Cham Bumo Gyeong: Episode 283
Cham Bumo Gyeong
Book 10: Preparing the Ideal Environment Centering on the Providence of the Ocean and Latin America
Chapter 2: The Ocean Providence and Development of Marine Resources
Section 4: Addressing the World’s Food Shortage, Vision for ocean enterprises
Section 4: Addressing the World’s Food Shortage, Paragraph 12
Section 4. Addressing the World's Food Shortage
Vision for ocean enterprises
True Fathers interest in the ocean was not limited to the Korean Peninsula; it encompassed the entire world, notably Alaska and Hawaii. His great interest in the ocean, especially the seafood industry, stemmed from his belief that the ocean will be key to solving the world's food shortage in the future.
True Father even foresaw that human living space in the future will expand to undersea habitats. He talked about plans for the future that anticipated a maritime age: construction of a marine hotel, underwater houses and fisheries. He also mentioned the need to develop the North Pole and proposed constructing a cultural city in the Arctic. As a start toward this, True Father promoted a God-centered ocean tourism and leisure industry, especially for people who enjoy fishing.
1 In the future the land will be too crowded; so people, in the not-too-distant future, will have to live on the ocean in boats. What should we do in light of this? We will secure a worldwide foundation in the maritime industry, and once we do, we will be able to lead all the cultures of the world by expanding our reach on the coastlines of the world.
2 The ocean is a vast world. The world of water is virtually infinite. There is no place without water. It is filled with fish that have highly potent nutrients essential for human health. That means that the fish farming industry is certain to increase. Much of what I have been doing is because I believe the era of the ocean is coming. I have spoken extensively about this, and I am making many preparations for this coming era. The time has come to expand all this work throughout the world.
3 The ocean is teeming with fish and other seafood. America wants to sell the fish that Alaska processes, but it has nowhere to sell it. The Japanese people want fish, but they do not have enough. So I am catching fish in America and selling it in Japan. Japan needs America's fish and America needs Japanese technology, so I am proposing that they start a joint venture. That is why I am calling American-Japanese couples that I have blessed and am assigning them to fish-related businesses in America or Japan.
If one of these couples runs a joint venture, in America the American husband can be the company president and his wife the vice-president. When they go to Japan, the wife will be the company president and the American husband the vice-president. If they do this, their joint venture will go well. It is very practical. Since each will know the culture and situation of their countries, no one will be able to pick a fight with them. No one will be able to sneak behind their backs to take over the company.
4 The ocean's fish and seafood are an unlimited resource. Food resources on land are limited. Fish were created to form a food chain in which smaller fish are eaten by larger fish. When a fish spawns, it produces as many as 500,000 eggs. When these eggs hatch in nature, only one percent survive and the rest are eaten. But what if we can artificially incubate 100 percent of these eggs and raise all their hatchlings? We can feed them with dried, pulverized seaweed that we sprinkle on the water. By preventing them from being eaten, we can secure an unlimited supply of these fish.
To create such a great supply of fish, we have to farm them. Until now people have only done conventional farming on land, but in the future people will operate fish farms instead. Even with a small farm of one-sixth of an acre, a household can generate a good income for itself. Fish are excellent for food, filled with protein and other nutrients.
5 The time when people require resources only from the land is passing. We will require resources from the oceans as well. Who will manage these resources? Who will develop the technology to do that? These are key issues for the future. A new age is approaching when people who rule the ocean will lead the world. The ocean's seafood is the basic source for our unlimited nutrition. To realize this, the era of catching fish will pass, to be replaced by the era in which people farm fish.
6 Two-thirds of the earth is covered by ocean. In the future, when the land can no longer supply people with enough food, we will have to depend on the ocean for food. We must explore ways to survive from the food resources of the ocean. Beginning in 1973 I began to purchase and build boats in anticipation of the fishing industry in the future. I investigated the fishing grounds off the east coast of the US near New York and Boston and developed my business plans. I even studied how the US regulations on the fishing industry will likely change in the future.
7 Who will be the future masters of the ocean world? The question is how can you become those people. The ocean is unlimited. You need to become people who know how to venture into the ocean and tame it. We are now entering an age when, if you have the right equipment and enough oxygen tanks, you can live for one month at a time underwater.
8 Everyone has a desire to live in a nice place. So, I am studying submarines. Where do you think is the most splendid place to live? Living in an apartment in a crowded tower block is one thing. It would be far better to live in a house deep in the sea. Yet how is it possible to live in such a place? For that, we would need a submarine house. Think about it: At the push of a button we will descend to a cool place where we will not need air conditioning. In the water world, outside our window, we will be greeted by a beautiful spectacle brimming with all kinds of colors, where all kinds of fish are dancing in delightful and exciting ways. In our submarine house we can go anywhere, with nothing blocking our way. We can go anywhere night and day.
How convenient it would be to live that way! I would love to live in such a place before going to the spirit world. Yet I am not pursuing this dream for my individual pleasure; rather I am doing this research for the whole.
9 The time will come when it will be more profitable to construct buildings for fish farming than buildings for people. The developers who build them will become the richest people in the world. In the future, the populations of the cities will have to be dispersed. When people live in the cities, getting rid of human excrement and urine is always a serious problem. When you live in nature, everywhere you go your excrement becomes fertilizer; both urine and excrement can become fertilizer.
To deal with this problem in cities, populations of crowded cities must be redistributed in such a way that each city, wherever it is located, can handle its own human waste. When that happens, people will naturally seek out mountainous regions. But if they stay only in those places, they will soon get bored. Then they will go to live in the ocean.
The time is coming when we must go into the ocean and live underwater. For this, I am currently having scholars research the idea of submarine houses. Even when a typhoon is blowing, 30 meters below the ocean's surface the waters are calm. No matter how much the wind blows or the waves heave in the storm, there is no storm 30 meters under the surface. There will come a time when we can press a button, say for 30 meters below or 100 meters below, and our submarine house will automatically descend to that depth. There we will be able to live underwater while enjoying the view of the ocean, with mirrors to give you views in all directions.
Even under the ocean you can farm fish. You only need to take the necessary equipment for cultivating your favorite kinds aboard your submarine house. Because you know where the fish's habitat is, you only need to go there and live there for a month. Then you can ascend ten meters to another level where you know another kind of fish lives, and live there for a month. In this way you can live underwater while going about to different places and harvesting fish wherever you go. It is very possible that things like this will come to pass in the future. By thinking about them now, I am paving the way for the age to come when we will live underwater.
10 One of my plans is to develop the North Pole. I plan to build a permanent city below ground, under the land covered with snow that has accumulated for tens of thousands of years. If we build a city with all the modern conveniences in that place, I am sure everyone on earth would come there at least once. I would also like to build a university, one-third of which would be underground.
We would not need a heating system if we built it this way. It would be cool in the summer but not cold in the winter. Further, were two dozen students to gather for class, they would naturally generate enough heat Without the need to burn fuel. Our body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius. Generally, 10 degrees Celsius is warm enough for ordinary living. Since our body temperature is 37 degrees, once you have several people, the heat they give off would be enough to heat their underground room. With the students there, the entire place would warm quickly.
Such a time is coming. When it does, we will begin to experience a mode of life where everything in modern civilization, including its economy, will move in step with the natural world. The time has come for us to make a determination that we will innovate all of our systems to create the ideal world.
11 I foresee many changes coming to the ocean-related industries. In the future, the industry will have to farm fish. Even though we are engaged in the seafood industry, I already recognized that it will be difficult for anyone to sustain their marine business in the years to come unless they combine it with tourism and develop some sort of ocean recreation industry.
Everything that we do requires money and raw materials. However, above all, we must cultivate human resources and develop our personal networks. For whatever work or business we do, we need people. Especially, in the marine field, our main challenge is to find people who regard work on the ocean as God's calling. We need people who will love the ocean throughout their entire lives—during their youth, middle age and senior years—and who, before they die, will teach their sons and daughters and even their grandchildren to also love the ocean.
12 I predict that in the future, the leisure industry will develop greatly. People who live in the city suffer from stress and need stimulating activities in order to relieve that stress. What can they do? To me, there are three ways. One is hunting, another is horseback riding and the last is fishing.
Nonetheless, there are limitations to hunting and horseback riding. Horseback riding is expensive, so only a particular class of people can enjoy it. As for hunting, people can do it into their forties, but once they are over 50 it becomes difficult to enjoy. Also, in many nations only a certain class of people can hunt for sport. However, anyone can fish from an early age. People can enjoy fishing even when they get older and are in the evening time of their lives. That is why I am saying that the fishing business will grow to become a global business.
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