Cham Bumo Gyeong: Episode 349

Cham Bumo Gyeong
Book 12: The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification and the Women's Era
Chapter 3: The Completed Testament Age and Its Providential Development
Section 2: Ceremonies of Proclamation, Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace
Section 2: Ceremonies of Proclamation, Paragraph 06

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Section 2. Ceremonies of Proclamation

Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace

On January 3, 1993, True Parents proclaimed the opening of the Completed Testament Age. Following this, they developed the providence in the Completed Testament Age by making the following proclamations:

Proclamation of Pal Il Jeol (8-1 Day), the Day of Returning to the Original Homeland (August 1, 1993, Belvedere Training Center, Tarrytown, New York); Proclamation of the Settlement of the Family Federation for World Peace and the Dissolution of Indemnity (November 1, 1996, Montevideo, Uruguay); Proclamation of Chil Pal Jeol (7-8 Day), Declaration Day of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath of the Parents of Heaven and Earth (August 9, 1997, Central Training Center, Sutaek-dong, Guri); Proclamation of the Fulfillment of the Completed Testament Age for Beginning God's Kingdom in Heaven and on Earth (April 11, 1999, East Garden, Irvington, New York); Proclamation Congratulating the Parents of Heaven and Earth on their Cosmic-Level Victory (June 14, 1999, Olympic Gymnastics Gymnasium); Proclamation of Gu Gu Jeol (9-9 Day), the Day the Parents of Heaven and Earth Open the Realm of the Unity and Liberation of Heaven and Earth (September 9, 1999, Central Training Center); Proclamation of Sam Shib Jeol (3-10 Day), the Day the Parents of Heaven and Earth Conduct the Ceremony for the Unity and Liberation of Heaven and Earth (September 10, 1999, Central Training Center); Proclamation of the Era in Which We Report Prayers in Our Own Names (September 14, 1999, East Garden, Irvington, New York); Proclamation of Ssang Shib Jeol (10-10 Day) (October 10, 1999, Punta del Este, Uruguay); Proclamation of the Day of Liberation by Giving the Blessing to All of Heaven and Earth (October 23, 1999, East Garden, Irvington, New York); and Proclamation of the Completion of True Parents' Providential Responsibility (December 26, 1999, Belvedere Training Center, Tarrytown, New York).

In this way, True Parents brought the providence for the Completed Testament Age to its conclusion. By this series of proclamations, they prepared to begin the providence for the Cosmic Nation of Peace and Unity (Cheon Il Guk), which was ushered in at the beginning of the new millennium and would develop thenceforth.

Pal Il Jeol (8-1 Day), the Day of Returning to the Original Homeland

1  The family is the most fundamental unit. There must be three generations in the family: the grandfather and grandmother, the father and mother, who are in the positions of kings and queens, and then the third generation, the princes and princesses who will become kings and queens. We establish the family upon the ideal of True Parents, our immovable bedrock founded for eternity. Why so? When the sun rises, all things of creation face the sun. Likewise, all things of creation in America would like to return to True Parents and want to become one with them. I am not just speaking empty words; this is true. Now that we have laid victorious foundations in each of the 50 states, this morning God and True Parents in total oneness are bringing back to East Garden all these foundations with the entire root that God blessed—the individual foundation, the family foundation, the tribal, national, world and cosmic foundations. The ceremony that we are performing on this first day of August is to unite everything. After all, August is the 8th month, and the number 8 signifies a new beginning. I want this day to be commemorated, and I proclaim it to be the beginning of the era of the Unification Church.

2   Before the Israelites entered the promised land of Canaan, the first generation, which had failed to fulfill its responsibility, was swept into oblivion in the wilderness. What have I been doing during the past 40 years from 1952 to 1992?

The Unification Church and the world have dwelt within the realm of imperfection, so to bring them to the position of perfection, all remnants of failure must be swept away, just as God swept away the first- generation Israelites in the wilderness. Without any foundation, I went to the front line and took responsibility, and I restored the foundation of the Christian cultural sphere that was lost. In the Garden of Eden, the archangel Lucifer pulled Eve into hell, and then Lucifer and Eve together pulled Adam into hell, but through indemnity I reversed this on the world level.

As John the Baptist was unable to unite with Jesus, the Christian cultural sphere was unable to unite with me. I was thus hounded into the wilderness. Nevertheless, I indemnified the 4,000 years of Judeo-Christian history, and further, all of history since the time of the Creation. I was able to indemnify what was left unaccomplished by Jacob's family, by Moses and his people, by Jesus' 120 disciples, and by the 160 nations to which I had sent missionaries and which should have accepted me. I took responsibility for all of this. This meant I had to create a foundation to recover Christianity and the free world that heaven had lost.

That is why I proclaimed August 1 the day of returning to the original homeland. The time has arrived when we can return to the homeland. In order to do so, I had to recover the realm of the bride, the Christian cultural sphere that was lost.

Settlement of the Family Federation for World Peace and the Dissolution of Indemnity

3   I indemnified everything during the 40-year period that began in 1952. Then in 1992, on the foundation of proclaiming the liberation of women, I established Mother in a position equal to mine, so that we stood side by side. From that time on, I gradually handed my authority over to Mother. That is the path I have been following. I hurried, because I had to conclude it by 1997. If I had left the process unfinished, problems would have arisen. In this way I prepared the foundation for the Family Federation for World Peace. I even needed to hold a ceremony proclaiming the dissolution of indemnity.

4   Our foundation had been such that Mother had no basis upon which to connect the standard of the family messiah and the tribal messiah to the standard of a world Messiah. To solve this issue, I set up 33 people to represent Jesus' 33 years of life—the life he lost due to John the Baptist. With these 33 representatives that I brought from North America to South America, I am weaving together their nations as subject and object partners. In this way, I am building a bridge for Mother to use. 

With those 33 people living in these vast plains, I built a bridge for Mother, connecting South America to North America, then to Japan and finally to Korea. By investing my total devotion to attend Mother in South America, it turned out that everything was accomplished. South America was challenging for us. However, since we succeeded there and prepared a foundation, it is no longer a problem to hold events anywhere in North America where we have already established a foundation.

The 16 nations that participated in the Korean War are in the position of Abel. Adding 16 more nations in the Cain position makes the number 32. Including Mother, the number is 33. Hence on the foundation of those 33 missionaries, we could establish the realms of the family messiah, tribal messiah and national messiah. On this basis, we can proclaim that we have reached the standard whereby Mother and I have the authority as the world-level Messiahs to freely travel around the globe and create the one world family on this earth.

That is why on July 30, 1996, we were able to hold the inauguration of the Family Federation for World Peace in Washington, DC. On the first day of November, three months after the first day of August, I proclaimed that with the creation of the Family Federation for World Peace comes the dissolution of indemnity. Through the Family Federation we are entering an era when we will receive good fortune. I tell you, the time has arrived when the families of the world will come to us and want to receive the Blessing.

5   Up to this point we have been working hard to restore the Garden of Eden. To this end, we have been expanding the authority of the elder son, the authority of the parents and the authority of kingship throughout the world, which were all lost by the family in the Garden of Eden. Thereby, we achieved balance and equality on the horizontal plane and reorganized the family to be centered on God. We established a straight line from the level of the individual to the family level, the tribal level, and the levels of the people, the nation, the world and finally the cosmos.

These all must unite, just as our mind and body need to unite. Then God will be able to come and go freely anywhere from the level of the individual, to the level of the family, the people and the nation. However, because there were still conditions whereby Satan could oppose God's providence, we True Parents established the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification for the settlement of numerous families, and proclaimed the conclusion of indemnity for them.

6   By serving True Parents better than you serve your own parents, you can receive their Blessing and inherit their victory. As their son or daughter, neither Satan nor God can deny your right to inherit their victory. This is the dissolution of indemnity. When the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification is settled, and when you become sons and daughters who attend True Parents as your own parents, and your families become absolute families in which you and your spouse can unite with God in love as filial children, patriots, saints and divine sons and daughters, you will be able to inherit the entire victory of True Parents and the absolute authority of God.

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