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Cham Bumo Gyeong: Episode 138

Cham Bumo Gyeong
Book 5: Expansion of the Providential Foundation and the Annual Mottoes
Chapter 4: The Annual Mottoes and Setting Goals for Each Stage of the Providence
Section 5: The 2000s, Let us substantiate the ideal of the internal and external Cheon Il Guk
Section 5: The 2000s, Paragraph 22

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Let us substantiate the ideal of the internal and external Cheon Il Guk

15  The motto for 2005 is, “Let us substantiate the ideal of the internal and external Cheon Il Guk.” Internal and external here mean the internal nation of heaven and the external nation of heaven. Cheon Il Guk (天一國) is a nation (國) where two (二) people (人) become one (一), mind and body become one, man and woman become one, parents and children become one, and heaven and earth become one, centering on God. The “internal” of “internal and external” refers to God, and the “external” refers to True Parents.

If you analyze the meaning of the phrase, “internal and external Cheon Il Guk,” it refers to the internal and external Cosmic Nation of Peace and Unity. The internal Cheon Il Guk cannot be completed on its own. It becomes complete only through the external Cheon Il Guk. This is because heaven and earth were all destroyed because of the external Cheon Il Guk, namely Adam and Eve’s bodies. Now we have established internal and external Cheon Il Guk. The era of Cheon Il Guk has dawned, and the era of the kingdom of peace and unity has begun.

16  Due to the Fall, human beings have not been able to perfectly carry out their moral duties as filial children in front of their parents, loyal patriots in front of their country, saints in front of the world, and divine sons and daughters in front of heaven and earth. These are what you must perfect in your generation. Although you received the Blessing, you have been fulfilling these responsibilities mostly on the individual level. Yet in order to recover what was lost in the Garden of Eden, you, who are one as True Parents’ blood relations, must act on their behalf and conduct yourselves as befits their sons and daughters. You should do this as families, fulfilling the dutiful way of filial children, loyal patriots, saints and divine sons and daughters.

By so doing, you need to build a foundation on which no borders or restrictions will exist in any family, any people, any nation, at any place in the world on the planet Earth. Then, based on this foundation of liberation and complete freedom, True Parents will be able to carry out activities freely, as they will be in the land of freedom where they can take command. To build this foundation, you need to unite families and nations, unite heaven and earth, and build a cosmos of freedom where all are connected through the lineage of love.

We have concluded the long course of restoration, which started in places where we could not attend God, and we have arrived at the era when we can bring liberation and establish the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven. Now we can celebrate the opening of the eternal reign of peace with cheers of “Eog-mansei.” Who will establish the Cosmic Nation of Peace and Unity? It is no one but you. Who will substantiate the royal authority of Cheon Il Guk? It is no one but you, as families. Thus you should fulfill this responsibility.

The era of the secure settlement of the model providence for the ideal of peace in heaven and on earth

17  The motto for 2006 is, “The era of the secure settlement of the model providence for the ideal of peace in heaven and on earth.” This model providence includes the providence for the era of the secure settlement of the family, the providence for the era of the secure settlement of the nation, the providence for the era of the secure settlement of the world, up to the providence for the era of the secure settlement of the kingdom of heaven on earth. In this motto, “The era of the secure settlement of the model providence for the ideal of peace in heaven and on earth,” the model providence for the secure settlement of the family, the secure settlement of the nation and the secure settlement of the world are all connected together.

18  In 2005 we traveled to and spoke in 120 nations, giving a speech entitled “God’s Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful Ideal World.” It contains contents about the model of God’s ideal family and the model for a world of peace. These two ideals have not been realized. As for the ideal family, how can we realize that ideal in the fallen world? As for the model for a world of peace, it is something that can start based on the vision of building a new nation in the new world that is to appear in the Last Days.

In the world, through a long course of history, the family model must emerge first, and following on that should emerge the model for the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven. That is why I wanted my speech to include content about the model for God’s ideal family and the model for a world of peace. All of history is included there.

19  “The era of the secure settlement of the model providence for the ideal of peace in heaven and on earth” is the motto for 2006. The era of the model family means the Old Testament Age. After that, the era of the model nation means the New Testament Age, which is the age of Jesus. After that, the era of the model world means the Completed Testament Age, which is the age of a unified world including both the spiritual world and physical world. As the Lord of the Second Advent, I broke through without major conflict or strife and reached a point where I could announce “The era of the secure settlement of the model providence for the ideal of peace in heaven and on earth.” You do not know how awesome this is. The era of the secure settlement of the family has passed, the era of the secure settlement of the nation has passed, and now all that remains is to achieve the secure settlement of the era of the world.

Eog-mansei for the reign of goodness and prosperity in Cheon Il Guk, bringing peace to the cosmos

20  The motto for 2007 is “Eog-mansei for the reign of goodness and prosperity in Cheon Il Guk, bringing peace to the cosmos.” The mandate of the Universal Peace Federation is related in theme to the work the Unification Church is carrying out throughout the world, that is, for peace in the cosmos. The phrase “universal (cosmic) peace federation” refers to the land and the home where God can live. This is something that people have not yet achieved.

The home and the land where God can live—in other words, the creation—is humanity’s collective responsibility. Creation itself is the object of comfort that God requires for building and living in His home. Its importance is that it manifests God’s love at the symbolic level. All things of creation are individual embodiments of truth. No matter what kind of being it is, each manifests a unique beauty. It is the same for human beings, whether they are handsome or not.

Among people in general, no one praises the person who boasts about himself. What I mean is, those who are not gentle and humble but think about everything centering on themselves should go to the back of the line. Conversely, those who think about the public ahead of themselves deserve to be blessed with good fortune. God likes such people.

21  The motto for 2007 talks about “the reign of goodness and prosperity in Cheon Il Guk, bringing peace to the cosmos.” What is the reign of goodness and prosperity? Suppose that Cheon Il Guk exists, but does not include an environment where we are able to live together with God, which is the ideal of God’s original creation? What would be the point of its existence? This shows how essential a good environment is.

For instance, you may be born with natural beauty, but unless you have the opportunity to cultivate your appearance, you will not be able to show your full beauty. In the same way, no matter how good people say Cheon Il Guk is, unless we make good preparations both inside and outside the house, it will not be a place where God will want to come and live with you. Neither will it be a place full of love and affection where you, as His sons and daughters, will want to live with Him forever.

The ideal state of the creation is one in which everything gives love and affection and makes that affection shine; this is the peace throughout the cosmos that God wants to create. That ideal is filled with beauty inside and out. Hence, people call it a good place, and everyone yearns to live there. Such is the reign of goodness and prosperity.

What I am saying is, peace comes from the home where one lives and attends God, the origin of cosmic peace. In that sense, the concept of a reign of goodness and prosperity is not a place of transient happiness, but of happiness that continues forever—Eog-mansei, literally one billion years. It will be an era and a world in which we can take pride. There we can live forever and ever, and take pride in our right to live in joyous freedom forever and ever and ever.

22  The reign of goodness and prosperity in the motto, “Eog-mansei for the reign of goodness and prosperity in Cheon Il Guk, bringing peace to the cosmos,” is already within our sphere of life. Heavenly fortune is with us. I know of this fortune that is with us. So, now, you need to bring great reformation and revolution at this time. Through it, what are you going to change? There are many who believe and follow me. I can call those historical people to testify about me anytime. But the question is, what are you going to do with your life after I am gone? You know me; you heard me; this and that are true. But again, my question is, “What are you going to do after I am gone?”

Don’t forget that I built a palace in which God is able to live. Don’t forget that I brought God’s fatherland into existence, and don’t forget that I called you to your hometowns. Yet, the fatherland that I see does not have the appearance of the fatherland that I desire to see; nor have your hometowns reached the standard that I want to see. After I pass away, I want you to build up the fatherland to the highest level, as I have desired it to be, and leave behind beautiful ideal hometowns.

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