Speeches of Hyo Jin Moon: Episode 83

Speeches of Hyo Jin Moon 2006-2008
Delivered Sunday at Belvedere Estate in Tarrytown, New York
Hyo Jin Moon Speaks on Your Wish List, Page 327

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Your Wish List

July 22, 2007

A thousand more of these and 20 years will pass, right? How are you doing? Sometimes I want to say certain things, but there are too many young people here so I have to kind of hold back. 

If you have a wish list, what is it? Do you have a wish list?

If you do have a wish list obviously you're going to need some kind of practical anchor or something for it. You've thought of some kind of practical anchor, something based in reality, because not every reality is our wish. Even a drunkard can say, "I wish for world peace." Is that world peace? That is not world peace. So, what is your wish list? And what is the practical reality that you're trying to anchor yourself to? Unless that is clear you're just going to be floating around, and you'll get lost at times. That has to be the kind of fundamental question that you always ask yourself, because if you don't others will do it for you. In the end you are responsible. People will say, "Hey, you have to be responsible for your consequences." That is the nature of responsibility.

You can talk about responsibility in religious terms, social terms, but there are always consequences and they can be severe at times. Nobody likes to go to jail right? Do you want to go to jail? Have you been to jail? (Someone responds, Yes.) Okay, good for you! Because it's a great experience? Now don't, don't—I shouldn't talk like this to you! So, what is your wish list? How many people here in this room have a father, have parents, who are considered by many in the world to be billionaires, have a lot of material wealth? How many people? Would you be here if your parents were like that? And what if that so-called materialistically well-off person is a religious leader, and a misunderstood one at that, still to this day? Because I know for a fact that there is a different law for you if you're a Moonie, and especially if you're Father's children, and that's reality.

So, what good is all that material stuff, and what does it represent? Who is Father to you? Who is Father to me? Let me ask myself that question. I don't like to talk about myself because it is inappropriate at this platform. Why? Because every give and take has a subject and object relationship and it should not be about me. That's why I don't talk about myself too much. Can I talk about myself? Oh heck, yeah! But it's inappropriate, it's not right, it doesn't serve the greater purpose, and that's what I'm trying to do. I'm here as a human being trying to give and take with another human being. And this platform calls for you being the subject, not me. That's about it.

There is proportion for every little thing in the world. Just look at your body. If it is not proportioned properly you are going to be retarded, mentally disturbed, sick or something. That's reality. You can have your wish list stretching out the wazoo, but there are certain things that you just can't do because of your practical circumstances, because of your reality. If you do not understand where you stand, you will never have your wish list, because your wishes will only come true based on where you stand, okay? Knowing where you stand. 

What the heck is your wish anyway? What do you want? To me, this life is jail to me. I just want it to go away. But you have to let it follow the natural course. In other words, follow what God has planned out for you, and do the best you can to make it work, and make it prosper. Make it better if you can, but that's very difficult. Everybody wants to be somebody, but how many people actually become somebody, even if you have talent?

So, let's talk about practical stuff about you, "What can I do as a parent?" There are a lot of young people here, you're going to be parents. You do practical stuff. You get educated so you can have a profession, so you can make a living. Having said that, and all that is good, but why do you do that? So, you can have a family and hopefully so that you can give something more than you had to your children. And then you will die. So, what do you want your children to be? I think that realistically speaking, we lack in practical reality in this church. I think that we should teach our children to become healers, to get into some kind of medical profession, something practically speaking, something to do with healing, something to do with making life better for mankind, something to do with inspiring mankind, and, most miserably, something to do with educating mankind. That's what we need. We need to give that kind of encouragement. We need that kind of reality. Otherwise there is no future for us.

How long did it take you to get to know Father? And how long did it take him to get to know you. I saw him at the start, because I'm a little older than my younger brothers. It was a miserable life. All day long, all day long, everyday, it never ends. The less that you have for yourself the better. That's how you impress people. That's how this church was built, his church. There's only one messiah. My Mother is not a messiah, she is the messiah's wife. None of my brothers and sisters can be the messiah, they're his children. And if there's an exception to the rule about what I explained earlier about using this platform to say "I", only one person has that distinction. I guess that's the prerogative of the messiah, no one else, no one else. Do you think that when my Father is dead and gone I can tell young people to go suffer for me? I don't think so.

What you're learning is a tradition. If you're going to keep on keeping on, you have to do the basic things correctly, no exception to the rule. That's why it's going to be a miserable life. Do you want that? I mean that is the greatest gamble that you can make with your life. And why not? If you make it, it can be the greatest thing. The more you get involved, you're going to get more miserable. Trust me. So, what is your wish list? What is your reality? What is your practical reality? You have to answer that stuff, nobody else. You! Why? Because I've seen so many people betray Father, and say, "I'm the Father!" I hope that you make the right decision. 

Take care of yourself. Okay.

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