Speeches of Hyo Jin Moon: Episode 82

Speeches of Hyo Jin Moon 2006-2008
Delivered Sunday at Belvedere Estate in Tarrytown, New York
Hyo Jin Moon Speaks on Politics,, Page 324

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July 15, 2007 

Good morning. (Good morning.)

Let me start off with asking you a question. Can you please everybody? Well, you may try to out of the goodness of your hearts, I guess. But is it doable? I want to talk about politics. The topic is "Politics."

People normally want to go into politics because they want to change society. So they have to get involved in lawmaking and have to become a lawmaker. That's the basic reasoning, right. People become politicians because law can change, forcefully if it has to, certain social behavior. And by changing certain environments and personal behaviors, and by having the authority to do so, they can perhaps create an ideal world without measure. What the heck are the Founding Fathers then? Why do you call them Founding Fathers? People want to emulate the Founding Fathers if they want to become a politician, right? But it took several centuries to come to a point to recognize that there's an irony, the position of political authority is not something of a parental position or a stature of some grandeur, it's being a civil servant. You're a civil servant. You're not the Statue of Liberty, or stuff like that. You're not a symbol that lands on a mantelpiece somewhere. Functionally speaking, you're a civil servant. That's what politicians are, right? That's how we think, don't we?

Children are taught that in public schools about politics. So, what happens to the politicians? Okay, let's talk about why we don't like politicians. Why don't we like politicians? They're hypocrites! We all say that they're hypocrites. When they talk, they have two tongues, a forked tongue, you know. They're the devil incarnate. They say one thing and they do another thing. What is the nature of their hypocrisy? What layers of lies do they commit? Fundamentally, there are politicians out there, but especially these days, there's no place for them to hide because there are eyes everywhere, ears everywhere. It's becoming more and more apparent that there are no secrets anymore. Good! So, literally speaking, there are criminals out there. They're just out there to take as much as they can, steal as much as they can, using that platform. And there are people who have lied for their agenda. And there's some who trump that, who want to be God! And that's the tragedy. That's why we don't trust politicians. How do you become God to begin with anyway? Why the heck do you want to be God? He is the most miserable entity in the universe, right? If He is supposed to be the Parent of all humankind there is more suffering than glee, right? Obviously, He is the most miserable person and you want to partake in that misery? Why the heck do you want to do that, for what reason? You know that your life is short, and why do you want to do that? Why do you want to play God? The thing is, at least God walked the walk. If you just tell people to do something and you yourself don't walk the walk, that's not cool. You can do that just sitting in a lawn chair, right? Anybody can do that. Just flipping through TV channels, or surfing the internet on your laptop, and seeing something and saying, "That sounds like a good idea. I'll tell people to do that because I have the power." Well, that's not going to last. That's the problem. 

A lot of people play those various levels of lies and that's the reason that we don't trust politicians. Because of that kind of hypocrisy you will do some things to a certain extent, but everything else is just self service. All the propaganda is just self service. That's a problem. And there are the outright liars and thieves. That's why we don't trust that parental position on a national level. Because that's the reality. In one form or the other, politicians fall into those basic categories, and that's sad.

Now, how to change this kind of world? It has to be real! It can't be just spiritual, okay? Otherwise God would have done it a long time ago. There's no exception. You might have a moment of reckoning, a final reckoning you might say, okay? But still in the end, it has to be done, and done the right way. And guess what? It has to be real. No hocus­ pocus stuff! I'm sorry, but that's the only way to do it or it's not going to happen. How are we going to change the world when we can't even bring together people that we know, for a reason, for a cause, something, anything! That's just silly stuff. And I hate to say it, but I'm worried. Even if you have a vision, it has to be realistic, right? Just having a vision doesn't mean anything. It has to be implementable to be implemented. Otherwise it's useless. And what kind of influence do we have, and to what degree of persuasion, in terms of our belief and purpose? And based on it, how prepared are we to effectively deliver to the people that we're reaching out to? Where do we stand? We need to measure ourselves properly. If we don't know our limit then we can't grow. Everything has to line up. There has to be proper alignment to achieve proper growth. You have to know your limit especially if we're undertaking this stuff. Aw man, we've got to know our limit! It better be packed, it better be perfect within the range that it operates if it's going to be worth anything. Otherwise, you're going to grow up mutated. 

I started this because of my son, my dead son, nothing else. And I just got to know you, some of the faces. Now I know their names. That's about it. I'm here because I want to be here. It's a pain in the butt! That's about it, nothing else, and you know that. 

All of you, in a way, you're politicians in the way you take care of your children, right? You make the law, right? You say to your kids, "As long as you live under my roof blah, blah, blah." So, from that kind of ordinary innocence, something good should come out of it. That's about it. The only way that can happen is if you don't lose that innocence, no matter how 'snakish' you have to be just to survive. Because you have to be a snake to survive, right? You have to be a snake, a bigger snake than the next snake, so you eat that other snake! A lot of snakes eat other snakes, you know. They have to. But that's just survival stuff. As long as you believe in idealism and want to hold on to it, that's what you keep, something of original essence. It's going to take time to change the world, a long time. I don't know everything, but everything has original essence. That's what you hold on to as best as you can, because in the end you'll be judged. Judge me! See you next week.

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