Speeches of Hyo Jin Moon: Episode 79

Speeches of Hyo Jin Moon 2006-2008
Delivered Sunday at Belvedere Estate in Tarrytown, New York
Hyo Jin Moon Speaks on Masculinity and Femininity, Page 313

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Masculinity and Femininity

June 24, 2007

Good morning. (Good morning.)

It never ends. It certainly doesn't get any easier, and it shouldn't. Otherwise you're like useless equipment, outdated. This morning, let's talk about masculinity and femininity. 

What is a macho man? I guess pretty much in general, and throughout the cultures, man does the providing, right? They go out and take the risk and do whatever that they have to do to put the food on the table. That's what they do. And women raise the family, the best that they can, and every detail matters when you are trying to raise children. I guess there are opposite roles. Man's responsibility expands and woman's responsibility focuses. So, basically that's what it is, I guess, that's what we're supposed to do as a father and mother if you have a family.

But where does that concept come from? God created mankind in the image of Himself, so masculinity and femininity obviously came from God, and are manifested in the creation of humanity. And when you break down the essence of humanity, there is man and woman. That is the essence of humanity. That is the origin of masculinity and femininity. And there is a difference between them, they are opposite. Opposite in what, and for what reason? To learn to come together. That is the most important factor, to learn to unite. Because man learns from woman something that they need to learn to become one with God. And woman too, vice versa. And that's the essence of responsibility. You have to put something on the table. You have to earn it. Yes, you have that potential. That's why it can be learned, but you have to act upon it.

It is your responsibility to make the right choices in understanding how things work best, because otherwise you can mess up your whole end of the thing. When you look at nature, it is beautiful, right? There is so much beauty, but at the same time it also has fury. The reason that nature exists in an opposite reality within the domain of the earth itself is because that's how it grows and expands. That's how it rejuvenates itself. That's how it recovers. That's life! We have to understand that stuff.

How many times did we jump to a conclusion through our arrogance without really knowing things? That's why we make mistakes. That's why the foretelling, fortune teller stuff, foreseeing stuff, gets it wrong. Understanding nature is part of the learning process isn't it? That's how you learn. But, in the end, it exists to unite, to create something, teach us something. Nature is there as a textbook of learning about basic stuff that makes us who we are, to give us the basic understanding of how we can relate to God. And to learn, we do have the tools within our physical self, our consciousness and our spirit.

In terms of volume and size, and the degree of expansion, within nature we're the highest. There's nothing greater, not on this planet. Maybe somewhere else there are beings flying around with flying saucers and stuff, but that's a different story! I'd love to meet those hermaphrodites! Even in our practical day-to-day reality, why should the government, the political system itself in America, be adversarial? You can have two opposing things, but why can't the model be that of love and not an adversarial system? Why can't we just teach each other something and try to learn and come together in union, like the model of man and woman coming together.

It is so silly otherwise. Freedom doesn't license you to be stupid, okay? I'll start from there. And what about racial relationships? What about everything? Anything that you want to talk about in human relationships, why does it have to be adversarial? Because if it is, it is like living in a home where the father and mother don't trust each other and are always doing crazy stuff to each other, and you grow up in that. That's just nonsense! How the heck do you make an ideal family in that situation? How is it possible? Just because somebody does something does not mean that it is right. Just because America, being the richest nation on the earth, says, "We have ten trillion dollars in revenue, and are top in terms of taxpayers, and our government budget is three trillion dollars. We have so much money and we are the best!" So what? Who cares? It has nothing to do with making your family correct. And that's what you need to question if you're going to question anything. You have to question that. Why? You want to be good, everybody wants to be good. But, people take advantage of that goodness. 

People want to love stuff. And throughout history a lot of manipulative people in power have used that to send young people to war, because they want love, they want to become something united to something greater, something opposite, something that they're not and hopefully that is greater. Of course, you propagandize it. The reason you're being greater is because there's a relationship of subject and object. Why? Because we do have a relationship between God and mankind. That's why we go to church. Do you expect God to come to you every day? Who chases after the other more, you? Or is God chasing you more? So, who's the subject? And there is such a thing, but in love it doesn't matter! Because you're one, and it's a necessary oneness. You need it. Who cares if I'm the first? Why does that matter when it takes two to become one and make you whole? Why do I have to say to myself, "I am important, am the best!" What about the second that I myself need to be whole?

You have to be humble and keep your arrogance to yourself. That's a humble man. Because you want to grow, you want to learn, you want to love more, I want more, that stuff. That's why you want to be humble. How can I say that I know everything, that I have everything? Then I'm gone. I'm a dead man walking. Might as well be dead, right? Anyway, you have to learn to come together. We exist for a reason. But that stuff, that opposite stuff, that's the way to family. It might initially be the simplest stuff we'll experience in our human life, but there is a whole lot more out there beyond that stuff. That's just the fundamental stuff.

You have to be willing to be whole, to make oneness, so please don't be arrogant. It's a constant job. It never ends.

Okay, take care.

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