Speeches of Hyo Jin Moon: Episode 46

Speeches of Hyo Jin Moon 2006-2008
Delivered Sunday at Belvedere Estate in Tarrytown, New York
Hyo Jin Moon Speaks on Building the Kingdom of Heaven, Page 180

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Building the Kingdom of Heaven

October 22, 2006

Good morning. (Good morning.)

I don't see many youngsters here. I guess the parents didn't bring the kids today.

Today's topic is, "Building the Kingdom of Heaven." If there are children here, I can ask some questions. Do you have rules at home, house rules? That's where it starts when it comes to having anything. That's where civility starts, right or wrong, it starts from home.

You should ask your children. The best way to understand the family situation is to ask the children a general question about what is right and what is wrong. If somebody doesn't know you they can take that and they can run with that till the end because that's how serious the family situation is.

In a difficult world we have to deal with many issues in a less-than­ ideal setting. If it was ideal, obviously you could literally understand the status of a family by asking questions to the children about what is right and what is wrong. You get a better answer, a more truthful answer, a more direct answer, not contrived answer, than you would by asking you.

So, even on a family level you have stuff that governs your household, your county, your state, and at the federal level in America. Most countries stop at the level of state. Now the Europeans are trying to federalize themselves because of competition with America, which is the greatest nation on earth in terms of power and wealth.

We're a church. Our foundation is built upon Christianity. I did a video in the early 1990s called, "A Portrait of Jesus." Still to this day, Koreans carry this portrait of a blond haired, blue-eyed Jesus. Europe carries the tradition of Christianity and has propagated it throughout the world. It takes pride in that.

There is a pride factor when it comes to European Christians. When it comes to Korean Christians, it's tradition. They are indoctrinated into a certain way of thinking because they are a very receptive people when it comes to religion. Because of that tradition and because of who they are as a race, those things come into play. They take certain things certain ways. They are very dogmatic about it. It's very difficult to introduce new interpretations into their way of thinking whether it's tradition or pride, it's a very difficult thing.

You literally have to start from scratch going back to wherever they are and trying to build something from that, just purely out of logic alone and create some kind of explanation that dates back thousands of years which you cannot possibly find factual stuff that they will demand. It is very difficult.

On the other hand, America, yes, it's a European white people's land, is a relatively new country, but they still pay attention to equality. They don't care too much about the pride, they don't care too much about the tradition, because you're relatively young and you have this idealism. That's the key in my mind. America is important.

If we're going to keep on trying to convince the world of what we believe, I think America is the only place that will allow what we have to actually see the light of day. For the Korean people it has to be something special like white people with golden hair and blue eyes. It's mysterious—it's mystical to them. That's absolutely true.

If you're bombarded by a certain way of thinking, that in itself is a daunting challenge, because it's impossible for you to change. No matter how much plastic surgery you have, you can't look like a blond haired, blue-eyed white person.

They believe that it can't be them. It has to be something else. Isn't that the picture in the end? Isn't that why we struggle with the concept of the messiah? Because he can't be something like us. He's got to be something different. He can't defecate, he can't fart, he can't even piss because he is the messiah. Some people just require something mysterious.

What is the mystery? You can ask yourself what is the mystery of becoming a good parent? In America, 50 percent of marriages fail. When a marriage fails, the father and mother decide to separate. Obviously the children will suffer. The family will break up. It will be separated and destroy the essence, the value of the union that brought forth the family to begin with.

You face that kind of constant challenge pretty much on a daily basis. It's almost a routine. It's almost something you expect. It's like hit-or­-miss. That's the tragedy. It's not something certain. It doesn't have that kind of certainty and security that we deserve, if we think about the ideal.

Before we talk about idealism, we have to pull ourselves back and think practically. In reality, that's the case. How do you talk about idealism even if America is prepared as the setting in which Father can be what he claims to be? He will die soon. He's not going to live too long. He is an old man. That is a fact. He is not going to live a thousand years.

There is some kid that I know that goes around meeting with big shots and rich people, saying that if we eat certain stuff we can live 700 years. Maybe it's possible in theory. He thinks like that because he has money. He has access to stuff before it's available to everybody else. Good luck.

People like to think about all sorts of things that give them some kind of comfort. I guess living long is a comfort to them. "That's the purpose of living—living long, and I do what I do, and somehow, the world is working in my favor when I do what I do and I have what I have and get what I want." What's that kind of stuff? It's not life. Then what? What if it doesn't happen? Well, too bad kid. It's about that person only.

It has nothing to do with anybody else. Nobody will think that kind of stuff in general. No ordinary people will think that. That is just so beyond their reality. There are people who literally think like that. They're not stupid. They're smart people. They believe all sorts of stupid things.

What does that mean? How do you build the Kingdom? Even if you have a great opportunity—in my mind, in America—Why? Because they are free to listen. In my mind it's ironic. We're equal. That equality thing is actually good for us in the long run, because there's no other way to put that kind of stress on reality to everybody. You have to do it like everybody else.

If we do our part correctly, if we present ourself, and at the same time we can show that we are who we say we are, in the end, that's how you can make a difference. And if you can make a difference in America, if you can stand out, you can stand out everywhere as long as they believe in Christianity.

 Muslims and Islam is indigenous to regions where there are tribes that have hatreds that are thousands of years old. They have successfully dominated regions in Africa and SouthEast Asia.

That's why America is important. We can fight fire with fire. Beyond killing each other and knowing who is greater at killing the other guy, we've got to have something more than that. That's why America is necessary before the spirit. The spirit talks about a lot of stuff that is absolute. But you struggle to think about spirit and never experience it. To be honest, I never heard God tell me to do something. What I do is just trying to understand what I am, and what I have to do.

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