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401. True Mother, the Victor of Love

Book 4: May You Blossom, My Beloved
Part 1: Who Is True Mother?
Outline of True Mother’s Life 1: Who Is True Mother? & Chapter 1: True Mother, the Victor of Love

Outline of True Mother’s Life 1: Who Is True Mother?

After the Fall of the first ancestors, Adam and Eve, God established numerous central figures to carry out the work of the providence of restoration. On the foundation thus laid down, He ultimately sent His only begotten son, Jesus, to the earth as the Messiah. However, due to the disbelief of the people of Israel and Judaism, Jesus died on the cross and his short life was brought to an end before he could fulfill his mission. Once again, God sent True Parents as the Lord of the Second Advent and the savior of humanity through the Korean people.

God sent True Father, His only begotten son, to lay the foundation as the Messiah and Lord of the Second Advent, and at the same time, He established True Mother, His only begotten daughter, and prepared her as the Bride of Heaven. On April 11, 1960, with their Holy Wedding finally completing the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, they appeared in the world as the True Parents and opened the era of the True Parents.

True Mother's birth and faith

True Mother was born on the 6th day of the 1st lunar month in 1943, at the home of her maternal grandparents, which was located at number 26, Shineui village in Anju county, South Pyeongan Province. She was the only daughter of her father, Han Seung-oon (Daebunim), and mother, Hong Soon-ae (Daemonim).

Daebunim was a teacher at the Takyeong Public Elementary School and Manseong Public Elementary School, which were private schools in North Korea. He also attended the New Jesus Church of Rev. Lee Yong-do, where he was a church elder during its early years.

Daemonim was born into a devout Christian family in Jeongju, North Pyeongan Province, and she attended a Presbyterian church until the age of 19. After that, she went on a witnessing tour with the team of missionary Hwang Guk-ju, and for many years after 1933 she was active in churches that were preparing to attend the Lord at his Second Advent, spending time in Rev. Lee Yong-do's New Jesus Church, Kim Seong-do's Holy Lord Church, and Heo Ho-bin's Inside the Womb Church.

In 1948, the three generations of mothers and daughters—Grandmother Jo Won-mo, Hong Soon-ae, and True Mother—braved crossing the line of fire to flee to South Korea in order to escape from the oppression of the communist authorities in the North. After that, due to the Korean War, True Mother spent her schooldays as a refugee in Daegu, Jeju Island and Chuncheon.

In December of 1955, Daemonim met True Father at the headquarters church in Cheongpa-dong and joined the Unification Church. True Mother met True Father for the first time at the young age of 13 in March 1956, when Daemonim brought her to the former headquarters church right after her graduation from Bongeui Elementary School in Chuncheon. True Mother then attended Seongjeong Girls' Middle School in Seoul and, after graduating, enrolled in St. Joseph's Nursing School in April 1959.

True Mother as seen from five different perspectives

Since God's providence of salvation is the work of sending the third Adam, the Lord of the Second Advent, and the third Eve, the Bride of Heaven, it is very important to examine True Father's and True Mother's births and lives of preparation for the providence. In particular, we need to know clearly about True Mother, who, together with True Father, has led the era of True Parents. Through examining True Father's words, we can examine the status of True Mother from the following five perspectives:

The first is that True Mother is the third Eve, the object partner of the third Adam. Due to the Fall of Adam and Eve, God sent His only begotten son, Jesus, to the Jewish people as the Messiah entrusted with the mission of the second Adam. However, the Jewish people disbelieved him, thus frustrating Jesus' plans to find the second Eve, establish her as his Bride, participate with her in a holy wedding, become true husband and wife and true parents centered on God, and complete the providential work of saving humankind. Therefore, in order to fulfill the mission that Jesus left incomplete, God sent True Father as the Messiah of the Second Advent, the third Adam, and True Mother as the third Eve.

The second is that True Mother is the Holy Spirit in substantial form. She is the object partner of the Returning Lord. Though Jesus came to earth as God's substantial object partner, he died on the cross because of the disbelief of the Israelites, after which he was resurrected, receiving the Holy Spirit as his spiritual Bride. True Father said that we receive fire when the Holy Spirit comes into our hearts and becomes one with the power of our yearning for Jesus, the Bridegroom. Through the words of Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit, Christianity has spread throughout the world. At the time of the Second Advent, the Holy Spirit appears in substantial form. This is none other than True Mother.

The third is that True Mother is the only begotten daughter, the object partner of the only begotten son. God sent His only begotten son, Jesus, to the Jewish people as the Messiah to bring salvation to fallen humanity. Jesus, the only begotten son who received the first love of Heaven and came to this earth, should have received his Bride, the only begotten daughter, and together they should have become the True Parents under God's blessing and formed a true family. Jesus died on the cross, however, and the position of the only begotten daughter was left vacant. True Mother came to this earth as the only begotten daughter who was found and established by God through the providence of restoration through indemnity, which was carried out for a long time after Jesus' mission could not be completed. True Mother, the only begotten daughter, was born on the foundation of three generations of faith in the Second Advent among the Korean people who were prepared in advance.

The fourth perspective is that True Mother is a true parent. She carries out the work of giving rebirth to humanity as their true parent, in order to save them both spiritually and physically. The Holy Wedding by which the Messiah of the Second Advent received his Bride, the Holy Spirit in substantial form, and the two of them became true husband and wife, is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb recorded in Chapter 19 of the Book of Revelation. This event opened the way to the realization of God's ideal of creation, for which He had created heaven and earth in the first place, and ushered in the historic day on which Adam and Eve, at the standard of the original ideal of creation, could appear as the True Parents. The Holy Wedding also opened the gates to the Blessing; through which all people finally can receive the grace of rebirth and thus rid themselves of original sin. True Parents have now called upon those who have received the Blessing to serve as tribal messiahs and have led them on the path toward the salvation of all people.

The fifth is that True Mother comes from a different root. "True Parents come to earth having the root of God's true love, true life and true lineage. Their mission is to cut down to their stumps the trees of fallen people, which were born from the root of false love, and graft the cuttings of true love onto them” (Chambumo Gyeong 1.1.1:13). True Mother was born from a root fundamentally different from that of fallen humankind. She comes to earth without original sin, bringing true love, true life and true lineage.

In accomplishing her mission, True Mother has gone through the course of restoring the positions of daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother and queen in front of True Father, and she also has fulfilled her mission as the True Mother of humanity. True Parents achieved ultimate oneness and became God's embodiments with the status and authority of the king of kings and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, and proclaimed that the providence of restoration had been perfected, completed and concluded.

Chapter 1: True Mother, the Victor of Love

Gratitude to True Mother

As the rightful True Mother, Mother is the mother of her family, the mother of the church and the mother of the cosmos. As such, she carries a greater responsibility than any woman in history has ever carried. Given her heavy burden, Mother has special strengths and abilities, compared to other people. First, she was born with a keen spiritual intuition. She is extremely insightful and observant about people and things, and her judgment is very accurate and clear. So what comes to her mind is always true. Second, Mother's heart is absolutely loyal toward me, True Father. No matter what others say, she is deeply determined to do whatever I need done for the sake of the Will. This is Mother's faith; it is also Mother's conviction. With this kind of faith and conviction, even in the most trying times she demonstrated remarkable endurance in order to fulfill the goal. With that, she gained victory.

As the True Father, I am deeply grateful that Mother possesses a special disposition toward the Will. She is never selfish. She always wants to give something, not only to her own children but also to you, the members of her church family. Whatever precious things she has, she finds joy in giving them to others.

Many people in the world may think that True Mother takes pleasure in possessing many clothes and jewels, but in fact, this is quite untrue. Whatever good things she has she wants to give to others, to make them happy.

There were even times when she could not find suitable clothes in her closet because she had given away so many of them to others. One day when the weather had suddenly changed, I wanted her to go out with me, but she could not find appropriate clothes for the weather. Of course, she would not be able to follow my tradition unless she lived that way. But I tell you, Mother lives even more frugally than I do.

Mother always did her best to read my mind precisely, and she understood me far better than I expected her to. I was always grateful to Mother for the following three things. First, Mother is very spiritually sensitive and perceptive, so she could understand the spiritual situation quickly and clearly. Second, she is always happy to follow any direction I give her with absolute loyalty and devotion. Thirdly, she feels that all her possessions belong to God and the Heavenly Kingdom, so she can selflessly give anything she has to others, and forget that she has given it.

One more point is that she has brought our home many children. When I look at each one of them, I see excellence and good character. They are also very healthy and natural children. I am eternally grateful to Mother for this. (1977.02.23, Belvedere Training Center)

Victorious True Mother

As I have already mentioned, I am preparing to expand our influence beyond the boundaries of the nation up to the cosmic level. If you approach this work thinking only of your own abilities, you will not be able to continue very long. For example, if Mother were a person who looked at things from her own perspective, thinking of herself, she would not be able to stand in the position of Mother. If there are any leaders here who have self-centered thinking, they should pack their bags and leave now. Anyway, this is a place where people like that cannot remain very long.

That is the point of view with which I look at the leaders. I judge values from that point of view. I assign people to jobs, taking into account how selfish or selfless they are. I am teaching the Principle and thinking about the Principle and practicing the Principle. Today you have heard something about the path I have walked as the leader of the Unification Church. Mother is a victorious woman in this regard. I am also victorious when it comes to this point.

Mother fought for seven years in pursuit of the standard of perfection. That seven-year period was filled with all kinds of accusations, slander, false rumors and misunderstandings that swirled around her, attacking her position in the True Family. All that she endured during that time caused her heart to bleed. Yet in fact, all of it was necessary. The issue was whether she could overcome everything and be victorious.

Mother was victorious over all of it. She had to remain silent and patiently endure. Amid those circumstances, Mother just waited for those days to pass. No matter what happened, Mother kept silent and endured with faith. Persevering, she made herself an offering with indomitable faith, a faith she maintains to this day. Eventually, the circumstances turned around, and instead of criticizing her, all the members bowed their heads before Mother, thinking, "She is truly the Mother of the cosmos.” In this way they came to attend her with respect.

Some unbelievable things happened back then. In the end, those people who had accused Mother fell away one by one. Back when those situations were occurring, I was well aware of how to deal with them, because I knew the Principle. I knew how to fulfill my mission as the leader of the Unification Church in order to bring the final victory. If Mother had not known the Principle, she would have been at a loss, not knowing what to do.

Ultimately, love is the issue. Love is the center of everything, and everything is related to the problem of love. However, this issue of love can drive people to take the wrong direction and even go to extremes. I came to subjugate fallen love and rectify it. This is also to restore the hearts of human beings toward God.

Truly for Mother as well, it has been the cross of love. However, even while enduring all manner of ordeals due to the issue of love, Mother did not utter even one word of excuse. Mother understood, on her own, the significance of these challenges and just endured. This is why she could be victorious in the end.

I have never spoken to Mother about these things as much as I am talking to you about them today. What you can see in her is purely an expression of victorious faith. It is her sacrificial heart and absolute faith in me. Mother and Grandmother Hong Soon-ae have both been victorious in this way. (1977.02.23, Belvedere Training Center)


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