Pyeong Hwa Gyeong: Episode 303

Pyeong Hwa Gyeong: A Selection of True Parents’ Speeches
Book 7: The World of the Culture of Heart
Speech 18: God Is Our True Parent, True Teacher and True King, pg 1118-1122

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God Is Our True Parent, True Teacher and True King

April 27, 2005 
Cheonghae Garden, Yeosu, Korea
Address at the Rally to Attend the Root Ancestor, the King of Peace

Distinguished guests from around the world, ambassadors for peace, representatives from non-governmental organizations, leaders of the Mongolian People’s Federation for World Peace, beloved blessed families, ladies and gentlemen:

My heart swells to see you all here in the scenic Republic of Korea on this spring day.

As you all know, my life of eighty-plus years has been a path of indescribable persecution and tribulation. I began my mission at the young age of sixteen after receiving Heaven’s call and mandate. Since then, for the past seventy years, I have walked a thorny path, often risking my life in my battles against Satan.

The true root is God’s true love

People had no way of knowing that God, the Creator and Owner of heaven and earth, is our True Parent. Endlessly adrift in a swamp of falsehood and slavery, they did not know the means of escape. This is due to the Fall of the first ancestors, Adam and Eve. As a result, human beings became as orphans in an alien land. Generations have come and gone as people trapped under the deception of Satan, the false parent. We must look closely at the world today and recognize that we have been confined for thousands of years under a false lineage and layer upon layer of lies.

For thousands of years, people have lived as false olive trees. As such, they have lost the ability even to distinguish between a false olive tree and true olive tree. The planet Earth remains a realm of hell, covered by an infestation of six billion false olive trees. These are the offspring of Satan’s defiled lineage. I set out on my path after receiving Heaven’s seal as the only true olive tree, and I have followed my path for the past seventy years of my life. 

Two thousand years ago, Jesus appeared on earth with the mission of the true olive tree. However, as we know all too well, Jesus could not produce even one blessed fruit of the true olive tree during his life; instead he was put to death. This was due to the disbelief of the religious leaders of that day, who did not fully understand Heaven’s Will in choosing and sending Jesus. It was also due to the mistake of Israel’s political class, which focused only on its own struggle for power. Consequently, for another two thousand long years following the death of Jesus, God again laid the foundation to plant the true olive tree, to safely nurture it and enable its flowers to bloom so that it could bear fruit.

I just said that six billion false olive trees cover the earth. You can watch a false olive tree for tens of thousands of years, and it will still be a false olive tree. There is no miracle by which it can mutate into a true olive tree. It has a different root. Thus, people who belong to Satan’s lineage, to that of the false olive tree, cannot convert to the true lineage of Heaven just because they wish to. They are in need of the true olive tree, which comes from Heaven with the root and substance of the true lineage.

For engrafting to take place, a false olive tree must be completely cut off at the stump. If even one branch remains, it would lose its qualification to be reborn as a true olive tree. A scion from the true olive tree should only be engrafted onto a clean base that has no remnant of the false olive tree. Then the formerly false olive tree can bring forth the fruit of a true olive tree.

Accordingly, for you who had no choice but to live as false olive trees, the situation is as plain as can be. Above all you must first seek the true root. Where can this root be found? Can it be found through modern science, which today continuously develops at a speed beyond our imagination? Can it be found through extensive reading of philosophy, which has a proud tradition of several thousands of years and has developed new ideas until the present? If not, can it be found through the doctrines of the great world religions that huge populations legitimate as true? To state it simply, finding the true root requires that we transcend science, philosophy, religion and even the cosmos.

The ones who come as Heaven’s true olive tree are the True Parents, who bring rebirth to you all. Heavenly law dictates that a person receives life through his or her parents. The True Parents come to the earth with the heavenly root of true love, true life and true lineage. Human beings were born rooted in the false love of Satan. The True Parents have the mission of decisively severing human beings from that root, so that they can take root as sprouts of true love.

The true olive tree that humankind is seeking grows from the root of God’s true love. This root can only emerge through the True Parents. Therefore, the work of the Association for the Discovery of Our Original Roots can advance a providential revolution of true love. It can reach beyond the world and cosmos in seeking God by engrafting to the True Parents, who stand as the King and Queen of Peace. 

Engrafting through the Blessing of marriage

Dear guests, how can scions from the root of God’s true love be engrafted to fallen human beings who are false olive trees? Even a false olive tree will perish if it is completely uprooted. Engrafting cannot take place onto a dead root. The question is whether your root is from a true seed or a false seed. Since you are descendants of the Fall, Satan’s false blood flows through you, without exception. Hence, you must make it your goal, and strive for it at the risk of your life, to receive the marriage Blessing from the True Parents, who come with the root of Heaven’s true seed. Your goal needs to be to receive the true root, that is, true love, true life and true lineage.

This is why the purpose of the providential history of salvation has been to find that true couple. Only they can begin the movement to re-create human beings by eradicating Satan’s false blood and bestowing the true lineage of Heaven. Only through them can you be reborn as Heaven’s true child. 

You who receive the true lineage and begin your lives as true olive trees have the duty to establish families belonging to the true root. You have to make the True Parents your central axis, so that Satan’s false root can never touch your true trees. You must then establish the Korean people, a homogeneous people characterized by the Mongolian birthmark, as the eldest son people of humankind.

The new seed of the new lineage that you have received will unite the earth. You need to preserve the true lineage that you have inherited through the marriage Blessing, and use your God-given creativity to establish a realm of three generations—grandparents, parents and children—within your families.

Also, you need to offer to Heaven all your possessions, which you accumulated within Satan’s world. Then you can receive the new right of possession from Heaven. Next, you need to inherit God’s realm of heart, which is the essence of this true root, and on that basis, establish the practice of true love as your life’s tradition. That is how you can liberate and release the historical bitter resentment between Cain and Abel.

Distinguished guests, the time has now come for you to make a strong resolution for a new beginning. Heavenly fortune dwells within your nation and people. This is not due to your success. Neither is it because the Republic of Korea is special. Rather, it is because the True Parents of humankind, raised by God, began the providence of passing on the true lineage starting with the Korean people. We all need to applaud God and True Parents with sincere gratitude for bestowing the true root upon us, who otherwise were destined to live forever as false olive trees.

It is time to cast aside the old habits and layers of vanity you had as false olive trees in the Era before the Coming of Heaven. Become the elite of Heaven who practice a life of true love by living for the sake of others. As true olive trees belonging to the Era after the Coming of Heaven, this must be your way of life. Your family must establish the root tradition of the true parent, true teacher and true king as its own tradition, and never allow it to wither away.

Dear guests, soon the time will come when nations will be registered into God’s kingdom of Cheon Il Guk. The time is coming when all religions will take down their signboards and join the ranks of the kingdom. Tens of thousands of clans and tribes worldwide will join in harmony as a single race characterized by the Mongolian birthmark.

Your many good ancestors in the spirit world are anxiously waiting to receive grafts from the true olive tree through you. Regardless of how good they were when they lived on earth, your ancestors entered the spirit world as false olive trees. They are floating about like duckweed, unable to take root in that world. This means that unless your family receives the Blessing, your ancestors will remain trapped in circumstances that prevent them from taking root. When you uphold the true lineage, the true root, you can become the eyes of Heaven. Then you will be the bridge that your ancestors can have faith in and depend on, the bridge that enables them to cross over. This is the priceless value of the marriage Blessing that you receive from the True Parents. It is a blessing of infinite value, which addresses the eternal life of your clan today and also the life of your ancestors and your descendants.

Dear guests, at the beginning of this year, the fifth year of the kingdom of Cheon Il Guk, I was nominated, crowned and enthroned as the King of Peace and Cosmic Unity on the supra-religious and supranational level, and I proclaimed it throughout heaven and earth. From this time forth, the world will rapidly change according to Heaven’s initiative. Trumpet calls signaling the transformation of the world and creation of a new heaven and a new earth are spreading throughout the physical world and the spirit world. Today, on this providential land of Yeosu and Sooncheon, we will proclaim the opening of the new age of liberation and complete freedom in history, shouting until our lungs burst. We will light the beacon of true love on the mountaintop.

May you become the owners of Cheon Il Guk. May you be the vanguard that builds Cheon Il Guk. May you transcend religion, nation, race and the world, by building a bridge of blessed families across the vast Pacific Ocean. In conclusion, I have prepared a special gift for all of you today. It is a booklet containing a collection of vivid and moving testimonies sent by the representatives of the four great religions and representative, world-renowned kings, presidents, journalists and scholars who have passed into the spirit world.

May God’s blessings be with you and your families.

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