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Cheon Seong Gyeong: Episode 86

Cheon Seong Gyeong Book 4: True Person
Chapter 1: The True Human Beings that God Created
Section 1:  True Human Beings Are the Embodiments of God
, 01-14


Chapter 1 The True Human Beings that God Created

Section 1.  True Human Beings Are the Embodiments of God

1 All things have form, but God, as an incorporeal being, has no form. In terms of size, He can be infinitely large or infinitely small. All things of creation have substantial bodies, however. If God were to manifest or exhibit Himself in one particular pattern or form, He would not be able to directly govern them. For this reason, in order to be the Lord of the substantial world of creation, God must manifest His form and character through a substantial being. God should have dominion over all created beings, those on earth and those in the infinite spirit world. In order to govern incorporeal substantial beings, including the archangels, as well as the beings with their myriad forms in the corporeal substantial world, God needs central beings that manifest His complete image. This is why God created Adam and Eve.

Why God created human beings

2 Why did God create human beings? He created them because of love. God did not create just to make some kind of artwork. He began the creation because of love. For this reason, love precedes existence. God made the model of love as the standard and then created. From this ideal model, God created a man and a woman and the entire created world.

3 Why did God, the Absolute Being, create men and women? It was not for money, knowledge, or power. It was for love. The only way God can feel love is through His partners, human beings. From this point of view, we can say that God is the Father and human beings are His sons and daughters. This relationship is the axis. If God and human beings had been connected through this axis, they would have become one in love. Then absolutely nothing could sever their relationship.

4 What do you think was God’s purpose in creating human beings? Simply put, even though God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent, He did not want to be alone. Hence, God created the cosmos as an environment for human beings, and on that foundation, He created human beings to be His partners of absolute love. Because God created human beings as His children, He wanted them, as His object partners, to be better and greater than He is. Even in this world, don't people want their children to live better than they do and become better than they are? This tradition of parents' love is a blessing that God bestowed on human beings. God's purpose of creation was to experience joy in seeing men and women, His children, grow to perfect themselves in spirit, blessing them in marriage, and having them bear the fruit of true love, true life, and true lineage by multiplying true children, creating true families, and building and living in the eternal, ideal kingdom of heaven.

5 God began creating heaven and earth and all things in order to develop the world of His object partners. Specifically, God wanted to create others like Himself as His counterparts.  That is why God invested Himself. God intended to evolve from being a God who is not seen to being a God who is seen. The work of creation requires investing, which consumes energy.  How much did God invest Himself in creating? He completely poured out His true life, true love, and true ideal. Therefore, the situation before God created, and the situation afterward was different. Before He began creating, God was thinking of Himself, but after He began creating, He lived completely for the sake of His counterparts. That is why we too exist not for ourselves but for our counterparts. The words "love" and "ideal" exist only when we live for our object partner. Hence the basis of an ideal existence is to live for the sake of our counterparts. It can never be based on living for ourselves.

6 Why did God create human beings? It was not just so He could watch His sons and daughters live their lives. When I deeply pondered this question, I concluded that He created us in order to share love with us. God's purpose in creating us is love. Love is the foundation upon which God created life. God did not generate love after first creating life. In other words, life germinated because love began to grow in God's heart. Since life sprang from that love, its result should come about by means of that love. Since the beginning was love, the end must also be love. This is why we human beings are miserable when there is no love in our lives. When we talk about love we do not talk about ourselves, because love occurs through mutual relationships. Love can arise only through a relationship between subject and object partners.

7 God's last step in realizing His purpose of creation was to assume a form. The Incorporeal God cannot govern the physical world directly, so to be the Father and Mother of all humankind, God has to manifest in physical form. He has to embody Himself in the physical forms of human beings so that when these human beings relate to one another as subject partners and object partners and are stimulated through their sensory organs, He also will experience that stimulation.

8 Why do you think God needed Adam and Eve? God had two purposes in mind. First, He wanted to realize the ideal of love. Second, being incorporeal, God wished to manifest Himself in a form. Adam and Eve were to be the base and core through which the incorporeal God could assume form and establish a relationship with the corporeal world. If you could look at the perfected Adam and Eve in the spirit world, Adam and Eve would be like God's body and God would be like Adam and Eve's mind. Like the mind, God is invisible. God's purpose in creating Adam and Eve was so that each of them would be a complete person, like the mind and the body of the substantial world. As a result, as perfected people in the spirit world, each of them would be a unified human being.

9 When God and human beings become one through love, Adam's body and God's body—the God embodied in Adam—become one, and Adam's mind and God's mind become one. It is likewise with Eve. Then God can fully feel the image of Adam and the image of Eve. This is the basis from which the principle of origin, division, and union begins. The origin is divided and then comes together. What is the purpose of division? The first reason is so that God can be in the position to perfect His love through His object partners of love, who have bodies. His love is not perfected as a vertical relationship of above and below, but through beings in a horizontal relationship. In the same way that the mind is vertical and the body is horizontal, God also has mind and body. His body being one with Adam's body and His mind being one with Adam's mind, and likewise, with Eve, God finds His substantial self through a substantial man or woman who are united in mind and body. The invisible God exists with internal character and external form, but His existence is on the level of a mind. That is why, to become one with the physical world, God created Adam and Eve.

10 Why did God create Adam and Eve? God, being formless, cannot have direct dominion over the world of substance. The invisible God cannot directly govern the visible world of creation, the universe. This is the reason God needs to assume a body. Furthermore, it is in a body that God can experience love. This is why He created human beings—Adam and Eve. When God incarnates in them and experiences love through them, God is stimulated internally and externally. As long as God is only existing on the level of a mind, He will not be able to experience stimulation without a physical counterpart.

11 God exists as a being without form, and as such, He cannot feel stimulation when relating to the universe of forms. He can try to stimulate Himself, but no matter how much He does, as long as it is only in His mind, which is incorporeal, He is unable to feel stimulated. There cannot be stimulation between things that are the same. However, when two contrasting things come together, such as warm and cold ocean currents, spectacular reactions can take place. God longed for that kind of stimulation. He needed something that would be stimulating and alive, yet at some distance from Him. That is why God in the plus position created His partners in the minus position.

12 The Principle of Creation explains why God created by dividing His dual characteristics. If we view God as complete, then we can view Adam and Eve each as half of God. Adam is half of God, and Eve is half of God. It is so since God divided Himself in creating them. What is the purpose of having each substantial being be half of God? An individual alone cannot make a family, much less a nation or the kingdom of heaven. There must be two halves, Adam and Eve, who become one through love.

Human beings are the temples of God

13 What would have happened if the first ancestors, Adam and Eve, had not fallen? They would have attained oneness with God. Then they would have inherited from Him the great task of creation and shared His joy in completing it. Standing in the same position, they would have rejoiced together after completing the creation together. Such would have been the relationship between God and humankind. If the original human beings had had nothing to do with the Fall, they would have become God's temples. Had Adam and Eve not fallen, then when they married and became the human ancestors, God would have entered their minds and dwelt there. Having entered their minds, God would have become their center, and Adam and Eve would have become as God's body. That is why Jesus said, "I am in the Father and the Father is in me” (John 14:10). He meant that he was one body with God. Yet that was supposed to have been the case with Adam and Eve. Jesus did not fall. If likewise, Adam and Eve had matured and received the Holy Marriage Blessing with God as their center, they would have become one in the realm of His direct love. God would have been the center of this realm. Had this happened, human beings would have become the embodiments of God, His substantial bodies.

14 Adam is God's body in substantial form. First Corinthians 3:16 states, "Do you not know that you are God's temple?" What is a temple? A temple is God's dwelling place. Originally, the place in our hearts where love blossoms should be the holy of holies, where God comes to dwell. That is why God was striving to build the temple of universal love in Adam's heart and, from the power of the love generated there, bring the flower of love into bloom. It was for this purpose that God created Adam and Eve and blessed them to create a family that would eventually fill the whole world.



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