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The Life and Mission of Jesus Christ: Episode 20

Rev. Sun Myung Moon: The Life and Mission of Jesus Christ
Chapter 3: The Sermon on the Mount, Be Perfect As Your Heavenly Father Is Perfect, Page 59-60

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Be Perfect As Your Heavenly Father Is Perfect

“Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48)

The entire purpose of Jesus’ coming can be summarized in one sentence: Jesus came to bring the resurrection needed to perfect man’s love to the point where men can come into the direct dominion of God’s love.

True Parents and I
June 15, 1986

Jesus is a Son of God simply because he was perfectly united with God in will and in heart. Because of that oneness Jesus Christ could willingly die for the rest of the world. How can you become the true sons and daughters of Christ? By becoming perfectly one with Christ, one with his spirit and one with his heart. If you are perfectly united with Jesus Christ, you can be a willing sacrifice for the salvation of the rest of the world. The true Christians are those who are willing to sacrifice themselves, their own church, and their denomination for the fulfillment of the will of God for world salvation.

God’s Will and Christmas
December 25, 1976

Do you know how Jesus Christ subjugated Satan? There was a sharp contrast between the desires of Jesus and those of Satan. Satan wanted to have the center position of the world. He wanted to be the Lord. He wanted everyone to focus upon him, but Jesus would not. Jesus offered an alternative. Jesus focused upon God and taught others to do the same. This difference gave Jesus the weapon to subjugate Satan. Jesus’ battle was tough and rugged, a suffering one, leading him up the hill of Calvary bearing the cross. Jesus nailed himself upon the cross as a sacrifice.   

Jesus wanted Peter’s undying love. Jesus wanted the disciple, not as a follower, but to be as Jesus himself. Jesus wanted his disciple to be another Jesus. Jesus wanted his disciple to be not merely a follower but to become as perfect and as great as he was himself. I discovered that this is the real way to serve God. Do not just be a follower, merely a receiver of the command, but be one with God, be one with Christ.

March 12, 1965


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