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The Life and Mission of Jesus Christ: Episode 84

Rev. Sun Myung Moon: The Life and Mission of Jesus Christ
Chapter 8: The Resurrection, The Great Commission, Page 213

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The Great Commission

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20) 


Even at the cost of sacrificing his Son, God wanted to save the world … . And God raised up Christianity for the same purpose—to save the world. The Bible says in John 3:16, “God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” Remember, the world is God’s goal. And just as Jesus willingly gave his life so that the world might live, God wants all Christians to be willing to give themselves for the salvation of the world. However, today, Christians of the world are not even close to realizing this heart of God.

God seeks to build one family of man. Therefore, the family, church, and nation that God desires transcend all barriers of race and nationality. The people who are a unified blending of all colors of skin, and who transcend race and nationality are most beautiful in the sight of God and most pleasing to him.

God’s Hope for America
June 1, 1976

Jesus walked a doleful, lonesome, and painful path for 33 years of his life on earth. After his ascension until today, for 2,000 years, he has also been walking a path of sorrow and loneliness. Yet Jesus has not walked this path for his own sake. He voluntarily walked the path of suffering for the sake of fallen humankind, to restore fallen human beings back to God….

Jesus voluntarily led the life of a wayfarer to find true sons and daughters of God and to establish true life and love among a people who did not welcome him. Ever since his resurrection and ascension, he has been seeking us with the same heart. To put it another way, Jesus has not been living in glory or freedom with a joyful heart, but even at this moment he is in great anguish because he sympathizes with the pitiful people of this earth who are suffering hunger and thirst internally and externally. He worries about the believers who are groping to find the path of life. On behalf of the believers who are imprisoned, he is in prison. Please understand the situation of Jesus, who is not in the position to rejoice with God, even though he has left this earth and dwells in the heavenly kingdom.

The Lord Is My Good Shepherd
March 24, 1957


Father of love! I had thought that Jesus came to the earth for the sake of finding me alone, but that was not all; I had thought that he came for the sake of my family, but that was not all; I had thought that he came for the sake of the chosen people of Israel, but that was not all.

Neither did he come for the sake of any one denomination. We now understand that at the same time that Jesus was the hope of the created world, he came representing its entire value.

Father, what are our minds like today compared to the mind of Jesus, who had the mission to restore everything? Let us not be people who say, “I will die clinging to my family.” Let us not become people who say, “I will die clinging to my people, my nation, my world.”

We earnestly desire, beloved Father, to become people who are able to live risking our lives for the problems of life and death throughout heaven and earth. That is to say, even if I live, I represent heaven and earth, and even if I die, I die representing heaven and earth.

Today, if there remain cries of lamentation among the things of creation, we earnestly pray, Father, that you let us be able to give Jesus and you rest by eliminating them. Work together with us, Father, and allow us to go forward together with you, in order to resolve all historical enmity and to receive the comfort of that resolution.

Earnestly hoping that you will grant us the power to become true filial sons and filial daughters who can praise heaven while digesting every difficulty, we pray all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.

March 23, 1958


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