Pyeong Hwa Gyeong: Episode 21
Pyeong Hwa Gyeong: A Selection of True Parents’ Speeches
Book 1: The Principles of True Peace
Speech 5: A Life Devoted to Others, Pg 81-83
A Life Devoted to Others
April 27, 1991, National Theater, Montevideo, Uruguay
Welcoming Assembly for Rev. Sun Myung Moon at the Tenth Anniversary of CAUSA
Respected guests, members of CAUSA Uruguay, ladies and gentlemen: I am most honored to be with you here in Montevideo, your beautiful capital of Uruguay. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the citizens of Uruguay who have so warmly welcomed me, especially to those who prepared such a wonderful occasion today.
I would also like to congratulate you, who have devoted yourselves to your homeland Uruguay for ten years now, culminating in this celebration of the tenth anniversary of the foundation of CAUSA Uruguay. Personally, I am so moved that I could visit this country that is located at the center of South America and that plays such an important role among the countries of Latin America.
Technological standardization for the construction of a great world
This is the first time for me to visit your beautiful country, although I made a tour of various nations in South America twenty-six years ago. Since then, I have never forgotten Latin America, and I have worried about the future of this region for years. I have been deeply concerned, in particular, about the spiritual salvation of the people of Latin America.
We are now on the threshold of the five hundredth anniversary of the European discovery of the Americas, and we are at a historic and pivotal point where we have to think seriously about the origin of this continent’s culture, our present reality, and our future.
I believe it is not by chance but as a result of God’s providence that the Americas remained unknown to Europeans until the end of the fifteenth century. God had prepared these continents for a role in His providence. Many of the first Europeans to cross the Atlantic Ocean and settle in the New World were deeply devoted people, seeking a land where they could freely worship God and bring the message of Christ to the native peoples of the New World. It was certainly God’s desire that unity and friendship would blossom between the native peoples of the Americas and the European settlers.
The New World of America was supposed to have been a model of harmony under God for all people. However, this did not take place as God had hoped. Along with good people of devotion, many selfish people came to the New World. They abused the natives and took their wealth. Problems of slavery and racism added to these woes. As a result, God could not always bless the foundation of this new culture. In some cases, nations were established based on greed rather than on the model of Christian love. This unfortunate beginning developed into a tradition of selfishness and exploitation that remains to this day.
If Latin America wishes to be an example of reconciliation and peace in front of the world, it needs to abandon the customs of the past and make a new start. Since the day of its liberation from Spain and the other colonial powers, Latin America has nurtured a great dream of unity as a neighborhood of countries.
Simon Bolivar, with his idea of Patria Grande, Jose Artigas, who brought about the independence of Uruguay, and other Latin American patriots, all envisioned the unity of Latin America. Today all nations of the world are seeking greater unity through cultural, economic, and political endeavors. It is clear that the vision of one world, with the Latin American dream as a precursor, is shining with ever-greater luster.
Sharing this vision, I have supported and promoted Latin America’s dream through organizations such as CAUSA, AULA, PWPA, and the Global Summit. Through these organizations, for several years, I have called many former presidents and prime ministers together. We have studied how to promote the cooperation and unity of all countries. It was for just this purpose that the former presidents of fourteen countries in Latin America met together under the auspices of AULA here in Montevideo in 1986.
Your homeland Latin America still has serious cultural, economic, and political problems. Your effort to resolve them is required in order to build a peaceful and abundant future. Latin American countries have the same responsibility in the task of reforming this world as the various developed countries. For the establishment of the ideal world, the distribution of technology and the free exchange of ideas need to be extended to all nations.
The Unification Church is working for more rapid worldwide development in places such as China, Africa, the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and your homeland, Latin America.
If Latin America is to show an example of harmony and peace to the world, the trend toward division and conflict has to be stopped and reversed. To this end, CAUSA is making a worldwide contribution in the field of ideas, offering a clear vision of the path that democratic systems have to take based on a solid foundation of moral and ethical values. CAUSA presents a moral perspective that can serve as the foundation to eliminate corruption and exploitation in democratic society.
These serious problems and others that face all humanity, such as ignorance, hunger, and disease, are products of deeper, underlying spiritual causes that need to be addressed urgently by responsible citizens everywhere. In this time of grave importance, we live in a moment of transition in human history. In the past, many movements in the fields of religion, culture, and politics were founded upon noble ideals in pursuit of a better world. Despite great accomplishments, the movements, and the institutions they established often departed from their originally intended ideals. Religious and cultural movements, political parties, and social systems often fall into division, contradiction, and disharmony within themselves and even fight with one another.
In the world today, wrongful political and religious zeal and narrow-mindedness still induce antagonism and hatred. Such are clearly not the desired objectives of people of faith and good conscience, and we must not bequeath such mistaken traditions to our descendants. Then what is the direction we ought to take? What is the proper tradition to bequeath?