Cham Bumo Gyeong: Episode 135

Cham Bumo Gyeong
Book 5: Expansion of the Providential Foundation and the Annual Mottoes
Chapter 4: The Annual Mottoes and Setting Goals for Each Stage of the Providence
Section 4: The 1990s, Let us proudly testify to True Parents and love True Parents by accomplishing the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing
Section 4: The 1990s, Paragraph 22

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Let us proudly testify to True Parents and love True Parents by accomplishing the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing

16  The 1997 motto is “Let us proudly testify to True Parents and love True Parents by accomplishing the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing.” The motto for 1996 was “Let us proudly testify to True Parents and love True Parents.” This year, if we ask what is the key to fulfilling the motto “Let us proudly testify to True Parents and love True Parents,” it is “by accomplishing the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing.” This year a historic, cosmic event will take place: the Blessing of 3.6 million couples. Once we complete the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing, we can proceed to the 36 Million Couples Blessing. With these victories, we will be able to surmount all the numbers that Satan completed to build his world. Think about how many years it will take to complete the Blessing of 36 million couples, then give the Blessing to 360 million couples, and then to 3.6 billion couples, and eventually give the Blessing to all humanity.

In the family there must be Adam and Eve, man and woman. This is absolute; this formula does not change. It is the same in every age, no matter what kind of prolongations history has passed through. Adam’s family was the place where two people were to settle as one. From Adam’s family, that process then passes on through all of history, continuing eternally.

17  If I give you the motto “Let us proudly testify to True Parents and love True Parents,” it means that I must have made the condition that I proudly testified to God and loved God. So when God says, “Good job! You loved Me indeed!” based on my making that condition, you too should proudly testify to True Parents and love them. You need to understand this tradition and pass it on.

Being that I am the world-level Messiah, there have to be people in the position of national messiahs; otherwise there is no way for others to proudly testify to me as the world-level Messiah. Likewise, for national messiahs to educate people and proudly testify to who True Parents are, they should have tribal messiahs supporting them. And for the tribal messiahs to proudly testify to who True Parents are in front of their ancestors and future generations, they should educate people to take the position of supportive family-level messiahs. This is the messianic teaching and the path that believers in True Parents need to go.

When we talk about becoming messiahs, we mean becoming true parents. But in order to become true parents, we have to establish the tradition in our family that we proudly testify to God. Even as we testify to God in our family, we should also be able to proudly testify to our own parents. As we love God, we should love them. Based on that realm of love in the family in which we proudly testify to our parents, we should expand that realm to the national level, world level and cosmic level. Then, in the embrace of God’s blessing, we can finally live in the realm of freedom as a family of the heavenly kingdom.

To proudly testify to and love True God absolutely, we must complete the 360 Million Couples Blessing and cut off the lineage of Satan’s world

18  The motto for 1998 is “To proudly testify to and love True God absolutely, we must complete the 360 Million Couples Blessing and cut off the lineage of Satan’s world.” The motto for 1997 was “Let us proudly testify to True Parents and love True Parents by accomplishing the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing.” The motto for this year refers to the completion of the 360 Million Couples Blessing; after that we will be able to cut off the lineage of Satan’s world. This is the only thing that needs to be done.

Last year, our motto was about True Parents, but this time it is about True God. Also, now we must complete the 360 Million Couples Blessing and cut off the lineage of Satan’s world. God has been toiling for this purpose throughout history, not only to cut it off but even to pull out the root. So we will have to pull out the root. True Parents have the power to pull out that root.

19  We have thus far completed giving the Blessing to 40 million couples. This was a record-breaking event, noteworthy throughout the world. It was an unforgettable event, which could take place only once in history. No one can ever do it again. It never happened in the past and can never be repeated in the future.

Now another Blessing event, the 360 Million Couples Blessing, is approaching. It too will be an unprecedented event in history. By giving the Blessing to 360 million couples, all of history will be cleared up. Through it we should be able to liberate God, expel Satan and completely cut off and abolish Satan’s filthy lineage. An era of great change and upheaval will come.
The whole world knows that we accomplished the Blessing of 40 million couples. This fact is known in every country of the world. Now we should build on this by going into our communities and helping them solve the problems of youth. Youth problems are so widespread that no one family or neighborhood alone can tackle them. No nation or organization acting on its own can take responsibility for resolving them. We should all take responsibility for them together.

The first human family became dysfunctional because Adam and Eve fell while they were still juveniles. As seeds sown in the spring yield a harvest in the fall, the seeds of the Fall sown in the Garden of Eden are bearing fruit worldwide in the Last Days. This is not a good harvest, so we must burn it. Nothing should remain. There should be nothing left of the Fall to be harvested. We must turn everything upside down.

The cosmic expansion of the true Blessing and rooting out Satan’s lineage

20  The motto for 1999 is “The cosmic expansion of the true Blessing and rooting out Satan’s lineage.” Rooting out Satan’s lineage means that there are no more dealings with Satan.

The false cannot stand together with the true. Because of this, in the motto I gave in 1998, “To proudly testify to and love True God absolutely, we must complete the 360 Million Couples Blessing and cut off the lineage of Satan’s world,” I included the word “true.” God should be able to stand on the foundation of being true.

Until now, as God carried out His providence of salvation, Satan has been holding Him back every step of the way. I have been striving to create an environment in which Abel can bring Cain to natural surrender. To this end, I produced the motto “To proudly testify to and love True God absolutely, we must complete the 360 Million Couples Blessing and cut off the lineage of Satan’s world.” It means that when we completed the Blessing of 360 Million Couples, we cut off the lineage of Satan’s world. We achieved this goal on September 30, 1998. This means we have now entered the era when humankind has been severed from Satan’s lineage. Now the era of conflict between heaven and earth is passing. By this I mean we have passed over this hill.

We have already gone over the hill of completing the 360 Million Couples Blessing. We’ve already given that Blessing to humanity while standing in the position of the original Adam and Eve. Now that all people, who should have been the extended family of the originally intended Adam and Eve, have received that Blessing, the wall that was blocking heaven and earth is breaking down. This is why I am saying that 1999 is the year when we will pull out Satan’s lineage by the roots. We have to pull out those roots. In order to do that, we have to expand the realm of the grace of the Blessing by uniting the entire cosmos—the spiritual world and the physical world.

21  This year is 1999. The number 9 in 999 was claimed by Satan. If we take them together, the three 9s in 999 represent the three stages of formation, growth and completion. Each of them falls one short of the number 10, the number of liberation.

“True Blessing” means the completed Blessing. It is not just any Blessing that we are expanding to encompass heaven and earth, but the true Blessing. We want to give people the Blessing by which they can become true families and be totally settled. This cosmic-level Blessing is to remove all the sorrow and bitterness that has been entangled in God’s heart and to settle His heart. Thereby we can pull out Satan’s root. This is the final stage. This is why in 1999 we should not miss the chance to invest all of our hearts, all of our devotion and all of our love to bless the entire cosmos. Then the world will naturally follow us.

If you stand in the position of a plus, all those in the minus position will be drawn to you and will naturally follow you. Work with this mind-set until everyone in your neighborhood has received the Blessing. Work so hard that no family is left unconnected to the bond of your love. God, the subject partner of love, radiates the sunlight of His love over all creation, and you need to do the same. It is the only way to create the realm of freedom. If you know it but do not do it, you will fall away. You will feel so ashamed that you will not be able to bring yourself to lament about it, even after you go to the other world. This is why I am telling you, do not ask for blessings and do not seek to be recognized.

This is the way I have been living. Even if God did not express any interest in what I was doing, still I continued the work. Without telling Him what I was doing, I just continued. After continuing like that, things worked out naturally. This is natural law. Did Adam and Eve have to report every single thing to God? If there had been such unity of heart, things would have worked out by natural law. Even if you do not report every detail to God as you work, what you need to do is to make sure to bring the result. This will be greater than just reporting to Him without any result. This is a principle of heavenly law.

22  The motto for 1999 is “The cosmic expansion of the true Blessing and rooting out Satan’s lineage.” There are several ways to sever something: you can remove the leaves, you can cut off the branches or you can cut the main trunk. Yet none of these is as effective as pulling out the root.

We must pull out the root of the first woman, and we must pull out the root of the first man. The beginning point of the root is Satan. Satan put down his root in the beginning. You are now connected to that root; hence, you have a relationship with Satan. This is the reason you have fallen nature. Nevertheless, God’s ultimate desire is to save your family, and every family.

However, the question is how to pull out Satan’s root from the world. The way to pull out this root is not by striking him like an enemy or asking God to strike him like an enemy. Because it was planted with false love, the only way to pull out the root is with true love.

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