Cham Bumo Gyeong: Episode 143
Cham Bumo Gyeong
Book 6: The World Tours and the Global Mission
Chapter 1: True Parents’ World Tours
Section 1: The First World Tour, Paragraph 12-22
12 The Unification Church is doing what Jesus tried to accomplish when he was on earth. Jesus was trying to establish the standard of perfection for the individual, family, tribe and nation. In other words, we are expanding the standard of the family, tribe and nation that God was seeking. This is why I established holy grounds when I sent out the 124 Blessed Couples across Korea. I asked them to do their best in their missions, uniting as one in their relationships, with the holy ground as their center. The accomplishment of your mission will become the standard on which the future history of the world will be built. It will be the beginning of a victorious era coming through us, an era connected to the world. This is why I established five central holy grounds in Korea, including the great holy grounds in the east, west, north and south areas of Seoul, in addition to the central holy ground at the Cheongpa-dong church.
On December 31, 1964 and on January 1, 1965, I brought soil and rocks from the five holy grounds in Seoul and prepared to take these abroad. By doing so, the coming of the age of victory could be connected to the world. What does this soil and stone represent? Through the Fall of Adam, God lost not only Adam but the entire world to Satan. Now I have laid the victorious foundation upon which God can recover all of that. We have entered the "era of rights" where land can be reclaimed. The soil and stones from the holy grounds are the base where God presides. This is why the holy grounds were created.
13 We need to love the whole land of Korea by loving the holy grounds as a condition. You must want to live on that land and shed your sweat on that land. You should know the history of the blood-stained tradition in this land and you should remember Father.
Being able to receive the Blessing is an incredible thing. A person who receives the Blessing has to become a person who can exert ownership on behalf of God by having a mind-set that declares, "If I decide in such a way, the heavens and the earth will move accordingly." With that condition, heaven will be able to establish the ideology of life, with us at the center.
We must understand the preciousness of holy grounds and sacred things and make every effort to protect them. Families who have received the Blessing are valuable and should be treated as precious. You should protect blessed families. You need to find land on which to live and die nobly. We must quickly create holy grounds and recover holy people.
14 What happens if we create an alignment between God, a person and a holy ground? We establish the standard of Adam and Eve as they were before the Fall. Creating a holy ground means preparing and restoring people, land and all things that were lost in the Garden of Eden. On that basis we find people and create a point where they can relate with God.
Also, what will happen once we establish a holy ground? Before Adam and Eve fell, the spirit world was solely the world of angels. The hope of the world of angels was that Adam and Eve would quickly become perfected so the spirit world could enter into a realm of life to receive God's love. The world of angels wished to cooperate with Adam and Eve for them to become God's children, establishing a base of peace to receive God's love by building a God-centered family. Since a holy ground is a purified place, like a family blessed by God, the spirit world can help at that place.
15 In the future the time will come when the fortune of an ethnic people and global fortune will move forward at the same pace. For this reason I am working to engraft the holy grounds in Seoul, Korea's capital, to the other holy grounds in the world, not only on a domestic level but on a global level. On the foundation of creating the holy grounds, if I send sons and daughters whom God loves out as missionaries, we can establish a foundation upon which to attend God on the global level. If we have such a foundation, the spirit world will have no choice but to cooperate with those missionaries.
After establishing the holy grounds during the world tour, I was thinking that I must send missionaries to all those places as quickly as possible. By placing the people I send out at the standard of the restored Adam and Eve, we will have restored by indemnity the standard that, up until now, the spirit world has not been able to reach. Then the horizontal battle on earth can begin.
Since an angel caused the Fall, angels must come to earth and expel Satan. This is the principle of restoration through indemnity. By our mobilizing those in the spirit world, Satan must be banished from the earth. During the First World Tour, I chose 105 holy grounds, and now I must expand the number to 120. By doing so, we will establish heavenly territory. With the blessing of the holy grounds, the national sovereignty will be switched over to heaven's side.
16 We must regain land only after we have found people. The reason I toured 40 nations was to create holy grounds. Once the standard of restoring the Fall was established in Korea, holy grounds could be established throughout the world. I must create 120 holy grounds in 40 countries. The families from the 120 Couples Blessing represent 120 nations. In Korea, based on the number 70, I need to set a condition by finding 72 sites for holy grounds. There must be more holy grounds here in Korea than in America.
The establishment of a holy ground signifies God's creating the earth before His creation of human beings. When members stand on this ground, it signifies the re-creation of people and the earth. When this happens, the angels and the spirit world have no choice but to cooperate. Therefore, having the 120 holy grounds is the same as having 120 countries.
17 By blessing the 124 Couples, I created the foundation for the principled partnership that Jesus had desired, thereby opening the way to redeem all the people of the world. Next, I stood in the position of having to redeem all things of creation. To do so, centering on the four-position foundation, I created 120 holy grounds in 40 representative nations. The 120 holy grounds in 40 nations symbolize 120 nations. Because I was 40 years old at the time of the Holy Wedding Ceremony in 1960, these 40 nations represent 40 years. On the foundation of those 40 years, I connected these 120 nations with one another.
Establishing 120 holy grounds in 40 nations symbolized our concrete, substantial relationship with 120 nations. It also set the condition for redeeming all things of creation. Through this, the Unification Church was able to find everything, not only the sons and daughters God has been searching for, but also representatives of different ethnicities and nationalities that represent the world, as well as holy grounds that represent all things of creation. From this point in time, heavenly fortune started to work, with the Unification Church in the central role.
18 Won-bok Choi , Bong-chun Choi , and Young Oon Kim were with me as I established 120 holy grounds throughout the world. From the perspective of God's Will, Bong-chun Choi represented Japan, the Eve nation, and Young Oon Kim represented America, the archangel nation, and together with me, the three created a four-position foundation with Adam at the center. For this reason, the four of us went on the world tour. During the world tour, the position of the Eve nation was taken by a man, and the position of the archangel nation was taken by a woman, switching positions. This reversal symbolically set up the internal Adam and Eve.
During the First World Tour, I visited the capitol buildings and museums of each nation, and I worked to link history to the world of the present day. I brought stones and earth from Korea and planted them at each holy ground. I also collected stones and earth from each country. Bringing the stones and earth from Korea had the same result as bringing the entire victorious foundation of having established Parents' Day, Children's Day, and Day of All Things. Planting things in those countries was like bringing fortune there; and bringing things from those countries back to Korea opened a pathway toward a beneficial realm of exchange.
19 Why did I go on a world tour? It was because I had to share my victorious foundation with the world. Since the mission I accomplished is the creation of the victorious standard with Korea in the central position, we must share that standard with everyone in the world. Establishing the holy grounds created the same standard of heaven and earth that was present before the Fall. Because all things of creation existed even before human beings were created, the foundation for spiritual works to take place on earth was established. And when we send out into the world our heavenly missionaries who have the unfallen standard of heart and who possess the realm of victory of the Abel-type Adam, we will establish the starting point of the substantial re-creation of the Word and this pure-heart standard. Therefore, I am diligently working to quickly send missionaries out to the rest of the world.
20 In establishing a holy ground, I selected land where I could pray. When we were being hounded and chased out, we had no place to communicate freely with God. The fact that we now have holy grounds where we can cry out to God is historic and signifies that we have established a base for the worldwide and historic victory.
In order to extend this standard, I created 120 holy grounds in 40 countries during my world tour in 1965. Even though it meant using precious finances, I established holy grounds and brought the earth and rocks back to Korea, because God's providence must be done in this way. This kind of work never existed before in history. The reason I am doing it is to move along with the flow of heavenly and earthly fortune and to align with God's providential program. The 120 holy grounds in 40 countries are the places where the people chosen by God can be protected. If earthly people cannot protect us, those in the spirit world will protect us when we are at the holy grounds. Creating the holy grounds establishes bases where God can be with us and from where we can lead the fight victoriously for the movement of the redemption of the people.
In establishing a holy ground, I selected land where I could pray. When we were being hounded and chased out, we had no place to communicate freely with God. The fact that we now have holy grounds where we can cry out to God is historic and signifies that we have established a base for the worldwide and historic victory.
In order to extend this standard, I created 120 holy grounds in 40 countries during my world tour in 1965. Even though it meant using precious finances, I established holy grounds and brought the earth and rocks back to Korea, because God's providence must be done in this way. This kind of work never existed before in history. The reason I am doing it is to move along with the flow of heavenly and earthly fortune and to align with God's providential program. The 120 holy grounds in 40 countries are the places where the people chosen by God can be protected. If earthly people cannot protect us, those in the spirit world will protect us when we are at the holy grounds. Creating the holy grounds establishes bases where God can be with us and from where we can lead the fight victoriously for the movement of the redemption of the people.
21 The most difficult place for me to find a holy ground was in Beirut, Lebanon. The Beirut beach was guarded by the military. So at three in the morning, eluding the military patrols, I stole to the Beirut seashore and created the holy ground as the stars and moon shone in the sky. In the Middle East I set up holy grounds in Lebanon and Syria. In order to make holy grounds there, four of us secretly went in without anyone knowing and established them. I created holy grounds all the way up to Jerusalem in Israel. I set the boundary lines of the holy grounds at the battlegrounds where unprecedented clashes were taking place.
22 It took me more than seven hours to choose a holy ground in Syria, so out of all the holy grounds I created, that is the one that left the greatest impression on me. At that time in Syria, a Christian ran the risk of being stoned to death for standing and praying during the day. So, even though it would consume a lot of our time, we would have to choose the holy ground in the evening. While we were in Syria, we attended an international exhibition on Eastern Europe that was being held. At this exhibition, the Soviet Union's satellite nations placed their products on display. I will never forget the impression I got when I entered the Soviet Union exhibit. And it was there that a Serbian man was sitting next to us who helped us find a holy ground. This experience of establishing that holy ground seems like just a few days ago.