Cham Bumo Gyeong: Episode 367

Cham Bumo Gyeong
Book 13: The Completion of Restoration and the Settlement of Cheon Il Guk
Chapter 1: The Enthronement and Coronation Ceremonies
Section 2: The Holy Marriage Blessing of the Parents of Heaven and Earth Opening the Gates of Cheon Il Guk, and the Enthronement Ceremony of the King and Queen of the Blessed Families, The Enthronement Ceremony of the Parent of the Cosmos and the Parents of Heaven and Earth
Section 2: The Holy Marriage Blessing of the Parents of Heaven and Earth Opening the Gates of Cheon Il Guk, and the Enthronement Ceremony of the King and Queen of the Blessed Families, Paragraph 18

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The Enthronement Ceremony of the Parent of the Cosmos and the Parents of Heaven and Earth

On February 6, 2003, True Parents held the Enthronement Ceremony of the Parent of the Cosmos and the Parents of Heaven and Earth Who Reign over the Blessed Families as the King and Queen of Peace and Unity, following the True Parents' Holy Marriage Blessing Opening the Gates of Cheon Il Guk. This inaugurated the True Parents as the family king and laid the foundation to advance toward their becoming the peace king, the king of kings, on every level -tribe, people, nation, world and cosmos. This ceremony was the fruit of the 6,000-year providence of restoration, and by it True Parents established the substantial foundation for the new era of Cheon Il Guk. Thereby they completed the era of the providence of salvation and restoration through indemnity. Then they totally committed themselves to substantially build Cheon Il Guk, God's homeland.

10  Up to now we have given the marriage Blessing to 400 million couples, even blessing multitudes of couples in the spirit world. However, entry into the kingdom of heaven also requires that you participate in the Unification Blessing Ceremony for Registering the Four-Position Foundation at the Transition of the Three Ages. That is a step of preparation.

At the time we inaugurated that ceremony, I proclaimed we must enter the age of high noon settlement. There the sun will shine directly above us, whether in the morning or the afternoon. No shadow will be cast. Nor will there be any shadow in the evening or at night. Only when you enter the age of high noon settlement and live without casting any shadow, 24 hours a day in all seasons—spring, summer, fall and winter—can you become princes and princesses in the heavenly nation. God is in the position of high noon at all times, so you also should be in that position. You will then belong to His extended family.

11  On True Parents' birthday, the 6th day of the 1st lunar month of 2003, we held the Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony of the Parents of Heaven and Earth Opening the Gates of Cheon Il Guk, and then the Enthronement Ceremony of the Parent of the Cosmos and the Parents of Heaven and Earth Who Reign over the Blessed Families as the King and Queen of Peace and Unity. Where must we, the True Parents, go now? We still have to climb up to the summit and then go over it. If we only climb to somewhere in the middle and come down, our ascent will not have been complete.

Where did we go after completing the year 2000? The summit we reached then was the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship. However, God still had no country to call His own. As a preparation for Cheon Il Guk, on September 26, 2000, we held the Unification Blessing Ceremony for Registering the Four-Position Foundation at the Transition of the Three Ages. You have to be registered into the heavenly nation. This is why I gave the direction to make Cheon Il Guk registration cards and have you register to receive them. If you regard your registration card as you regard True Parents and cherish it as much as you cherish God, things will work out for you wherever you go. You will shine like a diamond, like a luminescent stone.

12  The Enthronement Ceremony of the Parent of the Cosmos and the Parents of Heaven and Earth Who Reign over the Blessed Families as the King and Queen of Peace and Unity was a significant event. By this ceremony, God and True Parents now stand as the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, and reign over the family. Further, they have finally established the nation where God reigns as King over the tribes, peoples and nations of the world for the first time in history. This means they can all become one. In the spirit world up to now, God had no form. Messages from the Spirit World stated that the incorporeal God is not visible, but True Parents appear on the right-hand side of God, who manifests as a pillar of fire.

13  The time will come when God will give me an award. When He does, I will pass that award to Mother. Then, all blessed families and all Unification Church members in heaven and on earth also should honor Mother by offering her an award for her victory. With the Enthronement Ceremony of the Parent of the Cosmos and the Parents of Heaven and Earth Who Reign over the Blessed Families as the King and Queen of Peace and Unity, the incorporeal God assumes corporeal substance as the True Parents, the image of God; also the True Parents, who live in the earthly realm, ascend to the throne of the incorporeal Parent in the heavenly world.

Originally this should have happened at the time of Adam and Eve, after they perfected their family. Now with True Parents ascending to their thrones, the blessed families of the world will become the princes and princesses of the heavenly nation, and God will be able to settle within both the spiritual world and the physical world.

14  After the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship, and after the establishment of Cheon Il Guk, we held the Holy Marriage Blessing of the Parents of Heaven and Earth Opening the Gates of Cheon Il Guk, and later that day the Enthronement Ceremony of the Parent of the Cosmos and the Parents of Heaven and Earth Who Reign over the Blessed Families as the King and Queen of Peace and Unity. If I am truly the Savior, Messiah, Lord at the Second Advent and True Parent, as God says I am, then what I am doing must be right. Adam and Eve could not become the family king and queen centering on God. Hence, God also could not proclaim Himself to be the Family King. Therefore, we, the True Parents, had to do all this.

15  We held the Holy Marriage Blessing of the Parents of Heaven and Earth Opening the Gates of Cheon Il Guk, and later that day the Enthronement Ceremony of the Parent of the Cosmos and the Parents of Heaven and Earth Who Reign over the Blessed Families as the King and Queen of Peace and Unity. Since the gates of Cheon Il Guk were opened, God's family can finally go forth. All 12 gates of pearl have been opened. Based on the opening of these gates free from the Fall, the Lord at the Second Advent is able to begin as the family king. This is what happened on February 6, 2003.

Although I am now the family king, I must become the tribal king. Satan by his false love, captured the summit, centering on love, and claimed the three stages: the formation, growth and completion realms. Thus, in order for us to escape from him, the Third Adam had to come as the Lord and open those gates. However, he could not do it alone. In order to open the gates to the heavenly nation, he had to make it so that the blessed families, who received persecution throughout the world, were able to pass over 12 peaks. This is how the gates of Cheon Il Guk opened and we could hold the Enthronement Ceremony of the Family King.

From this time forth, we can live a normal family life as you do. Hence, not only should we be able to recover the world, we should be able to enjoy life with our children and grandchildren. This is necessary in order for the Parent of the Cosmos and the Parents of Heaven and Earth to become the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.

16  Now that we have opened the gates of Cheon Il Guk, you have to register in that nation. Even our beloved Heung-jin in the spirit world asked me to let the spirit world be part of that registration, and I immediately granted his request. Once you are registered, you must not show any traits of your fallen nature to those who are also registered. In the spirit world you cannot hide anything. This is why I am saying that to live in the kingdom of heaven you must not demonstrate any trace of your fallen nature. You must cut it all away.

Further, you need to relinquish the right to own your possessions. This is why you must conduct the Holy Burning Ceremony. All of you must pile up your clothes, burn all of them, and then go over the hill of fallen nature. You should be able to say, “Farewell, fallen world. I have no more attachments to you.” Lot's wife looked back due to her attachment to the world. That is why she turned into a pillar of salt, becoming a symbol of regret in history.

You must leave everything behind, put aside attachments to your brothers and sisters, and overcome every obstacle by single-mindedly thinking of others first. You need to begin a brand new life; otherwise you cannot enter the kingdom. This is why I was so serious while pursuing my path.

17  Cheon Il Guk was formed after the establishment of the Fourth Israel. With the establishment of Cheon Il Guk, we as the True Parents could hold our Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony. That ceremony is what established God's nation. During the ages of Adam, Jesus and the Lord at the Second Advent, Cheon Il Guk did not exist; in those ages the spirit and flesh were not united as one. In order to create Cheon Il Guk, where the physical and spiritual worlds are united, it was absolutely necessary to proclaim the Fourth Israel.

The day was October 20, 2002. We had just concluded the Holy Burning Ceremony. Through the Ceremony for the Unity of the Physical World and Spirit World, and after symbolically burning everything of the fallen world, True Parents could finally take root on earth. Then, to usher in that new age, on the day after completing the Holy Burning Ceremony I announced the Fourth Israel. Upon that foundation, we could proclaim the Nation of the Fourth Israel and then hold our Holy Marriage Blessing.

After the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship on January 13, 2001, we held the Holy Marriage Blessing of the Parents of Heaven and Earth Opening the Gates of Cheon Il Guk on February 6, 2003, and later that same day the Enthronement Ceremony of the Parent of the Cosmos and the Parents of Heaven and Earth Who Reign over the Blessed Families as the King and Queen of Peace and Unity. That is how we became the family king.

18  If we are only the family king, we cannot proclaim God's fatherland. In order to proclaim God's fatherland, I traveled from the bottom of hell to the summit of heaven, undergoing trials and suffering almost to the point of death. This is how, on May 4, 2003, I was able to proclaim the transition from the realm of Satan's dominion to the realm of God's dominion based on God's ideal of creation.

From that day on, since it was absolutely necessary for us to establish the fatherland, I mobilized everyone to work with all our strength. This is how I came to announce the abolition of the ages of restoration through indemnity, the end of the ages of indemnity. That day was July 13, 2003, in the month prior to August, the 8th month. Thus, before going over the number 7, I proclaimed the abolition of the providential age of restoration through indemnity.

This means that the nations and religions of the world will come to an end. After all, as a result of the Fall, the nations that now exist are within Satan's domain. Also, if not for the Fall, there would be no religions. Thus, now that the providence of restoration through indemnity is abolished, the ages when people need religion and politics are coming to an end, and the age of God's nation, the fatherland of His sovereignty, is at hand. This is a fair and logical conclusion from the standpoint of the Principle.

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