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Cheon Seong Gyeong: Episode 17

Cheon Seong Gyeong Book 1: God
Chapter 3: God the Creator
Section 2: The World God Created, 17-25
Section 3: God Created with Love, 1-8

Human beings were created as the temples of God

(17) Even though God is God, He has no way of relating to the world other than through Adam and Eve. God’s relationship with Adam and Eve serves as a base for Him to relate to their sons and daughters. This relationship forms naturally. God's purpose in creating human beings was to assume a form, and also to place them in a position where they could stand together with Him, as the Parents. Therefore, Adam and Eve were to be the external God. God made Adam and Eve male and female to represent His dual characteristics of masculinity and femininity. Thereby they would become His temples, and he would enter and dwell within them. Adam and Eve can act in an ideal way only when God comes, dwells within them and guides their actions. If God does not act within them, they know nothing of His Will. And without them, God has no foundation on which to form a relationship with human beings.

(18) Since God is incorporeal, He can go anywhere, through anything. There is no place He does not go. He penetrates everything. Where does God live? God's home is in the core of our hearts. God's masculine nature dwells in a man's heart and God's feminine nature dwells in a woman's heart. Thus Adam and Eve, the original human ancestors, were to be the visible God. That is why whatever Adam called each creature became its name. Whatever Adam wanted to do, all things cooperated with him.

(19) Had Adam and Eve not fallen, God would have dwelt in their hearts. Adam and Eve would have been a couple externally and God in Adam and God in Eve would have been a couple internally. When children were born through their bodies, bodies united completely with God inside and out, whose children would they be?  They would have been the children of the external God and at the same time the children of the internal God. First Corinthians 3:16 says, "Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?" We human beings are God's temples; it means that God's Holy Spirit dwells in us. When we are in this position, God is our direct Father. The fact that we are not like this is a result of the Fall.

(20) The human body is God's holy temple. It is God's dwelling place. You will know this when you enter a mystical state, call out, "God!" and He replies, "Here I am" from within you. When you ask in this way, the answer comes not from the sky but from your heart. Originally, had Adam and Eve not fallen, God would have dwelt deep in the core of their hearts and guided them. That is why the Bible says, "Whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name." (Gen. 2:19)

(21) Adam is the substantial body of God. God said our bodies are His holy temples. God is the invisible Father dwelling in Adam's heart. These two fathers become one; they are united into one. Adam's original nature was to have been the meeting point of the incorporeal world and the corporeal world. That standard of original nature has nothing to do with money or greed. As he entered into manhood, all of Adam's cells would have mobilized and his senses would have intensified and served as an antenna. Then God would have settled and dwelt in that place. God would have entered Adam's heart as the internal Father, and with Adam as the external father, the incorporeal and corporeal worlds would have entered into a harmonious union based on that one individual. Then, when such a man met a woman who was likewise God's substantial body, and entered into union with her in the horizontal world, the spherical motion of love would have occurred.

The relationship between the Creator and His creation

(22) Human beings resemble God. Since God is the absolute subject partner, He can become one with His absolute object partners through love. That is why God, the subject partner of harmony between subject and object partners, created human beings, Adam and Eve. Nothing is forbidden within the power of absolute omnipotent love. God also gave human beings the power of creation that He exercised when He created Adam and Eve. Since we receive the power of creation from God, we too are in the position to create our own sons and daughters. When all is said and done, just like God, human beings can stand in the position of creating human beings. 

(23) God is omnipresent, and we aspire to imitate His omnipresence. God is omniscient and omnipotent, and we also want to be omniscient and omnipotent.  God is unique, and we also desire to be unique. This is our resemblance to Him. Then, what is the point of resemblance over which God rejoices the most? More than omnipresence, omnipotence or uniqueness, He is most joyful when we resemble Him in love. Love is where we most resemble God. Thus, although we may lose everything, if we resemble His love, everything will follow us wherever we go.

(24) We did not know that everything that exists around us, in heaven and on earth, exists as one body in God's love. If you enter into a mystical state, you will recognize that the principle of the universe is contained within a single grain of sand. You will see even within a single atom the endless and inexhaustible harmonies of the universe. Although we may not understand it well, we can never deny that all existence results from a complex of forces. Within molecules there are atoms, and within atoms, there are elementary particles. Yet even these entities are not without consciousness. Each exists with a specific consciousness and purpose. We thus can state that all existing beings have come about through God's loving hand and are surely tied to God's heart.

(25) All things in heaven and on earth resemble God. All the things of creation symbolize God, whereas human beings are made in the image of God. God is the reality. Based on this reality, human beings should resemble Him in image while all things of creation should resemble Him in symbol. Since God is the Creator of all things, that is how it should be. Based on His law, God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent, and exists in eternal love.

Section 3: God Created with Love

(1) What is the foundation of God's existence? Is it His omniscience? Is it His omnipotence, or His absolute authority? If He were alone, what would be the point of absolute authority? The important question is, what is God's essence? It is love. It is not love that seeks to be served, but love that seeks to serve. 

(2) As an omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent being, there is nothing God wants to keep for Himself. He lacks nothing and has everything, but if there were one thing He valued most and took the most pride in, what would it be? It would be love. God does not need anything except love. Love is the only thing He needs.

What God needs absolutely

(3) What is it that God likes the most? What do human beings like the most? The answer is true love. No one can dispute that. It is written in the Bible: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that everyone who believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) So what does God like the most? It is love. God's wish was and is to bind together all humanity as brothers and sisters and have them become sons and daughters of filial piety, who are fully devoted to Him. That is why in the Bible, the first commandment that we as human beings should follow is "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." (Matt. 22:37) Again, what does God like the most? It is not money, knowledge or power. It is love. The first commandment is to love God with all your heart and soul and mind, and with all your strength. The second commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself.

(4) Even God the Creator, who is the Lord and Ruler of all things in heaven and on earth, absolutely needs love. He absolutely needs true love, and when He has it, He will not give it up for the whole universe. But where can He find this love? God cannot find it in Himself. Even if He possesses it in His heart, as long as He is a solitary being He cannot find it. Then, where does love come from? It does not come from oneself, but from one's partner. If we have no partner we cannot find love. In order to find love, we need to live for the sake of our partner. Without living for the sake of others there is no way to find the path of love.

(5) To find the greatest joy, what does God need to do? He does not want money, knowledge or power. He never lacks for these because He is omnipotent and has the power of creation. Nonetheless, even He needs one thing; but one thing only. That is love. He needs love, but He cannot have love by Himself. To have love, He needs a partner. On this basis, we can conclude that God created the universe because of love.

The reason God created the world

(6) Why did God create? Even God needs love; that is why He created. God created the heavens and the earth because of love. He needed partners of love, so He created in order to have partners of love. That is also why He does not demand that others serve Him absolutely, and why He does not seek love for His own sake. God wants His partners to surpass Him. If He has one thousand percent, He fully invests that one thousand percent in His partners. Love's original nature and quality is to want one's partner to exceed oneself. 

(7) God created human beings because He needed others to love as His object partners. You cannot love by yourself. Love cannot come into existence without the realm of the object partner. Even God absolutely needs love. That is the reason He created all things of creation, and then created human beings as their lords who represent them. Because God absolutely needs human beings, He attributed to them the value of His object partners with the absolute rights of love. He created human beings as His object partners in order to share love with them. Hence, human beings are the very bodies of God.

(8) Why did God create Adam and Eve? God is an incorporeal being, so unless He becomes the Parent in substantial form, He cannot directly love His children.  Hence, He created them so He could have a form. Thus, the incorporeal God's purpose in creating Adam and Eve was, first, to assume a form. Second, by assuming a form, He could experience jolts and vibrations. For instance, lyrics alone are not sufficient to make music. Along with lyrics, there should be melody and there should also be rhythm. God wanted to enjoy the stimulation of such sensations. Third, since God is the vertical Father on the central axis, He occupies no space. If God looks at Himself, He sees that He occupies just one point, on an axis. He needs space for multiplication. So, why does He need a body? It is because for reproduction to occur He needs space; He needs to see extension in all directions, through 360 degrees.


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