The Life and Mission of Jesus Christ: Episode 55

Rev. Sun Myung Moon: The Life and Mission of Jesus Christ
Chapter 6: Jesus’ Last Week in Jerusalem, Cleansing the Temple, Page 142-144

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Cleansing the Temple

Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it a ‘den of robbers.’ ” (Matthew 21:12-13)


In the city of Jerusalem, Jesus was sometimes angered at the immoral behavior of the people. He even overturned the money-changers’ tables in a moment of violence. By normal standards he should have been arrested, and no civil court would have vindicated him. But under the law of God Jesus had not committed any sin. Civil law is not heavenly law.

Do you want to become a person who will be judged in God’s court, or become a person who can even rise above the court of God? What kind of person should you become to rise above God’s judgment? Become a Savior by adopting the savior’s way of life as your way of life. You can be a person who can give salvation to the world and who can say, “I will be responsible for the world and all of humanity; I will give my entire life and soul and energy for that purpose.” Then you are indeed walking side by side with the Messiah.

The Age of Judgment and Ourselves
November 21, 1976

If a soldier kills many of the enemy on the battlefield, he may be given the Medal of Honor. However, if that same soldier even accidentally kills someone during peacetime, then he is called a criminal. Both are acts of murder. Why do people applaud one act but punish the other? Only one thing makes his actions different: the soldier is not motivated by personal benefit to kill in combat. When his action is a public one for the defense of his nation then he is honored, but if he kills at home for his own selfish reasons then he is condemned.

In light of this, how can we define what law is? Law is a regulation or criterion to control or contain the actions of selfish people. Laws are a necessity if selfish people are to live together. Whether for an individual, group, or nation, the law sets limits and prohibits people from violating their minimal social responsibility. On the other hand, no laws are needed between people who naturally live their lives for the sake of others in a totally unselfish and devoted way. Have you ever heard of a law regulating people who are sincerely devoted to service? Humanity is supposed to be liberated from the law eventually. You must become people who do not require laws on the levels of the individual, group, nation, and even the world.

To live above the law you must become an unselfish person; then your outlook is not limited by your own selfish purpose. When you become a person who is determined to live for the highest cause, for the sake of the world, then you will be liberated from the need for all levels of law below that cause. When you become the type of person about whom people can say, “He does not live for himself. He lives for God,” then you are indeed a great and fearless person.

Let Us Think Once More
June 12, 1977

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