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Cheon Seong Gyeong: Episode 486

Cheon Seong Gyeong Book 14: True Parents’ Prayers
Chapter 13: Peace Messages
Prayer 6: True God's Day 2005 Midnight Prayer

Prayer 6: True God's Day 2005 Midnight Prayer

Beloved Heavenly Father, we have passed through the fourth year of Cheon Il Guk and entered the fifth year. As Your history of restoration through indemnity moves toward its final destination, I know how difficult, arduous, and full of pain and tears Your path has been as You sought the holy ground of Cheongpyeong in Korea. Now, this path is behind us, and we have proclaimed the era of the cosmic peace kingdom, centering on the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace.

By attending You as the Parent and True Parents as the earthly Parents, a new point of the origin has been established that can unite the internal and external parents. This child knows well of Your lonely life course as You, Father, pioneered the environment and longed for the recreated garden based on ideal love while You deeply buried in Your heart the unending hope that stems from traversing the course of history required to go beyond the new point of origin.

Father, we are awestruck when we come to know about how You sent this unworthy child to the land of Korea and how, unknown to any regarding the relationships and the conditions surrounding them, in the background of thousands of years of history, You, the incorporeal owner in the subject partner position, walked a difficult path behind the scenes of history, suffering in order to start anew. From a position of having no form, You could finally acquire a form through incorporeal and corporeal counterparts.

Even though there have been many peoples, nations and families, countless men and women, only this child knows deeply of Your bitter anguish. There has been no one of this earth who could relate to You as Your partner with the deep heart of a son or daughter, expressing respect and affection to You. No one could relate with Your deep, wide, and precious heart of love.

Your son did not know of Your sorrowful heart with which You had to seek both a man and woman. Satan also did not know of such things, which were beyond his limits. Only You knew of this one confusing borderline. In order to go beyond this line, You had to always continue on with the same heart on this endless path of bitter pain and anguish, passing through this infinite history and through every age as You sought Your son. This child knows well the path of tribulations You walked until You finally found the one path through which You could take rest in this land of Korea. You traversed vast lands and continents behind the scenes of a history that lasted seven thousand years, during which not a single person in heaven or on earth could recognize Your heavenly countenance.

The child who stands before You today may look shabby in appearance, but he knows all too well the path of sorrow of the defeated ones who lost their kingship as they lived in the shadow of the history of bitter anguish. I know too well how great was Your bitter anguish in not being able to pass on Your kingship to Your child, and ultimately in losing the kingship itself.

When we look upon the vast populations that make up humankind—countless nations, individuals, and families—we know that these all should have become lamps that blossom like the flowers of Your hope of love. That nation and world should have shone like the sun and moon and become a subject partner with a driving power that could move all the life forms of creation. As You lost these things, Father, and as You searched for Your son, You were alone, imprisoned in the shadow of a dark heart. You crossed long distances alone, longing for the son whom You would find in the Last Days that lay in the distance. That history of yearning was not merely a day or two; it has lasted for tens of thousands of years. And You have worked to lift up religions for four thousand years.

On this path, struggling to surmount this peak, we must pioneer all the difficult paths in front of the road Satan is taking, even as we wander through life-or-death situations that nobody on this earth would desire. We have to move beyond the appearance that is shameful in front of the original things of creation. We must cross the borderline to freedom and assume our own appearance. Now in this hour of bidding farewell to year four of Cheon Il Guk, and welcoming year five, we can't simply be awestruck by Your heart, our Father, that so yearned for a son who could become the daylight and moonlight of the future, while reflecting on the history that was required to establish You as the Owner of all creation.

After achieving the coronation for the establishment of the kingship of peace, centering on the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace on the earth, we must now go beyond the realm of the people of the Mongolian birthmark to unite all human beings under the realm of the Mongolian people's lineage. Without doing so, Adam's ideal family, Adam's ideal nation, and Adam's ideal heaven will be blanketed by the dark shadow of ruin, cast by those who are related to Satan's lineage of Cain, the one who committed murder in Adam's family.

We must welcome that world with the new, bright and clear morning light and have a loving heart, together with You, the Owner of heaven and earth.

This child once again must ask forgiveness at this time on behalf of our ancestors from the countless generations that inflicted wounds upon Your heart, which has longed for the liberated realm of Your Sabbath, where heaven and earth—from the extremely small mineral world to the plant, animal and human worlds and all the creation belonging to the pair system—can be harmonized within a realm of unity of love, and where our ancestors can labor, rejoice and live together with You.

There are no words to describe the suffering and tribulation on the path that came to You, Father, before You raised this child in a position responsible for heaven and earth, the suffering that happened because of the failure of religions and nations on earth to fulfill their responsibilities. I cannot forget about the earlier times when I had to struggle and worry about Your cross becoming heavier. In all those instances, I had to shoulder these failures, as ever-greater weight was heaped on my shoulders.

Father! I knew at these times that behind Your deep heart, there were circumstances deeper, higher, and wider than this child could realize, but I know it brings unhappiness to try to know that world and that it would be sinful to know it. Thus, I have endured quietly, even though I was in the position to run to Your loving embrace and call You Father. As such, I cannot forget the days when You helped me as I walked the path of perseverance, patience, suffering, and persecution, the path laid out through the realm of life and death, the path that led to the day when Your deep, innermost shadow could be lifted.

Father! I can't forget the joy of that day of the Enthronement Ceremony for the Kingship of God, which took place on January 13 in the first year of Cheon II Guk, prior to marking the fourth year of Cheon II Guk. This child, who stood in shame in front of Heaven for not being able to bring a nation to offer that day, came to this land, the homeland, and spoke to these young and immature children about how great is the responsibility I was called to take on, and that needs to be fulfilled within the next four years. I stand in a position where, even though I might not be able to believe in them, I must do so nevertheless. I had not reached the point, Father, where I could see them as sons and daughters who can stand with both hands raised before You and pledge to take responsibility to complete and fulfill their given responsibility during the next four years.

This child who failed to transcend the source of the evil parent who planted the seed of sin has established a foundation. These children have to attend the Parents who shall raise a nation and reveal the great way of the heavenly principles so that the sun and moon can unite, and heaven and earth can come together in the bright cosmos, and a family can emerge from the nest of love. My heart contorts as I experience how lonely, vexing, upsetting and bitter is the history of the ordeals that have arisen due to the failure to establish the position of an ideal loving couple that can carry on true love, true life, and true lineage. Feeling this, I know how heart-wrenching it has been for Heaven.

We have gone beyond the fourth year of Cheon II Guk and arrived at this position after establishing occasional conditional foundations because we were unable to find a solution to offer a nation, a religion from this earth, to liberate Your heart. We sincerely hope that You, Father, can forgive our shame of having struggled to this point. We come to You with a heart of concern as we look toward the path upon which we must begin our journey and contemplate the bridges we must cross, the tunnels we must pass through, and the world of oceans we must sail, even though we are a nation only in name. We have a locomotive but have been unable to connect the passenger cars.

Since we were born with an inevitable and special connection to Heaven, we need to make the impossible possible. We must turn hopeless situations into hopeful ones. We could not do this until now. Even so, You came to us as we sorrowfully struggled in that impossible situation, a situation that required You to enhance Your omnipotence further in order to resurrect the children who originally were in the position of death. We should have absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience in the face of the path You take. But we are unable to talk in a loud voice. We only can whisper and worry, fearing that we, as unfilial children, might bring shame upon You before Satan.

We must liberate the bright heaven and earth, so we can bring all the ancestors who were disobedient to You throughout history to this place. After moving beyond the fourth millennium, they greeted the fifth millennium, the millennium in which they could welcome the Messiah. This is due to Your wish to send Your son and daughter as the Messiah into the age of the New Testament, which represented the Old Testament at the time of seeking the number five after losing the number four. The blood of countless Christians was spilled for two thousand years because Jesus came to the earth but left more work to be done for organizing heaven and earth. I know very well that while crying and suffering You pushed the heart of this son again and again for him to go this way. You endured the sorrowful sight of him being compelled to stand outside Your path of righteousness, bearing individual sacrifices along with tears of defeat shed at the family, tribal and national levels.

There has never been a devoted son on this earth who could fulfill the path of loyalty and filial piety. There has never been a patriot or a family of divine sons and daughters. These things that even You could not do, I had to fulfill. I had to follow this path, with this responsibility, into the sea of tears shed due to indescribable suffering, all the while regarding it as a wading pool where children swim every day. I had to walk these paths forgetting my struggles and strive to reach this point while focusing only on Your goals and desires and on the sunlight You revealed. Now at this moment we surmount the peak and welcome the fifth year.

We have to invite all the unfortunate people in the spirit world, all the ancestors in the spirit world, and even You to the earth on the foundation of the blessed families on earth, whom I proudly call my direct descendants. And then we should attend all of those who dwell in the spirit world. There was no family on earth that had become a family of filial piety, of patriots, saints, or divine sons and daughters, and I have spent my entire life educating families. With this old body, yet young at heart, I still face the course of fulfilling my given responsibility to open the new gates to the heavenly world, along with the task of arranging all things in the earthly world. I will do this until the moment I collapse in order to accomplish what they should have done.

Father! While I traversed such a course, I knew that Your heart that worried for me was a hundred, a thousandfold greater, but still, I could not comfort Your sorrowful heart. Because of the wandering of Your heart, You could not rest even when rest was needed. You had to endure alone all the indignities inflicted upon You while at the forefront of pioneering efforts. You had to spend so much effort in order to fill this child with what he lacks. In front of this, Father, I make this report to You now, being united in mind and body and united with my wife, who is standing here with me.

I know very well that the very being who brought about the seemingly impossible conflict between Your mind and body was the same being who stained the name of True Parents. Therefore, let our two bodies be transformed into one, let us become the bright Parents of the new morning that rises explosively before Your deep heart, as the sun and moon that shine beyond the darkness to bring the tide of the bright heaven and earth beginning this year. I proclaim these supremely important levels of responsibility so all the good and bad things in the spirit world can come to earth and bear fruit as good things. I am making a new determination to offer this before You.

Let the people from all over the world gathered here today attain one heart, one body, and one essence with True Parents' heart. On the foundation of liberation, freedom, tranquility, and rest, let the Parents of Heaven and Earth be attended by families numbering from one to the tens of millions. Let these become families of sons and daughters of filial piety, families of patriots that go beyond the nation, families of saints that go beyond the world, and families of divine sons and daughters that go beyond the cosmos, consistently fulfilling the way of loyalty and filial piety. During this four-year period, bless us so that, with all our hearts, we can take a giant leap for the sake of a joyful occasion, as the world can freely guide and digest all things and bring unfettered liberty and liberation to the realm of the Sabbath centered on Ahn Shi II, which Heaven can embrace.

In the ninth year of Cheon II Guk, following the year 2008, please become the Owner, Parent, and Teacher for eternity, who, with there being no boundaries between the heavenly world and the earthly world, may freely travel to heaven from the earthly world along with those who came to earth. Please reign over these worlds while firmly commanding the throne of the world of the original palace, the free, liberated heaven and earth void of questions and doubt. We pray You will enjoy Your reign of peace for all eternity.

As I lay the foundation, let me invest my sincerity, even through this old and worn body, without fear for those days to come, without fear for the passing of the moons and suns. I pray for Your cooperation as long as I have strength to move on. Please have pity on the heart of this child who depends only on You. Please be with me throughout and guide me as I walk the path I must take.

Father, please bestow Your love on True Mother, who is standing here. She truly has gone through many hardships to this day. I know too well how great the power of Your call to Mother has been, as she prepared her standard as a filial daughter before You and as she made the preparations to attend our family. Still, a responsibility remains for me that prevents me from giving guidance to her. Hence let me be able to help Mother to go beyond her 5 percent responsibility during the four remaining years. With my heart of gratitude before Heaven, and with Mother offering her thanks to Heaven, let us be like two burning incense sticks, like two candles lighting the darkness. Please protect us and guide us so we can perfect the way of the True Parents.

On this first day of a new beginning, and as we designate the motto for this year, please unite our couple as one body, and let us go forth with hope and joy on this path even though our bodies may be pulled apart and wounded as we travel between the internal world of heaven and the external world of heaven. Bless us and guide us so we may reach the position of Your victory without collapsing on the way. On behalf of these two humble hearts of such unworthy people, this I sincerely, sincerely report and proclaim in the name of the True Parents. Aju! (January 1, 2005)

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