Speeches of Hyo Jin Moon: Episode 78

Speeches of Hyo Jin Moon 2006-2008
Delivered Sunday at Belvedere Estate in Tarrytown, New York
Hyo Jin Moon Speaks on Do You Like to Fight?, Page 310

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Do You Like to Fight?

June 17, 2007

Good morning. (Good morning.)

"Do You Like to Fight?" Why do we fight? To dream? There's a lot of fighting going on. Right? It's sad and I'm sure that in your own ways—I don't know you individually, but I'm sure that you have to struggle and you have to fight.

So, for life in general, you're dealing with people because you can't live alone. If you want to live alone, go live in a mountain and become a hunter and gatherer. That's one way to avoid fighting, just cut off all the world, and just find somewhere you can actually live that cave man-like life if there is a piece of land left over. You can do that. But, you're more than that, so you fight.

Okay, having said that, why do we fight? What do we normally fight for? Let's talk about physical things. Let's talk about possessions. Within the limitations of physical things and possessions, within the concept of possession, what do we fight for? We're just talking about physical stuff here, I mean literally possession stuff, authority, control, power, money, fame. They're just pure physical stuff.

What do you fight for on the next level, on an intellectual level? We fight imbalance and seek for what's called fair, what's righteous and all that stuff, all that goody-goody stuff. And what about the spirit? 

Okay, before we get to the spirit, let's dwell on this physical stuff for a little while. When you break down the physical self, what are you actually trying to possess? Because it's about possession. But, what do you want to possess beyond the generalities that I said earlier about power and money? What does that give you? Why do you think that people pursue that stuff? Because they want comfort. They want pleasure. They want control. They want stuff like that. They need to feel a kind of adoration. Adoration is very physical. You know what I'm saying? Why do you want to be adored? Why do you want people to like you? It's a physical thing. If you do have a reason for it that is of the divine it doesn't matter. Adoration doesn't become physical, in that temporal sense. It really doesn't matter. And you get fixated to that stuff. How do you think any kind of addiction begins, whether it's addiction to whatever stuff is there, like sex or drugs, how do you think it begins? It begins when you become fixated on that stuff. That's it. All those things are very physical.

The thing is that physical and spiritual have some kind of reflective quality, a reflection quality. Physical stuff is very individual. Spiritual stuff, all those things, you feel them with God. What you see when you look at yourself in the mirror is yourself, your reflection in the opposite. However, you should see God in your reflection, not just yourself. Stuff in the middle, the intellect, that's the problem maker. That's why we fight, because we don't know how to control that reality. We don't even know how to see that reality in order, in propriety, as God wants us to be.

All of this makes for a difficult path, very difficult. You will struggle to the end of your days, no matter who tells you otherwise. I won't see it. My children won't see it. My grandchildren won't see it. My great­ grandchildren won't see it. It will take at least ten more generations. But you do certain things because you believe that you can do something about what you don't like, what you want to change because you think it's wrong. But, it's going to take time. If anybody tells you otherwise, let them do it. Give them everything you've got. Let them have everything that you have, but it won't happen. I swear to God it won't happen. But we believe in something, right? We can make it right. Nobody's perfect, right? At best we have representation, the best we can have, right? Hallelujah!

We need to move on, trying to better ourselves and making that understanding real. Think about it. You know God has a right to love everybody, right? You want things to change? Change is love. What the heck is love? "God just loves me!" Just you? No. Everybody, right?

You have to allow that to happen. You have to create that kind of environment. That's what's important. And I said what you fight about on the physical level was possessions. And on the intellectual level, you fight imbalance. And on the spiritual level, it is arrogance. You can't be arrogant. You can't just say that, "Oh your love is mine, all mine!" You can't do that stuff. When you truly love somebody, you want to love everything around you, right? Do you select among your kids, "I just want to love this kid and kill the other ones?" You can't do that. It's wrong. I don't think that anybody teaches that to be True Love.

So, everything has to get put in order more and more, deeper, broader and broader, higher and higher, in all sorts of ways in all three dimensions and beyond, if we can achieve it. But, let's just think what we can do in physical terms. That's what we need to focus on. That's the kind of church that we need to be. Otherwise, it'll never happen. I want to live up to my expectation of what my name puts on me, this slavery. I'll do it. I'll do it. As long as you are here. If you're here, I'll be here. No problem. Stuff happens, every day. It's not that bad. You always have to move on and hopefully you can make progress. Quality! Quantity! Speed! That's all you can do. And then you'll die! Isn't that the absolute truth? Anyway, we'll try, right? Let's not fight, okay? Loving is difficult enough, I don't want to fight, okay?

Take care.

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