Cham Bumo Gyeong: Episode 214
Cham Bumo Gyeong
Book 8: North-South Unification and World Peace
Chapter 1: Initiatives for North-South Unification and the Visit to North Korea
Section 5: Youth Federation for World Peace
Section 5: Youth Federation for World Peace, Paragraph 23
Youth Federation for World Peace
With participants from 163 nations, the inaugural assembly of the Youth Federation for World Peace was held in Washington, D.C., on July 26, 1994. The Youth Federation for World Peace, which registered as a social organization in Korea on February 22, 1995, transcends leftwing and rightwing viewpoints and aims to build harmony and cultivate altruism. It made a great contribution in promoting exchanges among young people through activities such as a series of peace seminars in Beijing, where North Korean students participated. The Federation has branches around the world that carry out activities, including campaigns for youth purity and education on preventing AIDS.
16 It was in February of 1994 that the International Student Leaders Seminar for World Peace was held in Moscow. At that time everyone told me, "It's too cold. We cannot do it until spring." I responded, "What does it matter if it is winter when the nation is about to perish? The fall of a nation does not stop just because it's winter. It does not matter how cold Moscow is. We must hurry. We must hold the Beijing rally before the 6th month of the lunar calendar. Otherwise, I foresee great trouble." The establishment of The Youth Federation for World Peace was also scheduled for June of that year, but it was delayed for about one month, until July 26, 1994. We gave lectures at 3,000 American universities. We brought them into the CARP network. Korea should also work to include its 200 universities in the CARP network. The goal is the unification of Korea. It will not happen through just the students of North and South Korea. It cannot be accomplished unless we also mobilize the students of America, the Soviet Union, China and Japan.
17 Alexander Haig, the former US Secretary of State, gave a speech at the inaugural assembly of the Youth Federation for World Peace. I invited him to my room to have a conversation. I told him, "I am trying to create a Youth Federation for World Peace by educating students at top American universities and intelligent young scholars from the Soviet Union. Please cooperate with me." He answered like a true soldier, saying that he would be willing to do so. So now I am making plans for this. I am trying to create parallel youth groups in these nations that represent the free and communist worlds, which have been engaged in an ideological war. They can spread these teachings to universities around the world during their vacations. If this reaches the world level, and if newspapers in various nations publish their letters of reflection, more college students will flock to this cause. We then will be able to create a world federation of young people and of university students in the top universities around the world.
18 All university students, high school and middle school students, aged 17 and older will join the Youth Federation for World Peace. That is why we are carrying out this work on university campuses. The Women's Federation members must visit the universities, middle schools and high schools that their sons and daughters attend, and they must educate the students. They must take care of the second generation. Accordingly, after the Women's Federation reaches the forefront, they must engage in philosophical education activities in middle and high schools and universities, and reach the entire Christian cultural realm.
19 There are many prominent figures between the ages of 45 and 50, who have graduated from college and are active in society. When we can win them over, everything will be solved. University students are still tied to their families horizontally. We now have to bind together students of all ages, making them one vertically. Then members of society and university graduates have to unite on the national level in order connect to the world. In other words, students in elementary, middle and high schools and universities are still tied to their mothers' bosoms and live within the boundary of their families. University graduates are in the bosom of their country. The process is vertical. Students in elementary, middle and high schools and universities are the foundation of the nation. The Youth Federation for World Peace will have to bring them together on a worldwide foundation. In this way, we have to lead the nations of the world. To achieve this, we must witness to second-generation young people. Therefore, members of the Unification Church around the world should focus their witnessing on university campuses. After that, they have to expand their activities to the alumni associations. I believe this is the shortest way for us to save the world.
20 Members of the Youth Federation for World Peace have to inherit from True Parents the traditions linking the families, nations, world and cosmos vertically, and lay the foundation for building heaven on earth. They should be exemplary in all environments, thereby preserving the positive development of history. Connecting to the three stages of life, they must establish linear, vertical traditions in their lives. The three periods of a person's life are referred to as youth, middle age and old age. You have to gain the trust of the older generation and be a model for the younger generation. Young people should not abandon their old homes or schools, but as the fruits of a new family and a new system of education, they must take responsibility for their families and society as teachers. They must fulfill the ideal of heaven in their families and dedicate their lives to substantiating a moral world. By becoming role models whose minds and bodies are united, they must always pursue the public good.
21 The Youth Federation for World Peace is becoming an important organization. Young people are recent graduates, so they are still close to their schools. When they move out into society, they should be exemplary graduates worthy of praise, and form organizations that their younger college friends can take pride in. The alumni and CARP members must attain oneness, and reach out to fellow students and alumni. If there is an alum living in their village, they should educate him or her to raise the cultural level and living standard of the village. Thorough education that can confront leftwing ideology must also be implemented. As we are facing a showdown with North Korea, we will be waging ideological warfare. Ideological struggle is inevitable even after unification. We must prepare. We have to speed up our education in order to combat communism.
22 There is no way to renew and develop the nation except through the re-education of its youth and the establishment of family ethics. That is why I am planning to open a UN university. I am planning to create a university alliance and invite the presidents of the prominent religious-affiliated universities to visit Kodiak at this time, where I will help them organize a consistent educational system. They should nurture world leaders by conferring degrees in strategic disciplines. The Youth Federation for World Peace aims to produce leaders who represent God and are capable of transcending racial, ethnic and national boundaries to reform the world.
23 I founded the Youth Federation for World Peace to stand at the forefront for the cause of the salvation of humankind. I will do my utmost with all my passion to teach young people to love God, their family and their country, and to live with the highest moral standards. More specifically, I will create an international education highway by linking the Professors World Peace Academy by satellite. This will provide the best educational opportunities for all young people in the world. I urge all of you here today, from 164 nations, to join a program that trains young people to restore their spirituality and morality. On behalf of the Youth Federation for World Peace, let us all devote ourselves to the establishment of a world of love and peace. With your fervent support, I have faith that we can achieve joy and fulfillment in the third millennium, together forever with the blessings of God.
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