Cheon Seong Gyeong: Episode 483

Cheon Seong Gyeong Book 14: True Parents’ Prayers
Chapter 13: Peace Messages
Prayer 3: Prayer at the Cheon Jeong Gung Entrance Ceremony and Coronation of True Parents, the King and Queen of Peace in Heaven and on Earth

Prayer 3: Prayer at the Cheon Jeong Gung Entrance Ceremony and Coronation of True Parents, the King and Queen of Peace in Heaven and on Earth

Beloved Father in heaven, under whose watchful gaze over heaven and earth we bear witness to this time when the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind enter this holy Cheon Jeong Palace! While attending You, the Owner of heaven who went through great pains until now since the beginning of the construction of these facilities, heavenly soldiers were mobilized, and together with the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind on earth, they devoted themselves with utmost sincerity in order to firmly establish You as the Owner of this palace of peace and love, which shall remain forever. Now the construction of this Cheon Jeong Palace has been completed.

Dear Heavenly Father, this place has been established and created joyfully so You may become the King of kings centering on eternal love—the Owner of owners and the King of kings who oversees all affairs with His sovereignty, allowing this place to become the original palace of the ideal realm of the heavenly kingdom, where all existing beings and all people throughout the ages can receive Your love and embrace and can coexist and live together for eternity.

Now true families in the name of True Parents have freed themselves from the fallen world. They have cemented a bond of heavenly love and life under Your Blessing and designated this holy place as the focal point around which the blood lineage of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind can take root on this earth. Please reside forever in this palace. Please return to the original heart You had at the start of the ideal world, envisioned at the time of creation, and establish an environment through which You alone can bring to natural subjugation everything that has been dominated by the bloodline rooted in the evil authority through the course of the sorrowful history that came about due to the Fall of the human ancestors, who in the realm of imperfection were oblivious to Your will, and during which time You pictured the original model of a perfected family of Adam unrelated to the Fall.

My Father, Owner of the cosmos, You had to endure the path of suffering through the eight stages of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos! In order to enlighten all of the fallen descendants who were oblivious that You are our Father, the Father of our families, the Father of our nation, of our world, and of our heaven and earth, You sent the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind to this earth. You then developed, pioneered, and awoke ten, a hundred and a thousand things, thereby laying the foundation for victorious sovereignty. Moreover, You sent the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind to this earth to solve everything that was fighting against You and aggravating the conflict of individual mind and body, the conflict of husband and wife, the conflict of father and son, the conflict of tribes, the conflict of nations, and the conflict of the world. You pioneered all the uncharted environments in heaven and on earth and fulfilled the realm of the liberation of individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos by going through the model standard and formula based on principle.

Upon this victorious foundation, and through this dedication ceremony of the Cheon Jeong Palace today, we offer this temple and palace to You Father. May the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind and the Parent of the Cosmos become united as one at this palace and guide us so the preparation to hold the coronation ceremony can be completed. At this place now, please allow the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind to wash away all traces and flaws of history on behalf of all human beings and welcome the heaven and earth of high-noon settlement and of release and liberation where no shadow is cast under the bright liberated sun of love, life, and lineage. Please allow the grace of serving Heaven for eternity in the Cheon Jeong Palace on earth, and allow this Cheon Jeong Palace that we are offering to You to be bound to You eternally. Please allow everything that unfolds after all the events held in this place to march forward, advance, and move onward to a glorious and prosperous kingdom of heaven and a world of liberation and complete freedom.

On behalf of all humankind, and representing all the saints and faithful ancestors in heaven, we lay before You and offer You on a foundation of perfection the groundwork for the kingship of the Savior, Messiah, Returning Lord, and True Parents who wish to fulfill everything and clear everything away in the last hour. We pray that You attain the eternal authority of Owner and become the Owner of all things with the joy of being liberated and completely free, and we pray that this will be more than enough to do away completely with the sorrowful history that began in Eden. We now sincerely, sincerely, and sincerely present and offer all this to You, Father, so that True Parents can blossom as a flower and bear fruit in the realm of life of all things in the universe. It is our sincere hope that You may joyfully accept our offering and report. Aju! Aju! Aju! (June 13, 2006)

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