Cham Bumo Gyeong: Episode 371

Cham Bumo Gyeong
Book 13: The Completion of Restoration and the Settlement of Cheon Il Guk
Chapter 1: The Enthronement and Coronation Ceremonies
Section 4: The Coronation of True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace in Heaven and on Earth, and the Coronation of God, the King of All Kings, with the Authority of His Liberation, Paragraph 04-10

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4  The First, Second, Third and Fourth Israels have not made the leap into unity because of the absence of blood ties. Therefore, in order to make a connection in blood relationships, on December 22, 2003, we held the Coronation of Jesus as King of Kings in Israel, and on February 4, 2004, we held the Coronation of Jesus and Heung-jin Moon as the Kings of Peace at a US government office building. This established Cain and Abel kingships in front of True Parents. With members of the US House and Senate in attendance, it laid the foundation for True Parents to substantially establish their kingship.

Why did Heung-jin and Jesus perform these ceremonies? In Israel it was to unite the nation of Israel and the religious leaders in Israel, which had divided into two paths. Heung-jin, the commander-in-chief of the spirit world, escorted Jesus to Israel and conducted his coronation ceremony, making him the King of Kings of the nation of Israel. Then he conducted a coronation ceremony in the United States based on the realm of the Second Israel. This was to prepare the way for True Parents to inherit substantial authority in both the spiritual world and the physical world.

On this foundation, we held the Coronation of True Parents as the substantial King and Queen of Peace of the Third Israel at the Dirksen Senate Office Building on March 23. Then, to complete these ceremonies we held True Parents' coronation as the substantial King and Queen of Peace of their original homeland of Korea in a fourth ceremony, on August 20.

5  Today, August 20, 2003, marks the 18th anniversary of my release from Danbury Prison. On this anniversary of the day I was liberated from prison after carrying the cross as the representative of heaven and earth, I held a ceremony to proclaim the beginning of the Fourth Israel. What I did was proclaim the creation of the nation of the Fourth Israel.

Was there a nation that God could fully relate with in the Old Testament Age? No such nation existed in heaven or on earth. America represents the realm of the Second Israel, but is it such a nation? No, it is not. Korea represents the realm of the Third Israel. Is it such a nation? No. Thus, human beings have been wandering aimlessly without a nation that God could fully relate to. Since our nations are not God's nation, we can be chased and driven into a corner at any time. It is because none of our existing nations is God's nation.

However, we have now established the Fourth Israel. Whether we like it or not, we must protect this nation, investing our whole hearts and putting our lives on the line. We must cherish this nation more than our own lives.

6  The nation of the Fourth Israel is external while Cheon Il Guk is internal. Jesus was not able to hold the Blessing with a nation. He was not able to bestow that same Blessing to others beyond the brethren of his tribe and nation. If Jesus had been able to carry out this task, he would have become the King of Kings of Israel, and Israel would not have come to ruin after his death. Because Jesus could not achieve victory on the national level and world level, the Returning Lord must be successful on those levels—and on the cosmic level as well.

This is why the issue in establishing the nation of the Fourth Israel is that it must be international, transcending all the peoples of the world. Likewise, in the spirit world, by abolishing paradise and hell, we must allow only the kingdom of heaven to remain. We need to establish the kingship of the heavenly kingdom and pave a highway there by indemnifying the positions of the parent, the teacher and the king that were taken by Satan through lineage. This is the mission of the Unification Church. All of you must race along this highway that takes you from your family to the palace of heaven.

7  Today is February 22, 2004, the first day of spring by the lunar calendar. On this day the number 4 of the year 2004 comes together with the number 6 formed by adding the three 2s of February 22 (2/22). Thus, as of today, when we welcome the beginning of spring, we proclaim the beginning of the Era of Settlement of the Parent of the Cosmos, the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. Thus, a foundation has been laid for the incorporeal God, who has been dwelling in the spirit world, to work freely not only in the spirit world but also on earth through the True Parents, His embodiments.

On this day the number 4 is indemnified and the number 6 is liberated. This is why I reported in my prayer that the settlement and liberation of the Parent of the Cosmos, the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind have been accomplished. God sent His embodiments, the True Parents, to earth in order to complete restoration through indemnity and demolish all the walls that were created in what was once the Garden of Eden on the levels of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world and cosmos.

As we receive this day to indemnify the number 4 as the basic framework of the family—the four- position foundation—and to liberate the number 6, we designate it as the day to begin the settlement of the Parent of the Cosmos, the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. You must be aware that you have become a family that will be secured through the settlement of the Parent of the Cosmos, the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. This means that True Parents can now remain on earth and at the same time attend God even in the spirit world through their substantial bodies. Thus, heaven and earth can be liberated, and the gate to heaven is open.

8  Many people regard me as a patriot who loves Korea. In this position, I can lead the nation and bring about unification between North and South Korea. I now have the foundation to make a substantial impact upon the traditions of the world, starting with Asia, and I should expand it to the cosmos. I should establish the territory of God's nation and transform the people in the physical world and in the spiritual world. I need to bring them to be the citizens of God's nation and establish the sovereignty of God's nation. In fact, it is based on this sovereignty that heaven and earth were created and the citizens of heaven and earth came to exist.

Therefore, now we need the kingship. This is why on August 20, 2004, we held the Coronation of True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace. That coronation ceremony was about exalting and attending the King and Queen of Peace. It was not simply a coronation ceremony but an enthronement ceremony.

Now that I have the title of king, heaven and earth come under my kingship, and its people come under my kingship. When the king's palace, the king's territory and the people become one, the eternal God will build the kingdom of the incorporeal Parent, the corporeal and substantial Parents, and their sons and daughters. Children born in that kingdom will enter directly into the kingdom of heaven. Hence, we are heading past the world of liberation and complete freedom toward the world where peace will reign.

9  In Adam's family, Cain killed Abel. This is why the older brother is on Cain's side. The human race propagated out of Cain's side, beginning from individuals and multiplying over the eras of history into families, tribes, peoples and nations. On the side of Abel as well, God chose Seth, the third son, and through him sought to form a nation in which He could establish His true love, true life and true lineage. To restore everything that God had lost, Seth's descendants had to rise to a position to defeat Satan.

For Seth's descendants to go beyond the national level, God had to personally raise them, ruling them with His love and life so they could become children who reached for a higher standard, one of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. He needed to elevate them through the levels of the family, tribe and people, to reach the national level.

Thus, after 4,000 years, Jesus was able to come to that chosen nation, to Israel, where he had to establish the lineage of the True Parents. Had he been able to do so, on the foundation of that nation he would have absorbed the Cain-type nations. This is why God divided Judaism and the nation of Israel into the positions of Abel and Cain. They were to have become one without fighting. Jesus came after 4,000 years as the prince of Seth to represent this nation. He represented Seth's kingship.

Now there have been three ages—the Old, New and Completed Testament Ages. The Lord at the Second Advent must unite Cain and Abel from each of these ages, in the spirit world and on earth. To carry out the role of the owner, he must unite Cain and Abel as manifest in the international and interreligious realms. Based on the standard paradigm of uniting Cain and Abel, the interreligious realm in the position of Abel must be victorious in winning over the international realm in the position of Cain, so that it submits to the Abel realm. Then the younger brother will stand in the position of the older brother and the older brother will stand in the position of the younger brother, and both will be lifted up to God.

This was the purpose of the events that took place on August 20, 2004. The Blessing for Registration in Cheon Il Guk for the Revolution of True Heart and for True Liberation and Complete Freedom included a special amnesty, and then the Coronation of True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace. These things could occur as a result of the passing away of the Era Before the Coming of Heaven and the advent of the Era After the Coming of Heaven. The new heaven and new earth are dawning. It is Cheon Il Guk.

10  You must go beyond the national level. Jesus was supposed to receive the Blessing and then spread it beyond the national level, but as he was unable to marry, he could not fulfill this. Only the families who have received the Blessing can enter God's kingdom. The kingdom of heaven is permitted only to children of God who have inherited His direct lineage through His true love, life and lineage and who have been living as families. Thus, you have the responsibility to inherit God's true love, true life and true lineage and, based on your family, pass through the levels of the family messiah, tribal messiah and national messiah. As True Parents, we went beyond all these levels and connected them all the way up to the spirit world. Thereby, we made heaven and earth one, eliminating the boundaries between the spiritual world and the physical world. I am talking about the national level, not the family level that was formed right after the Fall of Adam and Eve. The Blessing for Registration in Cheon Il Guk for the Revolution of True Heart and for True Liberation and Complete Freedom, and the Coronation of True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace, paved the way for all of you to reach a position where you can be welcomed without opposition at the highest levels of the spiritual world and physical world, heaven and earth.

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