Church members must never doubt the direction I go. They must not criticize it either. The path I take is one of absolute love. No matter how you start, in the end, there is only one answer. There will only be one answer for eternity. I am saying that God's answer will always be the same, even after days, nights, seasons and lives have passed on.

The 2nd Jardim Declaration: Let us Resemble the Absolute, Unique, Unchanging, Eternal God

On August 7, 1998, True Parents proclaimed in the 2nd Jardim Declaration that we have to become children, spouses and parents who resemble God, who is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. On that foundation, we need to realize true families who serve as the eternal base of heaven on earth.

According to the 2nd Jardim Declaration, God is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. Since we are God's children, we must resemble His character and become absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal children. Next, we live as an absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal couple. We must also become absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal parents, thereby establishing an absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal family. God is the absolute True Father, the unique, unchanging and eternal True Father. This Father is looking for absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal sons and daughters. These sons and daughters are to become absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal couples. When these couples settle, theirs will become absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal families. Such families can live together with God and become the eternal foundation for the kingdom of heaven on earth.

6   The 2nd Jardim Declaration states that we need to become parents, siblings, couples and families who are absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. This standard goes beyond the family to include the completion of the absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal tribe, nation, world and kingdom of heaven on earth. This is the ideal of creation that God originally intended. Therefore we must connect to the absolute tribe, nation, world and absolute kingdom of heaven on earth, all the way to the absolute owner, God. God is the True Parent, True Teacher and True King. The things that are most precious to human beings are their parents, teachers and kings. God occupies all three of these positions with a nature that is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. You need to stand as God's children. Then God will come directly down from above, and you will come to have the same value as God.

The 3rd Jardim Declaration: First, Second and Third Creators

On August 21, 1998, during the first 40-day workshop at the Center for the Education of Ideal Families for World Peace in Jardim, True Parents spoke about the importance of educating our second generation church members. True Parents also proclaimed the 3rd Jardim Declaration, the main point of which is that we join the first and second creators, and become third creators.

According to the 3rd Jardim Declaration, as first Creator, God created Adam and Eve, and as second creators, Adam and Eve created us. Therefore, we are third creators. God was sorrowful that He lost His son and daughter, but He also felt bitter pain for not being able to have grandchildren. Three generations need to share the heart of the first Creator and live together in one house.

7   The 3rd Jardim Declaration states that God is the first Creator, Adam is the second creator, and Adam's descendants are the third creators. A third creator is a person who can complete God's ideal. He or she is the person who can liberate God and the parents. Therefore a third creator, who is Adam's child, is an owner, a person who is to create the third substantial kingdom. This great value is assigned to human beings.

8   The 3rd Jardim Declaration pertains to the first, second and third creators. The first Creator cannot fall. God can never fall. God is the incorporeal Creator and Adam is the corporeal creator, who could not realize the four-position foundation, which is the ideal of love. Adam and Eve could not realize it, nor could Adam and Eves sons and daughters realize it. As a result, they could not bear good fruit. Theirs was rotten fruit.

9   The 3rd Jardim Declaration pertains to the first, second and third creators. It starts with creation beginning through the incorporeal God Himself. The incorporeal God is the first Creator and Adam is the second creator. Adam's son and daughter receive love from both the incorporeal Parent and substantial parents. After the second creators perfect themselves, bringing the spiritual world and the physical world together and reaching the realm of completion in the spiritual world and the physical world, Adam and Eve establish the foundation for the third creator. The first Creator can never fall. Can God fall? If the second creators become one with the love of the first Creator, they will never fall and their sons and daughters will never fall. The age when this can take place has arrived, but the destined father-son relationship between God and human beings has not been realized yet. The husband and wife relationship also has not been realized either. The relationship with children is a task bound by destiny that must be achieved.

The 4th Jardim Declaration: Liberate God by Fulfilling Our Destined Parent-Child Relationship

On August 28, 1998, True Parents proclaimed the 4th Jardim Declaration at the Pledge Ceremony for the second Chil Pal Jeol, held at the Center for the Education of Ideal Families for World Peace, in the presence of national messiahs and participants in the 40-day workshop.

According to the 4th Jardim Declaration, human beings are in a parent-child relationship with God. The relationship between parent and child is bound by destiny. Only the children can resolve the bitter sorrow and problems of the parents. Such is the duty of the children. Once families have registered, they must not fall back into disbelief or betrayal. We who are in a parent-child relationship with God must resonate and unite with Him.

10   God has been hoping to see the Parents of Heaven and Earth settle in the realm of the cosmos. This is a mission that is appointed by destiny. If it were a mission bound by fate alone, then the parents could take on the mission in place of the children, and a wife could fill in for her husband. However, matters related to the parent-child relationship are bound by destiny. Can anyone change positions in a parent- child relationship? Not even God can do that. One's position in this relationship never changes. As children, liberating God is our destiny and yet, we have not been able to realize that. God has never had a parent-child relationship. God is really pitiable. We must clearly come to know the misery of God, who from the very beginning has had hope for the realization of an ideal family.

Adam and Eve were a couple destined to be together. There was no one around but them. God was powerless to resolve the relationship of this couple that was destined to be together. They were supposed to become the substantial husband and wife. God is the King, but He could not liberate this couple that was destined to be together. This is the state of God. The ideal marriage could not take place.

We must comfort God whose bitter sorrow has not been liberated. God is the subject partner of the original cosmos, yet He bears this bitter sorrow. What would have happened if I had never been born? For all eternity, there would have been no one to resolve God's bitter sorrow.

11   Our parent-child relationship with God is part of our destiny. Up until now God has not been able to experience the parent-child relationship. It cannot be felt until the realization of the ideal Blessing. Our parent-child relationships and our sibling relationships are part of our destiny. Can you change your siblings? Even if you die, they cannot be changed. Dying does not relieve you from the need to accomplish your destined goals. This is the destiny of the siblings, spouses, family and nation. Destiny cannot change. The destiny of the world and the kingdom of heaven on earth must be realized in order for liberation to take place. It starts in one's own family, in which you are a child of destiny. As the children of God, you must attain His four great attributes; becoming absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. God is the absolute, unique, eternal and unchanging Father. As His children and beloved object partners, you need to inherit 100 percent of God's tradition and more. That is why you have God and parents.

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