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Cham Bumo Gyeong: Episode 72

Cham Bumo Gyeong
Book 4: Salvation through the Holy Marriage Blessing

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Book 4  Salvation through the Holy Marriage Blessing

All people are fallen due to original sin, and it is True Parents’ fundamental mission to save them. The centerpiece of this mission is the providence of the marriage Blessing, which eradicates original sin and fallen lineage. The marriage Blessing is the ceremony through which the evil lineage stained by Satan, is converted to the lineage of goodness rooted in God. It is the important ceremony that restores the order of love with God at the center, and eradicates the disordered love engendered by Satan through the Fall. The providence of the marriage Blessing, under the auspices of the True Parents, is the starting point for realizing the ideal of one family under God.

The marriage Blessing ceremonies began with 3 couples on April 16, 1960. Then the 36 Couples, 72 Couples, 124 Couples and 430 Couples were blessed on the tribal and national levels. Through the next several ceremonies, including the Blessings of 777 Couples, 1,800 Couples, 2,075 Couples and 6,000 Couples, the holy marriage Blessing became an international event. At the 6,500 Couples Blessing, largely between Korean and Japanese spouses, for the first time the majority of the couples were international. From the time of the 30,000 Couples Blessing, the Blessing expanded to a global scale, with the inclusion of simultaneous international satellite Blessing ceremonies. With the 360,000 Couples Blessing Ceremony, through which True Parents’ love initiated the age of the realm of good lineage, the way was opened for the marriage Blessing to include individuals in the spirit world. On November 29, 1997, with the first spirit world marriage Blessing ceremony, performed as part of the 40 Million Couples Blessing Ceremony, True Parents established the cosmic realm of the Blessing and began to liberate the spirit world.

Hand in hand with the marriage Blessing, True Parents carried out the pure love movement and the true family movement on an extensive scale. These seek to offer fundamental solutions to the global problems of youth immorality and family breakdown. The ideal world of creation can be realized only when the pure love tradition sets the standard for the order of love among young people and then expands to transcend religion, nation and race. In other words, God’s Will can be realized when the marriage Blessing expands, gains popularity and takes root as the central tradition in society.

True Parents have made it clear that blessed families need to be concerned about and live for their tribe, their people, their nation and the world before their own family. When a blessed husband and wife honor each other as the person who stands in the position of God, they set the example for those around them. As such, blessed families are to take the lead in the restoration of their tribe, their nation, the world, and all of heaven and earth. True Parents organized them into trinities and emphasized that the couples in each trinity need to live together in the same house, experiencing the love of brothers and sisters. They are to establish the tradition of community life through which all people can live together and love one another, transcendent of nation, race and religion.

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