Cham Bumo Gyeong: Episode 140

Cham Bumo Gyeong
Book 5: Expansion of the Providential Foundation and the Annual Mottoes
Chapter 4: The Annual Mottoes and Setting Goals for Each Stage of the Providence
Section 5: The 2000s, Mansei for Cheon Il Guk, settled through harmony between children and the Parents who have Heaven’s heart, whose harmony brings final and ultimate oneness to heaven and earth
Section 5: The 2000s, Paragraph 38

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Mansei for Cheon Il Guk, settled through harmony between children and the Parents who have Heaven’s heart, whose harmony brings final and ultimate oneness to heaven and earth

31  The motto for 2011 is “Mansei for Cheon Il Guk, settled through harmony between children and the Parents who have heaven’s heart, whose harmony brings final and ultimate oneness to heaven and earth.” In this new year, may heaven and earth unite as one body with one heart to receive God’s blessings and the blessing of all humankind. Let us proclaim it and make it known to the whole cosmos, leaving all wrong and evil behind.

32  Today, February 3, 2011, True Parents wield the supreme authority of victory over heaven and earth, the spiritual world and the physical world. We stand in the position of the supremely victorious king and queen because we connect all of heaven and earth. The words we spoke at the Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind Who, as God’s Embodiment, Proclaim the Word, on November 4, 2010, proclaim that the entire course of our life and the words that portray it are textbooks and teaching materials for you. The addresses I gave at the 44th True God’s Day and at the Enthronement Ceremony for God’s Kingship are all included in that speech.

There is nothing more to say. We are not dead people. Nor are we iconic bronze statues. Today is the day we embark on a new era where as living people we can go about on earth, hoisting the flag of the supreme and all-victorious throne.

33  The Parents of Heaven and Earth, True Parents, are the core and the pillar, the center of the cosmos. All the good kings in heaven and earth and all their future posterity will become one with them. Then they will be able to create an eternal, ideal homeland where the love of the infinite and great universe can blend on earth and in the eternal spirit world. In this way we should be able to build the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven where we can all live together.

I hope that the citizens of heaven who received the Blessing in the spirit world can nurture seeds of true love, which Heavenly Parent and True Parents on earth have sown throughout all nations, oceans, and all of heaven and earth. They sowed them with one mind and one body, and with true love. Now I hope you will cultivate those sprouts that have taken root from the flower seeds we have sown, and help them on earth to develop parental love, conjugal love and sibling love.

I desire that all the parents and siblings connected to the eternal and infinite bloodline of the True Parents of Heaven and Earth, keep that everlasting standard without defilement, and become one and live together with the fruits of true love for all eternity. In the name of True Parents, I hope you will expand the ideal of the everlasting kingdom of heaven based on the embodiments of God in heaven and earth. They are the one center, the one core, and the one pillar, and you should be united with them in heart as members of their body.

Era of the victory, liberation and completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind

34  The motto for 2012 is “Era of the victory, liberation and completion of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.” The True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind are one, not two. All of you must re-organize the plans for your life from a position of unity, aligning yourselves with True Parents. Therefore, you must offer all your possessions to heaven; thereby you can receive them back from heaven.

On D-Day, at the upcoming ceremony of True Parents’ Holy Wedding, we will receive the seal of heaven’s nation and distribute it to you. Therefore, eight generations of your family line should unite with the Word and enter the era of the realm where you assimilate into heaven’s nation, becoming one people, with equal rights for all. Only then will the settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind be completed. Only then can all of us do as we please. Otherwise, we will all be caught short eternally.

Therefore, I told you that whatever difficulties you face, each family must bring actual results. Do not forget that to become the parents and ancestors of your lineage, you must be purified through three generations. If you do not do that, your paths in heaven and on earth will be blocked and you will build higher walls for your lineage.

35  From today, January 28, 2012, True Parents’ birthday, you must overcome all your circumstances in all directions. You have to overcome them all, whether you are situated at the individual level, family level, tribal level, people’s level or national level. You have to overcome the last entanglement with life-or-death resolve, investing all of your power. Did you solve the registration problem? You can see from the speech booklet that was provided at the Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind Who, as God’s Embodiment, Proclaim the Word, that I have prepared all the educational materials.

Wherever you are at this moment, you should cherish the hope to go beyond the Republic of Korea, beyond Asia, beyond the world, and beyond even heaven and earth. We are entering the era when you must achieve the realm of victory, liberation and completion that the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind have achieved. Therefore, you should become different people. You should even breathe in a different way. Even your manner of walking should change.

36  On the first day of the first month of 2013 by the heavenly calendar we welcomed New Year’s Day and True God’s Day. Now you must attend our Heavenly Parent by giving Him utmost honor and exaltation. And you must disseminate the Word to the ends of the earth. Even in the Bible, it says that Christ rules over all nations with a rod of iron, meaning the Word... What do you think that indicates? It means you must witness with the Word.

We need a nation where God is able to reside. I am talking about a nation where our Heavenly Parent can dwell. In order to have a nation, you need people. Then what should we do? We must witness. You must fulfill the mission of heavenly tribal messiahs. You must do this for the remainder of your life. If you cannot do this, after you go to the spirit world you will be ashamed to meet True Father. He will say “I taught you this on earth, and I have also earnestly requested that you do this, but why haven’t you done anything?” This is work that you absolutely must do, not only for your sake, but for generations of your descendants.

Let us become true owners of Cheon Il Guk who practice true love, in resemblance to our Creator, the Heavenly Parent

37  The motto that we will carry out until 2020 is “Let us become true owners of Cheon Il Guk who practice true love, in resemblance to our Creator, the Heavenly Parent.” Do not forget Heavenly Parent in your daily life. And as long as you are living on this earth, you must maintain well this earthly world made by Heavenly Parent, our Creator.

Accordingly, your mission is to witness to people and educate them. This means to restore fallen human beings. The work we have to do is witnessing. Next, we must take care in maintaining the beautiful natural world that our Heavenly Parent created by investing all His power. Please be aware how much damage is being done to nature all over the world due to human ignorance. We should not give this low priority just because it does not affect us directly. We must address this human ignorance and protect and preserve the environment. We must revive the sea and the land that are dying. We are the ones who have to do this. Accordingly, we need to carry the consciousness of true owners like our Heavenly Parent, and then we must unite among ourselves and cooperate with each other to fulfill this task by all means.

38  The person who does not have a sense of responsibility for all this work will drift away. Until 2020, we must not forget even for one day, even for one hour, even for one minute, even for one second, that we are the true owners who have made it our task to restore this nation and the world. Let us think and think again, using the wisdom of heaven, and let us bring change by mobilizing all of humanity’s abilities and resources. Unless we bring change to the world, we will have no future.

We are one unified family. Wherever we are, we must accomplish this goal with one heart and one purpose. That is why I am saying that you must become true filial sons, true filial daughters and true loyal patriots, who year by year can bring greater victories so that our Heavenly Parent, the Creator, will rejoice in those results and trust us all the more. Don’t be a person who just comes and goes as you are. You must behave in a responsible way, with a sense of ownership for everything, by taking responsibility for every aspect.

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