Cham Bumo Gyeong: Episode 368

Cham Bumo Gyeong
Book 13: The Completion of Restoration and the Settlement of Cheon Il Guk
Chapter 1: The Enthronement and Coronation Ceremonies
Section 3: Ssang Hab Shib Seung Il and the Era After the Coming of Heaven, Proclamation of Ssang Hab Shib Seung Il 
Section 3: Ssang Hab Shib Seung Il and the Era After the Coming of Heaven, Paragraph 07

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Section 3. Ssang Hab Shib Seung Il and the Era After the Coming of Heaven

Proclamation of Ssang Hab Shib Seung Il

On May 5, 2004, at Cheonghae Garden in Yeosu, South Jeolla Province, True Parents proclaimed Ssang Hab Shib Seung Il (Day of the Victory of the Number 10 Combining Two 5s) and declared the end of the Era Before the Coming of Heaven and the arrival of the Era After the Coming of Heaven. True Father explained that Ssang Hab Shib Seung Il is the day when God transformed heaven and earth, top and bottom, front and back, and left and right, causing His light to shine brightly throughout time and space and causing the evil world of darkness to dissipate. The Era After the Coming of Heaven signifies the passing away of the age of indemnity and the advent of the world as it was at the time of the Creation.

Also, on April 19, prior to the proclamation of Ssang Hab Shib Seung Il, True Parents founded An Shi Il, the Day of Secure Settlement and Attendance.

1  On this day, May 5, 2004, I proclaim Ssang Hab Shib Seung Il (Day of the Victory of the Number 10 Combining Two 5s). May 5 is indicated in numbers as “5.5.” Adding the numbers 5 and 5 together makes 10. It is as if God is grabbing the Era Before the Coming of Heaven with the five fingers of the left hand and grabbing the Era After the Coming of Heaven with the five fingers of the right hand, flipping them upside-down and combining them together into ten.

The right direction for a clock's hands to turn is clockwise, but Satan made them turn counter-clockwise, in the wrong direction. Now, with the Ssang Hab Shib Seung Il, the clock's hands will turn clockwise as they should. Thus, we have now moved past the Era Before the Coming of Heaven and into the Era After the Coming of Heaven, when we can realize the ideal world of unity. We will proclaim God's fatherland and the era of the peace kingdom. All living beings from plants and animals to human beings and spirits in the spirit world will come to the peace kingdom, God's fatherland, and come under God's ownership.

Satan's world will cease to exist. Every day in the Era After the Coming of Heaven will be God's Day. Now your ancestors and religious leaders in the spirit world will be able to handle those who oppose us or try to split us into sects or try to break up our families. The Blessing will totally uproot them.

2  Heavenly Father, we have established this day, May 5, 2004, as Ssang Hab Shib Seung Il. On this day, heaven and earth have been turned around, switching top and bottom, left and right, and front and back. Everything that began in darkness and evil now can be recovered into the light of goodness. Today, we who attend the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind welcome the original era of victory. It is the era of high noon settlement whose bright light of victory will never be extinguished. Today also marks the last day of the era of Satan's evil kingship. Beginning today, the conflicts caused by the Fall will be resolved and the wrongs of history will be corrected on the way to establishing the peace kingdom centered on true love.

Father, today the Era Before the Coming of Heaven is giving way to the Era After the Coming of Heaven. Now, heaven and earth will become one based upon the number 13, so that the authority of Your throne will become the center of the two realms, heaven and earth. Now we will stand in the realm of Your extended family formed by the bonds of Your true love, true life and true lineage. In this position, on this day of victory, we will enter the era in which we can proclaim Your kingdom of unity and love and Your fatherland throughout the whole world.

3  Based upon the Ssang Hab Shib Seung Il, we are going through a transition from the old age into the new age. There are 5 fingers on your left hand and 5 fingers on your right hand. When you put them together, you get the number 10, a pair of 5s. When these two 5s become one they are victorious together, and from 10 they can fly toward infinity. Then they can become a catalyst for liberation and complete freedom, and indemnify the 4,000 years of the Old and New Testament Ages. Jesus in his day could have established the kingship through 40 years of paying indemnity, but that opportunity was lost. In order to reclaim it, the Lord at the Second Advent came at the end of World War II.

Since his coming, the Lord has recovered the nation that was lost, the world, the spirit world, and thus the cosmos that was lost. He completed his mission by giving the Blessing to the heavenly and earthly worlds, thus fulfilling the 40-year indemnity period. And now, centering on God's nation, he has established this Day of Victory of the Number 10. By so doing, he has recovered the Era After the Coming of Heaven with its four seasons for the first time in history. We went over the hill of indemnifying history centering on the periods of 4,000 years, 400 years, 40 years, 4 years, 40 months and 40 days. But for the liberation of all of these periods, we need Ssang Hab Shib Seung Il. Having welcomed that day, now for the first time, God can wield the authority of forgiveness and complete freedom. Now God can abolish hell and recover its people so that they can transform hell into the kingdom of heaven.

4  On May 5, 2004, I declared Ssang Hab Shib Seung Il (The Day of the Victory of the Number 10 Combining Two 5s) and the beginning of the Era After the Coming of Heaven. I proclaimed to the whole world that this new era is the time when we must bring about perfect harmony and unity between heaven and earth, between human beings and all things of creation, between the Eras Before and After the Coming of Heaven, between male and female, and between East and West.

Although God's providence for the Will is invisible to the eyes of people who are descendants of the Fall, it has proceeded without a single iota of error to the point where it is possible to proclaim the present time as the Era After the Coming of Heaven. It means we are ushering in an era of heavenly fortune unprecedented in history. God has now given us a heavenly decree to live our lives based on absolute values, a new set of values in accord with this new age.

5  With 10, the returning number, we must settle everything. The numbers 1, 2,3,4, 5,6, 7, 8 and 9 did not belong to God. Now, as we go beyond that age, we rise one level higher to start with the number 10, which is the returning number. The significance of 10 is that we have surpassed Satan's world and can enter God's new world. It makes a crossing point. That is how, by setting up Ssang Hab Shib Seung Il, I could proclaim the Era After the Coming of Heaven.

Now the Cain realm will totally surrender, and we will erase all the dates whose numbers have been under Satan's shadow. This is what it means to stand on the level of “the victory of the number 10.” Now the world of Cain has ended and the lineages that existed in the Era Before the Coming of Heaven are changed. Thus we have arrived at the Era After the Coming of Heaven, when Abel will wield victorious supremacy in the position of the elder brother.

6  Beginning on May 5, 2004, the calendar will change from the seven-day cycle marked by the Sabbath to the eight-day cycle marked by An Shi Il. God has never owned the days of the calendar, nor could He own His spring. He could never become the owner of the four seasons—spring, summer, fall and winter. With the celebration of the Ssang Hab Shib Seung Il on May 5, now for the first time in history we are ushering in the Era After the Coming of Heaven. Now God can hold Satan's world of the Era Before the Coming of Heaven in His left hand and the Era After the Coming of Heaven in His right hand and turn them around in a circle, thereby bringing all into His realm of victory. This is why I named that day The Day of the Victory of the Number 10 Combining Two 5s. The two 5s becoming 10 set up the realm of victory.

7 Heavenly Father, I set the date of An Shi Il after entering May 2004. As May 21 was the third An Shi Il, after those on May 5 and 13, we are now welcoming a new era, the Era After the Coming of Heaven. Centering on a new world of victory and centering on God's true love—the ideal realm of oneness and its values—we are now standing before the responsibility that we are called upon to accomplish for the entire universe.

In the name of True Parents, representing the whole, I established Ssang Hab Shib Seung Il and its realm, in which are included all the dates represented by all combinations of digits below the number 10, the 4 seasons, the 4 years, the 8 years and the numbers 9 and 10. Now, Father, ushering in a new era in history and welcoming spring, summer, fall and winter, You are the owner. Everything is now arranged so that You can reign over all things with Your new days, seasons and years, based on the renewed number 10, which can expand 100 times, 1,000 times and 10,000 times, and on and on. I hope and desire that based on the establishment of An Shi Il, everything will make steady progress from this day forth by Your Will.

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