Cham Bumo Gyeong: Episode 155

Cham Bumo Gyeong
Book 6: The World Tours and the Global Mission
Chapter 2: True Parents’ Settlement in the United States and Their Public Speeches
Section 1: The Beginning, Paragraph 11-22

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11  I have remained the same, whether I was active in Korea or I worked in America. Nothing has changed. The heart is the same. I am in America, but I am not here as a person from Korea. My perspective is different. I think to myself, "Even though my hair is black and I have a yellow Asian face, my heart is that of a pure American who lives for the sake of God and the world." That is why I am here for the sake of America despite the fact that I do not belong to America. My perspective is different. This being the case, I will happily endure all suffering that comes my way in America. I take responsibility for all of America's difficulties. I treat them not as someone else's problems, but as my own.

12  When I stepped on American soil in 1971, I declared, "Why do you think God blessed America? It was so that America, as the representative of the democratic world, could prepare a world of oneness that can welcome the Lord at his Second Advent. God blessed America with this in mind. Nonetheless, America is about to perish." I went on to say, "Christianity in America now has no hope. I was born in Korea and was pitifully treated, but you still need me, don't you? Whether you like it or not, you have to do as I say!"

Affirming this, I came all alone and set foot on the American continent. Even while my own people were clinging to me, I knew my destiny was to love the people of America even more than I love my own people. I was not born for my own sake. Be it night or day, I never lived for my own sake and I will not die for my own sake. I am welcoming with joy the stage that has appeared in front of me, on which I can live for the sake of God and humanity. I welcome it with joy.

13  I went to America and said, "We will build the base for world peace in America as Jesus, during his three-year public course, was hoping to do in Rome. Jesus did not succeed in those three years, but I will guarantee that everyone, even a little child, will know who I am. Just as Jesus was accused of being a traitor to his people and was killed, I will reach the stage where Americans will wish to kill me." This was the fastest way, and everything unfolded as planned.

14  There remains a three-year course ahead of us, during which we need to grab the Korean people and the world communist realm and pray desperately to God. Facing this urgent problem, we need to expand the base of our activities worldwide. Therefore, in the fall of 1972 I am going to create task forces in at least 12 nations. I personally will manage them.

I cannot stay long in Korea. I was born as a son of Korea and was more patriotic than anyone else in Korea. No patriot can hold a candle to my loyalty. After the completion of the second seven-year course, those who work diligently will become global figures. I am responsible to work in the United States, training itinerant workers and supervisors who can guide the advanced countries of Europe.

15  Since we have much to do and are running out of time, when I give commands, you must follow them and produce actual results. If you fail to do so, you will receive reproaches, not forgiveness. You have to be willing to make historic and unimaginable sacrifices, sacrifices no ancestor in the history of the world was able to make. And you need to obey absolutely. While doing so, you need to accept everything with humility.

At present, you come here to Belvedere to meet me, but I intend to meet you on the front line. In other words, I intend to go on a speaking tour. At this time, I have met most of the United States senators and representatives whom I wished to meet. Next I plan to meet with a few world-class scholars. Then I will go out to meet those of you who are working on the front line. Whether you are awake or asleep, you need to achieve unity with me.

16  I am meeting leaders in the United States, in order to have them lay a foundation on which America can move the spirit world. To move America through its senators, we need to mobilize their ancestors.

Since these senators represent states, they can be said to be Cain-type individuals. When we make them interested in my work, the spirit world can become their object partner, and a foundation whereon we can expand the providence will be created. If there is even one person who submits to Abel, the foundation can begin to take root. For this reason, I am meeting influential people.

17  Jesus' view was that the people of Israel needed to become one with him, and then Judaism needed to unite within itself and become one with him. Nonetheless, both the government and religion opposed him. Therefore our highest priority is to build a foundation that will prevent the current leaders of America, who are like Israel's political rulers, from opposing the Will. To accomplish this I am meeting American political leaders and church leaders. After meeting with political leaders, I will call upon the most prominent church leaders.

We need to devise a plan and convince the people in the government, who have power, to actively support my plan. By doing so there will emerge a foundation for the spirit world to cooperate with the earthly world. This initiative will create a path for church and state to harmonize, and on this foundation, the spirit world will be able to communicate with the earthly world. This is like Cain and Abel communicating with each other.

Achieving this through my efforts will accomplish the stages of formation, growth and completion horizontally. Then the spirit world of the Old Testament Age, New Testament Age and Completed Testament Age will cooperate with us. We should make such a foundation, and make it now. I consider this to be the most critical issue.

18  Since 1972, I have spent 27 years in the United States. This means I have spent more than half of my lifetime's 40-year restoration course in America. Why did I set my own country aside and come to America at such a crucial time? This period was most important to me because of Christianity. Christianity is Jesus' worldwide foundation. It needed to be brought to fruition. I came to America because of Christianity, which is Jesus' foundation.

Christianity is divided into Catholicism and Protestantism. They need to unite. The work of the Holy Spirit is the work of the mother, and the work of Jesus is the work of the father. Jesus and the Holy Spirit, in the position of parents, created Christianity, so those brothers need to unite.

19  I am launching a grand revival tour this year. I will hold it over a period of seven months, from this September until April of next year. It should rouse the interest of the important leaders of the government and churches, so that we can relate with them horizontally. We do this to make a foundation to move the United States. As these senators form relationships with me, they naturally will relate with you in their districts. Then Cain-Abel restoration can naturally come about in those districts.

The Victorious Day of Celebration

True Mother acquired her United States permanent residence status on February 26, 1973, and True Father acquired his on April 30. This was the basis for their world mission work centering on the United States. True Father stated that the three-year period from 1972 to 1974 corresponded to Jesus' three-year public ministry, and that during this time he had to connect it to the world level. On July 1, 1973, at the Belvedere Training Center, in the presence of representatives from ten nations: Korea, Japan, the United States, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and Austria, True Parents declared a victorious day of celebration, commemorating their laying the cornerstone for worldwide victory in the second seven-year course.

20  You must live for the sake of the world. This is why I make you go forward all over the world and make you suffer. How pitiful this is! These are circumstances you cannot understand. I am still alive and doing this work because I know the Principle. What did I indemnify by doing so for three years from 1972? Jesus could not become a parent and have children during his three-year public course. Those three years became a source of his sorrow. In these three years we set the standard to remedy this. Because you now can appear on the family foundation, representing the nation of Israel and its people, True Parents can make a start on the world level. This was the foundation on which True Parents could enter America.

21  The Germans and Japanese were America's enemies. However, Japanese and Germans are coming to America and putting their lives on the line to save it. I brought mostly Germans and Japanese to America, and it created a sensation. It drew those who opposed me to find out what's going on. I knew what they were thinking. If we failed to establish a foundation in one and a half years, they would expel the Japanese and German members. I too would be expelled. This could not happen. That is why, after finishing my first and second speaking tours, I was granted permanent residency, on April 30, 1973. Thus, I completely established the foundation in one and a half years and could hand it over to Americans. While developing our economic foundation, I also contributed to international harmony through these Japanese and Germans, who formerly had a hostile relationship with America, but now we're educating American youth.

22  Through the acquisition of green cards in 1973, True Parents have indeed established the standard for resurrecting the spiritual foundation for the global Christian domain. This accomplished all victorious standards throughout the spirit world. Having now connected the Christian cultural realm from Korea to the world, we needed to attach substantial results to this victory. This was why I mobilized Korean blessed families and, on the foundation of their achievements, went to the United States in 1971. My plan was to settle there by 1973, but for this settlement we needed a victorious foundation in America. We could not do so without this foundation of victory. By laying that foundation, which was a spiritual foundation, we acquired green cards in April of 1973 and returned to Korea on December 24, 1974. We laid down a decisive foundation in 18 months.

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