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Cham Bumo Gyeong: Episode 150

Cham Bumo Gyeong
Book 6: The World Tours and the Global Mission
Chapter 1: True Parents’ World Tours
Section 4: Letters from True Parents during the World Tours, Paragraph 05-07

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5  Dear Hyo-jin's Omma: How hard you must be working to fulfill your mission for the Will despite your heavy responsibilities for the children and your busy life! I know you will be enduring until the end and working hard for the sake of the future. I am grateful for this.

We departed from New York yesterday, and after a busy day, we stayed at the Holly Motel in Brattleboro, Vermont. And just before leaving there, I picked up my pen to write to you. Today we are busy getting ready to depart for Cleveland, Ohio. I am sorry that I only have a short time to write and convey news to you. Since we are trying to return to Washington, D.C. for Parents' Day on April 2, we are extremely busy. It is still winter here in the northern part of the country, so it's very cold.

I received your letter the other day in Washington, D.C. I felt indescribable joy upon receiving your letter. I realize how important it is to communicate with you while we are apart. Furthermore, the children and the Seoul members are always on my mind. While we are separated like this, although each of us has to take care of many things, I feel that a greater power is bonding us together even more strongly. Therefore, I hope that you, Omma, will experience how precious and great it is to have endured for the sake of the Will when you look back on this experience in the future.

In this world in which we are living, I again realize how important it is to march forward toward victory, shedding tears as we fulfill our great responsibility and mission. Omma, I feel I have so much to be grateful to you for. All that we do is for the sake of the Will, which is so great and high, and the work we will have to do is in proportion to that. So let us keep going forward. I am praying for the well-being of all members who are close to my heart. Please take care of yourself and the children, and fight bravely until we meet again.

While I travel, I am dreaming about a tomorrow that will be filled with hope and the world stage that we will reach together. I rejoice thinking of the days to come when we will embark on speaking tours together. I yearn for the day when you will become the great True Mother who will bring victory over evil and fulfill all her responsibilities.

Whenever I miss you and the children, I look at pictures of you and yearn for when I will see you again. When I think about Ye-jin attending school and how much she has already grown, I am concerned about how you will handle your growing responsibility for her. I also miss Hyo-jin, who should be growing well, although I know he is looking for his Daddy.

I trust that you will do well, and that you will become the kind of woman who will be most precious to me, in whom I will take much pride as the woman of all women. When I think of this, I realize what a happy man I am! With this, I will move forward. Please become the highest, most precious and victorious True Mother. I am also striving to become the True Father, who lives for the sake of heaven and earth. That is the only thing in my mind. Please take good care of yourself. —March 20, 1965, Brattleboro, Vermont

6   Dear Hyo-jin's Omma: Night has passed, and today is March 25th. In three days, it will already be two months since we parted. I think you must be going through many experiences during your busy life in Seoul. I am so sorry that you are unable to live an easy-going life. My heart goes out to you, knowing that you must always be careful in your public life, lived among numerous people who are centered on the Will. Furthermore, I feel so bad that you have to deal with all those people around you while you are carrying a child in your womb. Especially, I am concerned about you in your condition making, effort every morning to go to the holy ground. But on the other hand, I think it is such a beautiful thing that you are doing. I am grateful that you have become a great example for many people. Only I know the great mission that you are trying to surmount and the cross of the heart that you carry. All I can do is pray that you will become the True Mother who will be exalted and honored by multitudes of people.

Please give everyone my regards. Please explain to them that I cannot send letters to each of them. I assume that you are often anxious about the children. I try to picture them and imagine how they are growing up so quickly.

Despite my busy days traveling through the northern part of America, I still want to stay in touch with you, so I am writing. Unlike the southern states, the northern states are cold this time of year. The weather is changing, but there are still many snowy days when we must drive very carefully. Although I think about the great significance of traveling to these far places, still I often think how the course of restoration has been filled with sadness. As I view the different scenery in each state, I realize the vastness of this land and magnitude of heaven's providence. It makes me reflect on the labor required for heaven's providence of restoration.

I am so grateful that you pray for me and accompany me in heart wherever I go. I also salute you for taking such an important responsibility, and I am very much looking forward to seeing you demonstrating your heart for the Will in the future. I hope that one day you and I will be able to travel around America together. Please always take care of your health, and work diligently to pave the way. I hope you will guard God's dignity by fulfilling your responsibility, and thus increasing our hope for tomorrow. As time goes by, I want to know more and more about what is going on in Korea.

Today, I write to you from Denver, the state capital of Colorado. When you see this letter, you will probably search for Denver on a map. After breakfast, I will drive to Salt Lake City and have a reunion with Sang-chul. Today, it is already Thursday, and I am thinking that you must be wondering a lot about my situation. So despite my busy schedule, I am writing to you. Next week we will celebrate Parents' Day in Washington, DC, therefore we are pushing ourselves to travel quickly. There in Washington I will write to you again with the latest news. Again I urge you to take care of your health and not neglect studying.

When can I ever have enough time in my busy life for you? Once our youth is gone, it will never return, so let us cherish it and use each moment for the Will. I am sorry to bring this up every time I write to you, as if I am asking you to make a new determination. The reason is that as a husband I have responsibility for you, and I know that you will be grateful for it later. Anyway, who else can say such a thing to you? You already know how precious this time is, so I apologize for saying it, but please keep this in mind and make extra effort, being so serious about it so as to surprise me. Also, it is good for you to think of me deeply in your heart.

That kind of experience is also necessary. I believe that you understand well that I am always yearning for you, the precious True Mother who is centered on the Will. Whether we die or live, we must overcome many things to carry out the Will. I will stop here, but please take care of yourself. —March 25, 1965, Denver

7  Dear Omma: I read the letter you sent me, including your report about Parents' Day. Thank you for your hard work. Indeed, you are so precious as the Mother, and for this I am truly grateful. I know that you worked hard for two events during my absence. I am so happy that you have fulfilled your responsibility before God, as He desired.  

When I think about the manifestation of Parents' Day on earth, I realize how serious our position as True Parents is. This event is indeed an awesome responsibility, and I cannot help but bow down before this incredible mission—that we can finally fulfill this day that should have been established 6,000 years ago when God was happy with the original world. How much blood, sweat and tears were shed by countless prophets and ancestors who sacrificed themselves and suffered through the course of history to establish this day?

God alone knows the ups and downs that I endured on the sorrowful path of indemnity to establish one woman, True Mother, and I pledge, by attending you as that woman, to be victorious in bringing peace.

At the same time, I consider that Parents' Day could be instituted as the day of God's victory only after I had offered my youth and 40 years of my life, experiencing the pain and suffering of heaven and earth as I walked a path in the twilight and headed for the new dawn. That past, filled with many bitter sorrows as I made the long journey for the heavenly law, makes me think of you, Omma, as even more precious.

However, even though we welcomed the sixth Parents' Day, I must again impose on you responsibilities and missions for you to carry. I deeply sympathize with you, Hyo-jin's Omma, that you are destined to go along with me continually in order that we may achieve the level of global Parents. Until the last moment, we still have to keep advancing until we reach the goal; then we will have vindication over the enemy. I know how grave your motherly responsibility is, bearing so many crosses. Therefore, even though I am abroad, please understand that I am praying for you sincerely.

Especially as you are now carrying a child, please take care of your health. Make tomorrow shine by fulfilling your responsibility. Both heaven and earth regard you as so precious. You and I are recognized as the substantial representatives at the center of Parents' Day, the day that all humankind yearns for and will rejoice over. As the whole cosmos is offering that day to us, we have to make it shine.

Although you are young, may you realize a heart that is lofty and high. As you carry heaven's burden and the burden of the world, may you fulfill the responsibility of the Holy Lord who creates the realm of victory, where your life of good fortune and historical significance bears fruit as the Mother, in whose bosom all heaven and earth long to be embraced.

We cannot forget about the great number of people who have resolved to give up their lives for us. We have also been given the solemn command to become the original beings of light, so that we can give life to the people who attend us and regard us as their beacon of life. If people from many countries in addition to Korea, Japan and America want to serve us, we will be in debt to them. We must not leave even one point of darkness in the background of history. Don't you think I know the hardships faced by those leaders who are assuming responsibility?

Hallelujah to the holy day, Parents' Day! May we, the substantial beings of this day, give glory to God and attend Him! Let us build up our virtue and shout out for restoration in order to fulfill the mission of the Parents!

When I think about this letter, together with the content of the letter to the church president, I realize that you must be very tired. Thank you for your hard work. I am ever praying that you will be victorious. May you remain healthy by taking care of yourself, and fulfill all of your responsibilities.

I spent Parents' Day in Washington and was busy tidying up afterward. The reason I could not write you until now was because there were many people who came to see me and I had to deal with some matters here. This was the first Parents' Day in America and the first time America attended me. Because I wanted to celebrate Parents' Day in the capital of the United States, I concluded my busy national tour, passed through San Francisco, and flew to Washington, D.C., on March 31. With the deep sincerity of the Washington members, I celebrated this historical event. Members from many different regions attended. God was with us, and we spent three days together with no regard for day or night. We had a very good experience.

Even as I spent that time solemnly, I was thinking about Seoul. With your chair placed next to mine I thought of you, crossing the continent and the Pacific Ocean in my heart. The American members dressed in white holy robes and offered bows as they prayed to achieve honor before heaven. This was the first time I conducted a ceremony with people from all five races. The event was very successful, and I resolved to expand it more on a worldwide scale.

As long as I am in Washington, my days are fully scheduled. Besides that, I need to meet with some very important people. By the middle of July I will have to depart for Europe. I will let you know about my next itinerary later. I hope that you may always be at peace. —April 7, 1965, Washington, D.C.

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