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Cheon Seong Gyeong: Episode 54

Cheon Seong Gyeong Book 2: True Parents
Chapter 5: Inheriting the Victory of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind
Section 1: The True Parents of Heaven, E
arth, and Humankind, 4-15

(4) The Parent of the Cosmos and the Parents of Heaven and Earth bear fruit in human beings. Even God cannot achieve the purpose of love on His own. Being incorporeal, there is no way for God to bring His sons and daughters, who live in the world of substance, to the kingdom of heaven and make them its citizens. Without assuming a form, He cannot do it.

(5) We call our Heavenly Parent the Parent of the Cosmos, and we call True Parents on earth the Parents of Heaven and Earth. Everything could have been completed in Adam's family if the Parent of the Cosmos and the Parents of Heaven and Earth had become one at that time. Then all could have been joined in ties of true love, true life and true lineage and all would have settled in Adam's family. Adam's family was supposed to have been the beginning point of the world and the starting-point of God's blessing for the world. That one family was to be the owner that would have opened the gate to God's nation, which is the kingdom of heaven. By inheriting the tradition of that family, people would have become sons and daughters within the realm of the royal family and would have gone directly to the kingdom. They would not have needed religion, the Savior, the Messiah, the Lord at his Second Advent or the True Parents. They would already have been able to serve the Heavenly Parent in the palace of the heavenly kingdom.

The Era after the Coming of Heaven and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind

(6) The most important words in the Unification Church are the Parent of the Cosmos, the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind. God's ideal is not to become the Parent of the Cosmos or the Parents of Heaven and Earth; it is to manifest as the Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind. That has been the ideal and hope of God's creation. Among these parents, we need the Parent of the Cosmos and the Parents of Heaven and Earth, but we need the Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind even more. Yet until now, no one has ever known such parents. Because Adam and Eve could not attain perfection as human beings, they could not perfect God, nor could they perfect themselves as the Parents of Heaven and Earth. Even God cannot find love on His own. Likewise, the Parents of Heaven and Earth cannot experience love without having partners of love. However, with God standing in the position of the mind and True Parents standing in the position of the body, you stand in the position of God's grandchildren, the third generation. Hence, these two sets of parents bear fruit in you, and you become the seeds that can be harvested and stored in the heavenly kingdom. Therefore, the Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind are the most precious.

(7) Had human beings not fallen, God would have become manifest in the Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind. God would have entered directly into the people’s hearts. He would have become embodied in them; and then when the two people loved each other as husband and wife and had children, God would have become the real Parent of that family. Until now, people have not had the opportunity to attend God as their Parent in this way. Nevertheless, the ideal of creation is that God would be embodied in His children, create a family with them, and then expand that family into a people, nation, world, and cosmos. Yet, due to the human Fall, God was unable to become embodied and He was unable to bear children and bequeath everything to them. Being unable to give birth to children in the flesh, He could not become the Parent with form.

(8) In the end, everything must be perfected on the earth. Both God and True Parents have to reach perfection on earth. Had that occurred in the beginning, the individuals of that original family on earth would have represented the world. Likewise, this family had to expand to a tribe, a people and a nation that would represent the world, and so on up to the cosmos. These needed to emerge on earth. With the fulfillment of all these, everyone would have entered the kingdom of heaven, to abide therein. This is the viewpoint from the ideal of creation. However, that world never came into existence. God, who is the Parent of the Cosmos, and human beings, who were supposed to become the Parents of Heaven and Earth, were split apart. Still, in the end, they have to unite and become the Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind. That is the ultimate hope. God attains perfection on earth, not in the spirit world. The incorporeal God has to attain perfection in a substantial body.

(9) The Old Testament Age was the time for recovering all the lost things of creation, based on offering sacrifices. The New Testament Age was the time for bringing all people, Cain and Abel, together. The era of the Second Coming is the time when the Heavenly Father and the earthly Father and Mother become one as the Parents of Heaven and Earth. Thus, the era of the Second Coming is the time for receiving in your families the lineage of the Parent of the Cosmos, the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. It is the era of the new heaven and new earth, when, under these Parents' authority, there is no room whatsoever for Satan to accuse or invade. This means that the age is changing from the Era before the Coming of Heaven to the Era after the Coming of Heaven. I have come to this overall conclusion, through which everything is made clear.

(10) In order for the Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind to arise, one man and one woman, each with mind-body unity, must become one and settle as a family. When the time comes that they do this, then the era of liberation is at hand. It will be the era of complete freedom, when God’s lineage can be spread throughout the world. Now, with True Parents having reached the top of the world level, even the era of complete freedom has been established. Hence, a new heaven and new earth is upon us, as the Era before the Coming of Heaven comes to a close and the Era after the Coming of Heaven begins. With the arrival of a new heaven and a new earth centered on God, we see the emergence of the King of Peace.

(11) The Era before the Coming of Heaven has passed, and the Era after the Coming of Heaven is approaching. Therefore, we need to recover not only the Day of the Victory of the Number Ten Combining Two Halves (Ssang Hab Shib Seung II), but also the year of victory. Satan willfully took possession of not only the day, but also the year, and controlled them. But with the power of the Parent of the Cosmos, the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind, I did what the incorporeal God was unable to do and what Jesus was prevented from doing during his time in the flesh. By means of the physical body, I have enabled God's sons and daughters to be brought into the world—the children of the Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind. The families that have received the Blessing are the beginning point of this. Without blessed families, God cannot have His tribe, nation or world.

(12) You are no longer sinners. You have been freed from the sin of the Fall, and you have even come to the liberated nation, Cheon II Guk. But even in the nation of Cheon II Guk some are still convicts on death row. I have to liberate even those who are serving life sentences, people who would otherwise be in hell for eternity. That is why I proclaimed the age of complete freedom. The Day of the Victory of the Number Ten Combining Two Halves was the turning point between the Era before the Coming of Heaven and the Era after the Coming of Heaven. It signaled the time when a new heaven and new earth could begin. Based on that day, God could recover all that He had lost, including the day and the year. He opened up days and years in which all the wealth of the world, all material things, and all people, everything that had been lost in past days and years, could be recovered in the new era of the new heaven and new earth.

(13) God Himself needs to live in the family, embodied in people who are having sons and daughters. That is the kingdom of heaven. Centering on the family in which God dwells, the kingdom of heaven on earth and the kingdom of heaven in the spirit world are one world, not two. Anything that is not of the kingdom will fade away. It will be repulsed. These elements must be completely eradicated. Once that is done, everything will be governed by a new law. Therefore, we need to remove everything that is of the Era before the Coming of Heaven and make things new for the Era after the Coming of Heaven. That single family of unity will expand to a people, and that people will create a newly restructured nation in heaven. It will be God's nation and our original homeland.

(14) With the coming of the True Parents, we have entered an era that transcends religion, transcends nationality and transcends history. It is the era when True Parents take dominion. Their dominion connects the Old Testament Age, the New Testament Age, and the Completed Testament Age; moreover, it unites heaven and earth. This is how the Parent of the Cosmos and the Parents of Heaven and Earth will govern this era. Earth was far distant from the high spiritual realm of heaven, and no relationship could be built between them. They could not even form a relationship with each other. But today is the time when that relationship can be built. That is what made possible the starting point of the True Parent of the Cosmos and the True Parents of Heaven and Earth as the King and Queen of the Blessed families of Peace and Unity.

The responsibility of the Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind

(15) Human beings are meant to be the embodiments of God. Becoming one in spirit and body, they are to live in the kingdom of love on earth and then pass on to the heavenly world, where they will live as members of the household of the Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind. Such is the eternal kingdom of heaven. The most wondrous of God's creations occur when, as the Parent of the Cosmos, He becomes as one body not only with the Parents of Heaven and Earth, but also with the Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind. A straight line between heaven and earth does not produce the wonders of God's creation. They come into being at the meeting of three points—Heaven, earth and human beings. Can they be produced by the Parent of the Cosmos alone? Can they be produced by the Parents of Heaven and Earth alone? They require the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. That is why to establish the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, the Parents had to go through three resurrections. They needed to go over the three mountain passes, resurrecting to the level of a form spirit, the level of a life spirit, and the level of a divine spirit in order for the Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind to land on the earth. In terms of celestial bodies, they should not merely be moons; they must be stars, emitting light.



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