Cheon Seong Gyeong: Episode 15
Cheon Seong Gyeong Book 1: God
Chapter 3: God the Creator
Section 1: God's Work of Creation, 17-32
(17) The Bible gives the impression that since God is omniscient and omnipotent, He brought everything into being by merely saying, "Let there be heaven" and "Let there be earth." But this is not the case. God invested everything, all the energy He had. By investing the full power of His love, He created all things as offerings and gifts for His beloved sons and daughters who were to come, His beloved future family.
(18) Creation entails the investment of energy. Every artist in the world desires to create the greatest of masterpieces. He or she invests everything, spirit, heart and soul, with the utmost devotion. It is not partial investment, but total investment that gives birth to the perfect masterpiece. Perfection finally comes when the created object needs nothing more. Can you fully love an object of hope that you made while withholding something of yourself, withholding your flesh and blood? It is only when you have given everything, your bones, your flesh, your ideas and everything you possess, that you can bond with what you have created as the object of your hope. That is why I am saying that the beginning of the process of creation itself could have been possible only through investment. There has to be the investment of energy. Nothing can be made without the investment of energy. Committed to the principle that a perfect object partner is created from an infusion of all one's energy, God invested everything He had as the subject partner in order to create His object partner. God's work of creation was the beginning of His movement toward the state of existing not for Himself, but for His object partner.
(19) In order to create all things, God had to pour out His very essence. That is, He invested a great deal of energy. This could have depleted His energy and resulted in God suffering a loss. Yet He created the world with love, to be His object partner, and He devoted Himself to fulfilling this purpose. His investment was not to bear fruit in Himself but rather in His partner. Since God created with love, even though He fully invested Himself, He did not feel diminished. Rather, He felt satisfied. This became a principle, and this essence of parental love became the tradition. God's total self-investment meant that He was not conscious of Himself as He worked. He was so immersed in pursuing the purpose of His partner that He completely forgot Himself. In the end, God wants to live for the sake of the human beings whom He created. This is the basic principle of creation.
(20) In the world of physics, the input is greater than the output. But in the world of love, the input is less than the output. Because this principle applies on the horizontal plane, the universe exists forever. Consumption depletes everything. But because of its constant motion, the energy of love that is invested without limit is not consumed or depleted; rather it is expanded. Thus, God's existence is perpetuated based on love. The universe maintains its existence eternally through this continuous circular motion. Therefore, from the family to the tribe, from the tribe to the nation, and from the nation to the world, everything expands on the same basis and with the same value. Thus all people in the universe will be in agreement, like unto a single human brain, and we will be able to build the ideal world, the realm of total oneness in unity and peace.
God created through principle and law
(21) God gave Adam and Eve the commandment as a condition of faith, when they were in the position of His object partners. However, from now on, God will seek something more substantial. Therefore, we must unite our minds and bodies in order to embody God. We must become more than someone whom God can relate to as only His object partner. By adhering to the laws of creation, we must become His substantial self.
(22) The Bible describes God's creation of heaven and earth in simple terms, saying that God created heaven and earth through the Word. The impression is that when He spoke the words, "Let there be..." that entity appeared with a snappy "Here I am!" When God said, "Let there be light," the stars appeared. When God said, "Let dry ground appear," the earth simply formed itself. However, please be aware that in this process God maintained the principle of progression, starting with the lowest and simplest things and going on to create higher and more complex things according to an all-encompassing order and law.
(23) In people's lives, true love for the sake of others is the foundation for mutual relationships. We experience this first in the true love of parents. Parents' true love, rooted in God's true love, can perfect individuals. Perfected individuals, who then become husband and wife and build an ideal family, can bestow true love upon their children. That is the order of creation. The ideal world on earth expands from the perfect individual to a family, society, nation and world of true love. Our present world, however, emerged from a beginning very different from this ideal and expanded according to the results of the Fall. This world is separated from the proper order of true love, the essential dynamic of God's creation. The world today, which ignores the order of God's creation and follows man-made structures, social forms and laws, cannot give rise to ideal individuals, families or nations.
(24) When God created the heavens and the earth, He first made all things and then He created human beings as His object partners. The dynamic of giving and receiving is a basic law, so until you give everything, nothing will return. This is a principle. A husband has to love his wife completely before she will say, "I completely love my husband." Only when she has received his complete love will she begin to give back completely. This is a principle of heaven and earth. Thus, only when you receive completely from your subject partner do you reciprocate completely. If you were to reciprocate before you received completely, what you returned would not be perfect and complete. This is give-and-receive action based on love; it is a law of the universe based on the Principle.
(25) We can see that the process of God's creation follows a principle of three stages. First God has an idea, then He completes that idea in His mind, and finally He manifests that idea. He formed all things of creation through these three stages. Of course, God cannot substantiate His Word in His mind alone. For this, He too had to unite His mind and body. That is how He could finally bring about His creation when He spoke, "Let it be! Let it be created like this!"
(26) God's process of creation began from the concept of creating His counterparts and the motivation to do so. He began with extremely tiny entities. When they were complete, He added a higher motivation and purpose and advanced to larger entities. He continued this process to achieve stages ever more complex, adding new design elements and higher purposes until He came to create human beings.
(27) Based on the principle, God the Creator substantially developed all things from the beginning of creation, throughout history and until now, through a process of growth. He created Adam and Eve to go through the same process. Where did this begin for them? In the same way that tiny cells combine together to form bigger things, a baby is formed through ten months in the womb to emerge as a male or female child. If this were not the case, we would have no way to explain the logic of the inheritance of life. In other words, the realm of the object partner must correspond to the realm of the subject partner. In Divine Principle terms, there has to be an external form that corresponds to the internal nature.
(28) The internal nature has the innate capacity to unite and communicate with the external form in every fundamental respect. As a result, the birth and growth process of human beings allows the invisible, incorporeal God to see Himself in their substantial forms. Because His every intrinsic aspect is expressed and manifested through them, God cannot help but love them. That is so for each of us. We are God's embodiments, His substance. To transpose invisible substance into visible substance, God has to invest everything.
God's dwelling and manifestation
(29) Where does God want to dwell? If Adam and Eve had not fallen but had grown to perfection, and true love had united them in total oneness, that oneness is where God would have dwelt. On their wedding day, God wanted to meet them at the center of their first love. Where else would God plant His blood, His love and His life? In that love, internal and external, plus and minus would have united in harmony. For that reason, we treasure first love the most. God is the owner of vertical eternal love and the husband is the owner of horizontal eternal love.
(30) God's intention and purpose went beyond perfecting the vertical subject-object relationship with human beings in love. After perfecting vertical love, He wanted Adam and Eve to bear the fruit of their horizontal love. That moment was to be the very moment when the internal Parent, God, and the external parents, Adam and Eve, would achieve the ideal of love in complete union. Then the incorporeal Parent, through the form of Adam and Eve, would have become the eternal Parent in this corporeal world. At that moment Adam and Eve would have become the True Parents and true ancestors of humankind.
(31) When God created heaven and earth, there was no need for restoration. His hope when He created the original world, with human beings at its center, differed fundamentally from the hope He has for the world of today, which is in need of restoration. His genuine hope in creating Adam and Eve, surpassing everything else, was to manifest Himself. In other words, through Adam and Eve, God aspired for the day when His internal attributes would become external substance. God's hope for restoration is to bring human beings into alignment with this majestic hope He had at the time of creation.
(32) God's purpose in creating the world was to live together with His creation, but today there is no realm in which people, the things of creation, and God can live together. God lost His dwelling place as a result of the Fall. From the day He lost Adam and Eve until today, God has been roaming about looking for His people. Why is this? It is because when we become God's temple and God's body, united with Him as substantial beings representing heaven and earth, our joy will become God's joy, and God will connect His joy to all things through us. It is because we will become the mediators connecting God with all things of creation.
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