Pyeong Hwa Gyeong: Episode 76

Pyeong Hwa Gyeong: A Selection of True Parents’ Speeches
Book 2: God’s Homeland and the Peace Kingdom
Speech 8: God’s Homeland and the Peace Kingdom, pg 258-261

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God’s Homeland and the Peace Kingdom

January 27, 2004
Jamshil Indoor Gymnasium, Seoul, Korea Commemoration of True Parents’ Birthday

Respected current and former heads of state, distinguished world leaders, ladies and gentlemen: I would like to convey deep appreciation for your many expressions of congratulations on this occasion of my birthday, which is also my wife’s birthday. However, this is not for us; I would like to offer all glory to God, who has protected us until today.

Early in our lives God called us, and we have devoted our entire lives to fulfilling His will. Therefore, I cannot accept your congratulations without including God in this celebration! For my address this evening, I would like to talk about “God’s Homeland and the Peace Kingdom.”

God’s homeland lost through the Fall

Ladies and gentlemen, what kind of world would have been realized if Adam and Eve, the first human ancestors, had not fallen? Adam would have become the patriarch of God’s family, the chief of God’s tribe, and the king of God’s nation. From that ideal of Adam, the world that would have begun would have been Adam’s world, having the tradition, language, culture, and lifestyle of Adam. Both God and Adam would have been able to dwell in that world as their homeland.

Unfortunately, human history began with the Fall of the first human ancestors. Our world was reduced to slavery under the dominion of Satan. It was a world that had nothing to do with God. Humankind was originally meant to establish and live in a peace kingdom for eternity, with God as their True Parent. Instead, the human race enslaved itself to Satan, the source of evil, and has lived in a world ridden with sin and suffering ever since. This has brought immeasurable and constant anguish to God.

Please think about this in the context of your own life. Contrary to the will of the Creator, your mind and body are in constant struggle and conflict. Has there been anyone who has completely unified his or her mind and body? Among the six billion people of this world today, is there anyone who has lived according to the original, ideal mind-body relationship, where the body is in complete submission to the mind? What about the societies and nations of today’s world? From the conflict and selfishness rooted in the individual’s mind and body come the barriers that have transformed societies and nations into impregnable fortresses.

Human beings were supposed to live as one family of brothers and sisters, yet we see interracial strife. It is a crucial problem threatening world peace. Each religion began with a mission to revive human spirituality, thereby accomplishing the will of God by bringing humankind back to Him. However, religions abandoned their original mission and became mired in the swamps of prejudice and conflict. This escalated to the point where we see religions being misused as tools for bloodshed and war.

The original mind of humankind leads to the world of peace

Where does our original mind lead us? In the core of our heart, do we desire to live oppressed within the walls and boundaries that surround us? Certainly not! The world that we desire is a place where there are no artificial barriers or boundaries. It is a world of freedom and peace. All people long for that original homeland. It is the homeland that God has sought to establish for thousands of years. It is the homeland that humankind has longed for throughout history. Of course, when we talk about a homeland, a particular nation may come to mind, yet we cannot compare any nation of today’s world to the original homeland.

To establish a nation there needs to be sovereignty, people and territory. History records the rise and fall of nations and countless transitions of sovereignties, accompanied by the sacrifice of a great many lives. Among them were countless martyrs who died in the hope that the original homeland would someday appear. The homeland these people longed for does not refer to the United States, or Korea, or any other nation. The original homeland is not a place based on democracy or communism. In it there is no need for any religion. It is a world that does not commit the folly of measuring the value of a person by the color of his or her skin. It does not allow any form of artificial boundary or national border, including the barrier that divides the mind and body within each individual. These barriers bring pain to everyone.

Ladies and gentlemen, the planet earth is our home, and the entire globe is the homeland that humanity is longing for. For tens of thousands of years, God has longed for this homeland. Humankind has the responsibility to establish a global nation congruent with God’s values, as well as to banish evil from this earth by judging Satan, who has been the archenemy in front of heaven. This is how we will build the heavenly kingdom of peace on earth, on the foundation of goodness. Please remember always that this has been God’s desire, Jesus’ desire, and the desire of our ancestors who walked the path of martyrdom in the course of God’s providence. 

True lineage and true love lead to the ideal

The ideal world is not created automatically. Nobody can build it by just wishing it into existence. It is impossible to attain unless we, the offspring of the Fall of the first human ancestors, receive a new lineage through the marriage Blessing and practice a life of true love.

What is a life of true love? In essence, it is living for the sake of others. It is living for the sake of others before you even think about the other doing something for you. It is a life of giving to others and dismissing the thought that you ever gave. It is not giving in hopes of receiving something in return. It is a life where you give and give, so much that you will never regret that you didn’t give more. Even as you give, you bow your head in humility. Thus, Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13) He also said, “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” (Matt. 23:12) Even our almighty Creator, God, does not engage in creation and destruction at whim. He abides by the principles of creation that He Himself established. 

For this reason I have been conducting the marriage Blessing providence throughout the past several decades. Due to the Fall of the first ancestors, humankind inherited false life, false love and false lineage, and had no choice but to live a false life. Therefore, my wife and I began our God-given mission as the True Parents. Throughout our lives we have walked a lonely path to carry out this heavenly decree to eliminate Satan, the devil, through the marriage Blessing providence and, as the True Parents, to bequeath true life, true love, and the true lineage to humanity.

We discovered that God by Himself could not reverse the false blood lineage, because the false parents planted it. Having fulfilled all the necessary indemnity conditions, my wife and I stand victoriously as the True Parents. We have been expanding the true lineage by separating humanity from the lineage of the false olive tree and engrafting them to the true olive tree. A false olive tree will remain a false olive tree, even if a thousand years pass; the lineage can change only when it is engrafted to the true olive tree.

Ladies and gentlemen, the bright age of Heaven is dawning. Please receive my message with hope. The history of the marriage Blessing began with just three couples in 1960 and has now reached 400 million couples around the world. Furthermore, there are more than 120 billion blessed couples living in the spirit world. The field of the true olive tree has now overwhelmed the field of the wild olive trees. All these blessed families are united in living for the sake of others. The life of these true olive trees, embodying the true lineage, is now quickly spreading throughout the entire world.They will realize God’s homeland and peace kingdom. It will be a nation full of joy and happiness, a global nation of freedom and equality without walls or national borders.

Building the kingdom of peace under the banner of the Peace UN 

To fulfill this heavenly providence, on October 3, 2003, I founded the Peace UN in New York City to develop initiatives that will revolutionize heaven and earth. We are building God’s homeland, our homeland, by educating all six billion people on this planet, giving them the marriage Blessing, and making them see the entire globe as their home and our home.

Our goal is set. The flag of the Peace UN is already waving high. Shouts of victory are erupting across the world. Victories are being won in America, Europe, Israel, Palestine, Japan and Korea. Nothing is impossible with God, and the numerous martyrs, patriots, saints and sages in the spirit world who are with us. It is said that those who have faith will be blessed. On this significant day, I would like to ask you to engrave this message deep in your heart. I pray that you may receive the grace of the marriage Blessing and create a great revolution of lineage. I sincerely hope that you will become brave soldiers of Heaven, courageously standing on the front line of God’s providence in order to build God’s homeland on this earth, so that the peace kingdom may prosper for all eternity. Thank you very much.

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