Cham Bumo Gyeong: Episode 18
Cham Bumo Gyeong
Book 1: True Parents’ Advent and the Era of True Parents
Chapter 2: Section 2: Paragraph 3-15
3 The fact that at present you cannot see God’s face makes it seem as if you are still living in the womb. Your situation is that you have yet to be born. This means you must be born again. Because the providence of spiritual salvation already has been accomplished, people can be reborn spiritually. However, this will not suffice. You need to be reborn in both spirit and flesh.
In the future, the Lord will return, but he will come as the True Parent. He will come to earth in the flesh as the Father of humanity. He will come in the flesh as the Bridegroom, and from among the people he will find his Bride and establish her as the True Mother of humankind in the flesh. Then, finally, the unfallen True Parents will emerge. Because Adam and Eve fell, the True Parents were lost. Hence, people today are descended from the fallen parents, not the unfallen True Parents.
The Lord has returned in the flesh, in accordance with the providence of restoration, in order to complete the mission of the True Parent. He comes with the truth about the history of the Human Fall. With this truth he must fully resolve this problem: when people have only the foundation of Jesus’ spiritual salvation, Jesus cannot give them birth as sons and daughters who can achieve perfection in both spirit and flesh.
4 Jesus came to earth as the Second Adam. The Holy Spirit, as the Second Eve, was unable to assume a body. If you were to go to the spirit world, you would see that the Holy Spirit is the Mother Spirit of God.
When Jesus returns to earth in the flesh, the woman whom he takes as the Bride must meet the qualifications, as stipulated by the Principle, to be the Bride. This requires that she knows all aspects of the heavenly way. It requires that she looks forward to the Returning Lord’s coming and prepares to welcome him. These are the conditions she needs in order to prepare herself to establish the one God-centered family, nation and world. This is her responsibility as the Bride. That is also why, as we entered the 1960s, the women’s movement began and is developing throughout the world.
No matter how many people there are on earth, they are all descendants of the Fall. They were all born from the evil, fallen lineage. Therefore, a true woman must emerge who can love them as their True Mother. As the Last Days draw near, the time is approaching when such a woman will appear. This is why, to prepare the environment, women’s movements are springing up worldwide.
We have now arrived at a time when many women can surpass men. The Last Days is the time when women can restore the Fall, and these women in the realm of grace are able to come forward and represent the heavenly Eve. Today it is not just a matter of women’s liberation; women can stand in such a position. Therefore, the True Mother must appear during this time. We must be able to attend this Mother on earth. Humankind has been trying to return to God, and as we enter the era when this can happen, the Bride must be established on earth.
5 The Unification Church is the first parent-type religion. Religion began with the servant religion and has progressed to the adopted-child religion, the stepchild religion, the son and daughter religion, and then the mother religion.
God has been ever looking for the mother. God, the masculine subject partner, has had no partner. He needs a female object partner. She is His partner, and at the same time she is the queen of earth. She is the queen of the tribes and queen of the families. She stands as the grandmother of all ancestors, the mother of all humankind, the wife of God and the daughter of God.
Mother is such a woman, with the value of the original True Mother. She is the queen of heaven, the queen of earth, the queen of the nation, the grandmother to her ancestors, the mother of humankind, the wife of God and the daughter of God. Mother’s value is found in all of these roles.
6 Have you ever heard people say that they believe in salvation through the family? If you ask Christians who they believe in, they will answer, “I believe in Jesus.” Buddhists, too, would say that they believe in the Buddha, rather than in his family. However, in the future a religion to save the family needs to appear. This is True Parents’ teaching, which is the true parent religion. The true parent religion will enable you to establish your own four-position foundation and live your life as true parents. Then you as the father and mother become the saviors of your sons and daughters.
The Book of Revelation includes content concerning the work of restoration. This is one reason the Bible is great. Because of the principle of restoration, the core content of restoration was placed at the end of the Bible. Revelation 22:17 reads, “The Holy Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come.’ And let everyone who hears say, ‘Come.’ And let everyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who wishes take the water of life as a gift.” Do you know whom the Bride and the Holy Spirit refer to? The Bride refers to the Lord’s wife. The Holy Spirit is only a spiritual being. Therefore, the Mother with both spirit and flesh needs to appear. Jesus, the Father of humankind, is a man, so the Mother of humankind must be found among women. When she is found, together they will save all humankind by guiding them to a new world.
7 Mother, this woman whom I have married, is truly great. Her greatness does not come from a beautiful face but from a beautiful heart. Even her beautiful voice and her graceful manner are because of her beautiful heart. I am a teacher who teaches God’s philosophy by actually living it. Because I am living according to the Principle, I praise Mother and promote her in front of the public on God’s behalf. This is in accordance with the Principle.
8 People throughout the world say that my wife is beautiful. I spent some time thinking about what makes a person truly beautiful. A beautiful woman is not someone who has a beautiful face. To be a truly beautiful woman, she must be beautiful in heart. The beauty of such a woman will not diminish even after 1,000 years. Even after all that time, she will possess a refined and harmonious appearance. Such a woman can embrace her surroundings and bring out the best in any situation. Such a woman is the beauty of all beauties. Mother has that kind of beauty. That is why I think she is the beauty among beauties.
9 Mother is a woman of great wisdom. Also, her eyes are magnificent. When she smiles, I am completely mesmerized by her charming eyes. She has such beautiful eyes. I really like Mother’s nose too. When she senses something good is coming, she laughs in such a way that her nostrils start to flutter. I am not sure if this is Mother’s charm, but I tell you that, as her husband, it moves my heart. Also, if we encounter a grave or serious situation, Mother tries not to purse her lips to show that she is upset. When I see her wisely restraining herself like that, I find her lips even more beautiful. Mother also has a lovely demeanor. Indeed, she has many great qualities. I think wives who possess these graces carry the secret keys to solve all problems and make all things go well.
10 One of Mother’s special qualities is that she is intuitive. This is an inborn quality. Further, whenever I ask her to do something, she makes a firm resolution to fulfill it. Then she never forgets that resolution until it is done. That is why she has been able to overcome every trial on her path. She has perseverance and patience for God’s purpose. Another reason I am very grateful to Mother is that she is very giving. She always wants to give away her most precious possessions, not only to our own children, but also to all of you, at any time and without hesitation. I believe that this trait of her personality is a God-given gift.
11 Mother needed to give birth to at least 12 children within a span of 20 years in order to completely restore Jacob’s family through paying indemnity. Jesus’ 12 disciples could not unite with each other. What did they do? They abandoned Jesus, and one of them ended up selling him. Why did this happen? One problem was that despite their brotherly ties, the disciples were from different tribes. There was a problem in Jacob’s family because he had sons and daughters born from four different women. In my time, in order to overcome that problem Mother gave birth to at least 12 children within a 20-year time period. Had she not succeeded in this, she could not have fulfilled her mission as True Mother.
From this point of view, you can see that no one more than 20 years old could have fulfilled the position of True Mother. She had to be at most 18 or 19 years old. That is why at the age of 40 I married Mother who was just 17 years old. Just as I embarked on the path for the Will at the age of 16, a woman had to meet that standard at around the same age. Otherwise, she would have no way to bring about the liberation of women.
12 Throughout history there was no woman who was willing to suffer through all kinds of miserable situations and still support her husband through even more difficulties, continually and without complaint. If there were a woman who suffered through such hardships and then said, “Standing before the Will, I have nothing but gratitude,” that woman would be able to comfort us when we felt discouraged.
Such is the case with True Mother. At the point at which she started her life with me, she had to pay incredible indemnity in heart. She had to avoid having any condition to be accused, whether from above or from below. It didn’t matter that she was younger than 20 years old; if God permitted His object partner to be someone of that age, that young woman had to be able to adapt to whatever difficult situation she might face.
That is why it was good that I found Mother among those who came from a solitary family background. Mother came from a simple family. She had no father or older brother. She had only one person with her: her mother, Grandmother Hong, a woman who was willing to do anything for heaven.
13 Mother was 17 years old at the time of the Holy Wedding. I was 40 years old. As a fully grown man, I received a young lady of 17 years as my wife and placed her in the position of True Mother. This was unacceptable in the eyes of the world, but I had to do it for the sake of the providence. There was no other way.
Ever since I received her as Mother, I have been leading the providence with her. So when we were engaged, I explained everything about the path I had to follow, saying, “This is the way I must go.” Mother respects me because whatever I do is in accordance with the providential program. I also gave her basic guidelines, saying, “If you are attacked in this way, you need to overcome it like this. If you are attacked in that way, you must do things that way.” Mother respects me because I do what I say I will do. Even though the path is difficult, I overcome each obstacle and move forward.
14 A month before the Holy Wedding, Father appeared to me in a dream and gave me a special revelation from God, “Be prepared, for that day is at hand.” More than a marriage proposal, it was a decree from heaven. When I received that decree, I was completely overwhelmed. Because at the time I did not have the ability to deal with such a monumental matter, I had to empty myself. All I could do was pray. I responded while constantly keeping that revelation in mind, thinking, “O God, I have been living in accordance with Your Will. I will follow and do whatever Your Will may be. Whatever Your providential purpose for me may be, I will follow as You command.” I was 17 years old, and it was sometime in February. I did not want to analyze the situation at that time because I was making internal preparations by emptying myself. I only wanted to follow God’s Will.
15 I know of a story from the line of my mother’s family that seems like a legend. In the Jo clan of my maternal grandmother, Jo Won-mo, there is a record about a Maitreya statue from the time of our ancestor Jo Han-Jun. In 1991, when I went with Father to North Korea, I inquired whether this statue of the Maitreya actually existed. I was told that it still exists to this day. According to this story, Jo Han-jun had a dream in which the Maitreya Buddha promised him that a princess from heaven would be sent to his descendants.
I was born into that loyal family in remembrance of this ancestor’s devotion to the nation. My grandmother was born into that lineage, and my mother, Daemonim, was born from her. us, heaven began to work from the time of Jo Han-jun in order to prepare the environment in which I would meet the Messiah at his Second Coming and be raised up as his partner.
From this we can learn a lesson: Heaven will absolutely remember whatever conditions we make. This is why when I met Father I already understood what would be essential to my mission. Since I was born and grew up in the environment that God had prepared, I knew what I had to do and the mission I needed to accomplish.