Cham Bumo Gyeong: Episode 370
Cham Bumo Gyeong
Book 13: The Completion of Restoration and the Settlement of Cheon Il Guk
Chapter 1: The Enthronement and Coronation Ceremonies
Section 3: Ssang Hab Shib Seung Il and the Era After the Coming of Heaven, Dawn of the New Heavenly Civilization of Universal Peace
Section 4: The Coronation of True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace in Heaven and on Earth, and the Coronation of God, the King of All Kings, with the Authority of His Liberation, Paragraph 03
Dawn of the New Heavenly Civilization of Universal Peace
True Parents held an event announcing the new beginning of the Pacific Rim Providence at King Garden, Kona, Hawaii, on March 17, 2007. Then, on March 19 at the Marriott Resort Hotel on Waikoloa Beach, they made the Proclamation of Returning to the Civilization of Universal Peace and the Age of God's Kingship, and Returning to the Realm of the Peace Civilization of Cheon Il Guk as Our Nation that Transcends Nations.
Then, with the participation of True Parents and True Children, in April the same year, speeches announcing the Dawn of the New Heavenly Civilization of Universal Peace were held in 200 nations around the world, with True Parents speaking in the major cities of Korea, Japan and the United States. During those events True Parents announced, “The era of this new civilization is the era of oneness between God, humankind and nature. It will be an era of free and open communication, of peace without conflict or disconnection anywhere.” They also said, “The life of all living things on earth is based on water. Therefore, the 21st century will be the era of the oceans connecting the Pacific rim, as well as the era of the new heavenly civilization of peace.”
16 The time has come to remove the lineage that seized control of the realm where God was supposed to be the Owner, and enter the original world without the Fall. You can do this by becoming one with True Parents. Through them you can restore Cain and Abel, the root of the problem in Adam's family. I proclaimed the foundation of the original world on earth. If you have faith in this, it becomes a condition to mobilize the saints and your ancestors in the spirit world to make ramparts to protect your way. Then evil forces no longer can block your path. We have arrived at the era when, if you pray making that condition of faith, the four great founders of religion, all people in the religious realm who gained merit by serving and sacrificing themselves throughout history, as well as your own good ancestors, will come to support you.
I am announcing the Dawn of the New Heavenly Civilization of Universal Peace. Today, April 4, 2007, we will make this announcement. Therefore, all of you need to become princes and princesses who resolve to make effort to liberate your ancestors, destroy Satan's world, and build the peace kingdom.
17 Today is the 48th True Parents' Day. We have to be serious during the next seven years: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013, up to January 13, 2013. During this seven-year period you need to clean up history from the individual level to the cosmic level, which has been entangled with the results of the Fall. The issue is how we can create the same environment as the one in which God hoped to welcome His first spring after He finished creating the universe. Now God's springtime has come in the providence. That is why I am proclaiming the Dawn of the New Heavenly Civilization of Universal Peace as we enter the era of the Pacific Rim providence.
18 The new civilization means a God-centered civilization, a heavenly civilization. This is the dawn of that new civilization. The fundamental truth of history was hidden and humankind has remained in ignorance. It is now time to disclose it to the entire world.
What humankind needs to know most of all is the parent-child relationship. The oneness of parent and child means that they exist as one body. The unity of husband and wife also means they exist as one body. The sons and daughters who were born from that couple must also exist as one body. All have to exist as one body. From each person's perspective, above are grandfather and grandmother, and father and mother. Then comes one's own self. All three generations need to unite as one family. If three generations live as one family, their fruits can make God's family.
The couples in each of the three positions, or three stages, hold the same value wherever they are placed, whether in the three-dimensional spirit world or in the two-dimensional earthly world. Therefore, to form an ideal family you need your grandmother and grandfather, your father and mother, and you and your spouse. More than that, you need to bear fruit in the fourth generation. Yours ought to be a lineage that inherits the seed of your grandparents, your parents, and you and your spouse, and opens the path to be fruitful in your children.
19 The year 2007 is very special because I announced the dawn of the new civilization of the Pacific Rim Era. To go over this final hill, all the victories that True Parents gained from the world were brought to Hawaii, and then cuttings were planted throughout the world. Now we are entering the age of freedom and liberation for the whole of humankind. The era of the Parents of Heaven and Earth has passed, and now it is the era of freedom and liberation of the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, their own family, and all blessed families.
At the same time, we are all entering the era of the Principle, in which there will be no room for excuses for not fulfilling the Principle. This means that the era in which we need salvation is coming to an end. Once we return to the Garden of Eden, we no longer need the realms of religion or politics. We are now entering a realm higher than the religious realm or the political realm—the era of the Principle.
Section 4. The Coronation of True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace in Heaven and on Earth, and the Coronation of God, the King of All Kings, with the Authority of His Liberation
Coronations of Jesus and True Parents
The Coronation of Jesus as the King of Peace of the First Israel was held on December 22, 2003, in Jerusalem's Independence Park. Thousands of people representing all the world's religions were present. True Parents viewed a live webcast of the event at the Hannam-dong house in Seoul. The ceremony, by having representatives of Judaism, Christianity and Islam come together as one to attend Jesus as the King of Peace of the First Israel, was held to symbolically resolve the interreligious enmity that had endured for 2,000 years.
Next, this victory in the realm of the First Israel was connected to America, the Second Israel, and then to Korea, the Third Israel. On March 23, 2004, on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, the Coronation of True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace of the Third Israel was held. More than 450 dignitaries from around the world, including members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives and UN ambassadors, were in attendance. On August 20 of the same year, the Coronation of True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace of the Fourth Israel was held in the National Assembly Library in Korea. On the same day, True Parents held the Blessing Ceremony for Registration in Cheon Il Guk for the Revolution of True Heart and for True Liberation and Complete Freedom.
Thus, this series of events culminated with True Parents being crowned the King and Queen of Peace. After that event, each clan in Korea also held a Blessing Ceremony for Registration in Cheon Il Guk and a Coronation of the King of Peace, as representatives of each clan offered crowns of peace to True Parents.
1 Jesus was not able to establish his kingship during his lifetime. As Jesus is in the position of Heung jin's older brother, Heung-jin invited him to the ceremony to crown him king. This took place on December 22, 2003. This ceremony could not have been conducted without Heung-jin's initiative. It was the first time for any ascended True Child to lead an event on earth.
After Heung-jin held the coronation of Jesus in Israel, he conducted another coronation of Jesus in America, the Second Israel. Until that time, the spiritual world and the physical world had been divided. However, as a result of Heung-jin's active participation in the crowning of Jesus as king both in Israel and America, the spiritual world and the physical world were brought together in unity.
2 Unless the spirit world cooperates with us in one united realm, God's Will cannot be fulfilled. The path to unite religions requires that we establish the kingship of God's nation upon an interreligious foundation in both the spiritual world and the physical world. This is why when we held the Coronation of Jesus as the King of Kings in Israel, we performed the ceremony not only with Jesus but also with the support of Judaism and Islam. We could not have performed the ceremony if anyone had opposed it. We performed the coronation ceremony for Jesus based on cooperation among leaders of Judaism, Islam and Christianity.
The fact that we could hold the ceremony means that a realm of unity had been created at the highest levels of the spirit world. From now on, heaven can simply ignore the authorities that control religions and nations in the fallen world. Heaven will dismantle them in the end. Religions will not be necessary. Nor will nations be necessary. Eventually religions and nations will be dismantled, the lineage of all humankind will be changed into God's, and the entire world will be transformed into one nation having the form of one global family. This is what we must do to build the world of heart on earth.
3 We held the Coronation of True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace at the Dirksen Senate Office Building in the United States. We did the same at the National Assembly Building in Korea. True Parents must become the king and queen of their people, the Third Israel, who have the same blood, then the king and queen of the family of peoples with the Mongolian birthmark, and finally, the king and queen of Cain's descendants in Adam's family, which will make them the Saviors of the world.
Christianity is on the side of Abel. I must become the king of Christianity. Israel also exists within the realm of religion. As the Returning Lord, I must become the king of the nation of Israel. By so doing, we must eventually liberate heaven and earth, which have not yet united, making them a unified world of heart. Then we will arrive at the era of the new heaven and new earth, when peace will reign after the coming of heaven.
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