Cheon Seong Gyeong: Episode 464
Cheon Seong Gyeong Book 14: True Parents’ Prayers
Chapter 8: Life of Faith and Training
Prayer 2: Let us establish Your glory in the midst of battle
Prayer 3: Please allow us to understand everything You teach
Prayer 2: Let us establish Your glory in the midst of battle
Father, we have gathered at Your knee on this day, after a week of fighting in the abode of evil, with the grace You have permitted us embraced in our bosom. So please bear with us even if You find us unworthy in any way. We have not been able to bring anything to give You, Father. Since we have come as objects of Your concern, Father of compassion, Father of omnipotence, Father of love, please do not leave us as we are now. Please take responsibility for us.
Since millions of evil spirits are surrounding us, seeking to take our lives, Father, please protect us. Please allow each of us to be submerged in the midst of Your deep love and to sing of Your glory with our hearts. Father, we earnestly hope and desire that You will allow us to bow down before You at this time.
Since we know that there were, during the course of our lives in the past week, actions You do not approve of, and many elements that cannot be displayed before Your Will, O Father of compassion and omnipotence, we earnestly hope and desire that You will appear with Your authority of victory, and grant us Your touch of re-creation.
Father, because this is a holy day, please bless the many religious groups that have gathered representing the people. I also know that at this time, Your lonely sons and daughters, who have built hidden altars in order to realize Your Will, are bowing down before You. Therefore, please work by pouring sweeping grace over them as well, and please allow them to receive the final grace predicted for the Last Days. We earnestly hope and desire that You will work, Father, so that we can build the altar of the final victory and establish Your glory throughout the Korean Peninsula.
Since we, Your sons and daughters, gathered here before You, entrust everything to You, Father, please receive us as living sacrifices, and please guide us so that not a single life will go astray from Your Will. We earnestly hope and desire that You will allow us to become true sons and daughters who are able, even if Satan attacks us, to say without wavering that You are our Father.
Lonely sons and daughters are fighting difficult battles today, scattered in the countryside, and so we earnestly hope and pray that You will infuse Your omnipotent power of re-creation wherever they are gathered and allow them all to testify that they are Your sons and daughters. Hoping and requesting that You will receive and take charge of all that we have dedicated to You at this time, we offer these words in the name of the Lord. Aju! (September 15, 1957)
Prayer 3: Please allow us to understand everything You teach
Father! I am concerned that all the circumstances of the grief-filled six thousand years and the circumstances of Your innermost self during that time have not been fully conveyed to these people, so please embrace them in Your bosom and allow them to become aware of these things. And if they are awakened to anything in their hearts, please allow them to take responsibility for that until the end.
Father, at the same time that we feel the preciousness of the responsibility of a person who gives, we have come to understand that the responsibility of a person who receives is just as precious. In fact, we have come to understand that the responsibility of a person who receives is more important than that of someone who gives. The time of giving is one time, but since we know that the time of receiving must continue forever, please allow us to become people who are able to hold in our hearts forever the truth, the life, and the love we received that one time from Heaven. We earnestly hope and desire that You will allow us to understand that only if we become like this can we be the true children of our Heavenly Father.
In the past, we heard Your teachings many times and received much grace of life and love, but our minds are empty at this time. So please fill our empty minds, and since we repent today for the scores of times we have betrayed Heaven until now, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that You will be patient with us. Please allow us to become children who are able to find the key to the truth and the key to life and love, and open the door to the remaining universal truth, life, and love, thereby relieving Your inner pain, You who are the center of the cosmos. And we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that You will allow us to go forth to take the position of true children whom You can trust.
We earnestly ask You to separate from us all the unprincipled things that remain, to make us complete where we are inadequate, and to please guide us until the eternal kingdom of heaven is fully realized. We humbly pray all these things in the name of the Lord. Aju! (March 17, 1957)